article What is a Starseed? Are You a Starseed?
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Spirituality & Omens

What is a Starseed? Are You a Starseed?

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Moon Omens

February 11, 2020

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If you’ve ever looked up at the night sky and felt an unexplainable and deep connection to the radiant beauty, you are likely to be a Starseed awakening to your soul’s connection to the stars and the Universe around you.


Starseeds are the children of the stars, rising from stardust and divine light


They are beings that have lived previous lifetimes on Earth and have also experienced life in other parts of the Universe, possibly even on other planets or in different galaxies. Their souls carry divine inner wisdom within the very core of their being and special abilities that may remain dormant until needed. They are deeply encoded with activation encryptions that will allow them to unlock and retrieve this wisdom and talent at a specific point in time so it may be utilized for a higher divine purpose.


How do you know if you’re a starseed?


Deep down you know you aren’t like those around you. You may have grown up with a sense of misplacement or like you don’t belong. You’ve felt out of place and almost as though you were dropped to this Earth without a compass. Starseeds have a deep yearning to find and go back to their true home. They long to fill the emptiness that they feel with that which ignites the fire within their soul, giving them a sense of purpose.

Starseeds are not off put by conversations surrounding the supernatural or extraterrestrial. They feel at ease discussing spiritual connections and Universal forces. In fact, they thrive when they can freely discuss the intricacies of human existence and seek to understand their own place in this world.


Starseeds feel compelled to allow their intuition to guide them as they tune into the Higher voice and calling within themselves. They are incredibly in tune with the energy around them and can spot concealed agendas easily. They sense the energy of those around them quickly and can tell right away whether their intentions are pure. If you often find your gut feeling about someone later confirmed to be true, you may just be a Starseed.


What this all means


Many Starseeds are unaware of their unique gifts and of their higher purpose. They are said to live in a sleep-walking state for the majority of their lives. However, when their moment comes, their internal alarm clock will sound, awakening them from their long slumber. Their memories will come flooding back as they realize who they are why they are there at that exact moment.

The primary goal and purpose of any Starseed is to serve humanity. They are sent to bring their unique abilities and divine wisdom at key moments in time to help uplift humanity to a higher ascended status.

Starseeds are old souls. They have lived many lives and experienced many incarnations throughout our Universe and even beyond. Their souls vibrate at the frequency of pure light and love, allowing them to pave new pathways, create progress, and heal those around them. They are put on this planet to help foster the growth and expansion of all the souls that reside here.

new earth

They are here to carry the seeds of light, allowing for rapid shifts in consciousness and profound awakening. Starseeds are here to break through their own limitations, patterns, and fears in order to help those around them embrace complete freedom as well. Over many lifetimes, their souls have gained the wisdom to help create stellar advancements in the world around them on all planes of existence be they physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual.

Starseeds are here to serve as a beacon of divine light, fulfilling their Higher purpose by propelling us into our Golden Age, one filled with profound awakening, heightened vibrations, and limitless possibilities.

Are you a starseed? Comment below with what resonated with you the most!

P.S. We are going to publish more articles on starseeds in the upcoming days, so stay tuned 🙂

Sending infinite love & blessings your way!

The Moon Omens Team

P.P.S. If you haven’t already, we invite you to read the second article of the Starseed series “Starseeds – The Three Main Categories” tap here or on the image below to read.



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Tell us what you think


  • Hi,
    My heart felt goal, dream, desire, purpose and destiny! ✨️ is…
    ‘ To help and protect as many Living things as possible on Earth 🌎 in the Universe 🌌 and Everywhere 🌌🌠🌌
    I can see & feel my purpose… I just need help… to enable me to serve and carry out my core tasks ( Jobs! ) On Earth 🌎 to start with! Baby steps to start and as a child would say ” I am only Learning! ” I am asking for any help available from all available sources anywhere! …. Team effort! ❤️

  • Felt connected deeply with everything you mentioned. I just came to know the true meaning of starseeds I’ve recently come across yesterday but your blog is much detailed that it feels like I’ve discovered myself along with compensating with all your words. 🌌✨Now, I’ve discovered why I’ve been attracted to this Spiritual platform! I feel blessed enough for this lineage. Can’t thank enough to the mighty Universe and God!💎💙✨🌞Thanks a tons to the entire team for this wonderful blog!🦋💎🌸✨

  • I have just been led here, Love what i just read, Everything is resonating, my Awakening has started and it’s all coming back to me, it’s asif I’ve been receiving Flashbacks from the future that i couldn’t explain but i have been following My Intuition, so you now have a New follower.

