article Venus in Virgo 2024: the Value of Discernment
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Astrology & Omens

Venus in Virgo 2024: the Value of Discernment

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Moon Omens

August 4, 2024

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On August 4, 01:15 PM —

On August 4, 10:23 PM EST, Venus leaves Leo and enters Virgo, just a few hours after the Leo New Moon has taken place. Venus’ ingress in Virgo reminds us of the value of discernment, especially in relationships and financial matters, and motivates us to invest more in our self-development and healing journeys. The Goddess of Love is going to remain in Virgo until August 29.

Venus’s transit through Virgo is especially relevant for those of us born with planets or angles in Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces). The individuals personally impacted by Venus’ ingress in Virgo will have opportunities to sharpen their discernment skills and deepen their capacity to analyze their own patterns and behaviors without falling into the trap of self-criticism and perfectionism.

Venus from Leo to Virgo: Self-Analysis and Observation


Venus in Astrology is connected with how we relate with both ourselves and others, with our relationship to money and wealth, and with our ability to be magnetic, to attract what we desire, and receive what Life provides us. Due to Venus’s rulership of Taurus, this planet has to do with what we value and with self-worth and survival issues. Her rulership of Libra reflects Venus’s association with beauty, harmony, and our connections with other people.

Venus’ journey through the Yang, Fixed, Fire sign of Leo inspired us to place a high value on creativity, play, and enjoying life. This transit gave us permission to shine and let our inner beauty ripple out and be seen by the world. Venus in Leo offered us an invitation to explore new avenues for self-expression and creativity and reminded us to value ourselves, set our standards high, and make choices accordingly.

Venus’s ingress in Virgo, a Yin, Earth, and Mutable invites us to direct our attention inward and engage in self-analysis in order to understand how we can improve our relationships with others and ourselves, our alignment with our values, and the way we relate to money. This transit brings our attention to what can be refined and adjusted in these areas of life and, together with Mercury’s presence in the sign, inspires us to deepen our observation of ourselves, others, and the patterns that emerge in our relationships.


Venus in Virgo: Self-Analysis and Self-Improvement


Venus’s journey through Virgo fuels our desire to improve ourselves and our health, refine how we show up in our relationships with others, and develop better ways to manage our money and resources. For this reason, Venus’ transit through Virgo can reflect a sense of analysis-paralysis as well as a surge in self-criticism, criticism of others, and feeling easily criticized.

This combination of energies can indicate a tendency to focus more on what doesn’t work and can be improved rather than on what works well already or the progress we have made. Venus in Virgo transit is an opportunity to observe the link between the criticism we feel coming from the outside and the voice of our inner critic and perfectionist, always whispering in the background of our minds. It is a powerful time to develop a different relationship with our inner critic and explore how to relate to our imperfect nature in new ways.

Venus in Virgo 2024

Venus opposite Saturn and square Jupiter


During her journey through Virgo, Venus is going to oppose Saturn and Neptune, both retrograde in Pisces. Venus is also going to square both Jupiter and Mars in Gemini and trine Uranus in Taurus.

On August 19, as the Aquarius Full Moon peaks, Venus squares