  • I suffered for decades from depression and used to self harm. I also tried to end my life a couple of times. I had a traumatic upbringing but, the main thing that always bothered me was the fact that, all my life, felt like I didn’t belong here and that my soul was lost. I always questioned why I was chosen to come to this earth. Despite feeling like this, I always felt the need to help others. People or animals. I always suffered immensely with other people’s or animals pain, to a point I isolated myself from the world. The only thing I carried on doing was rescuing animals and giving them a loving home. A few months ago someone shifted. I don’t know how it happened but, suddenly, I forgave my mother for the pain she put me through as a child. I truly forgave her. My heart felt lighter. Last night, a complete stranger responded to a message I put on a post regarding starseed people. His comment brought me down to tears as he said a few things that really touched my heart and he also said I am a starseed. I had no idea what that meant so I start searching and ended up on this page. This idea is very new to me so I can’t help but take it with a pinch of salt but everything you wrote here made so much sense I was, again, in tears.

  • If one truly believes this, than one would know nothing matters as their experience and seek further enlightenment

  • I suffer a long trama in my life last 6 gf leave carrer is not wealth is not good.but i am hopeful about universe..i sudden get this page.and feel .wow its my elobration..i am surprised.but not know how to live ahead..i found directionless

  • all of this article resonates. I have been up and I have been down. I have had many traumatic events in my life here on earth. I know I am a old soul with a purpose a lifes destiny. I just not sure what that path is or of I am even on the right path. There are days that I am so weary and it has been more often then naught…..I welcome the new beginning and I welcome the light into my life. I thank the source for all that I have!

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    • I do, I really do. I was catapulted into this unique family and from a young age experienced highly unusual occurrences that to me, didn’t appear to me to be normal to what other people were experiencing. And I never told anyone. I had a canny sense of intuition that was clearly cosmic, plus this sense of awe. No one else to me appeared to experience this but me. Later in life, I was told about a 9D otherworldly place exempt of gravity, where mountains float in ethereal oceans of currents of light and moving translucent creatures. They are many other life forms on my home planet and all living from 9th to 11th density. Imagine, the submarine life in our Terran oceans, but made with light, colors, ethereal matter, in floating and gracious dancing moves. This is where I lived. A perfect world. I remember manifesting as a bright light with filaments of etheric substance dancing around a barely, blinding bright, tall humanoid body. You cannot see the features on the faces but I was told we are have eyes like crystal.
      I miss my family of light as much as you do. K.A.

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    I wrote this earlier in my notes on my phone, I have lived many lives even in the life I am living now. I have never fit my family’s mould. I was a rebel, fearless, always wanted to feel weightless and free. I never had a direction, never wanted anything superficial. I have been married, it wasn’t for me, it restricted me, dimmed my light. I have had 2 beautiful children that make my heart expand daily. I had a career but it just felt so superficial working in advertising. I have had a lot of trauma, this road hasn’t been easy but I have finally left everything that was comfortable and followed my heart and intuition, I now work in service of others, children with autism that are not vocal and it’s the first time life has meaning. Getting to love and care for others just makes sense. I always love deeply, from depths of my soul and today I have realised that, that is what I am, I am a vessel of love and light and that’s what I am here to do. And I meet others like me and I believe that we are starting to recognise each other. I have always believed in past lives and been mesmerised by the stars, when I meditate I often see the stars in space. Maybe I am a star seed? I just came across this today.

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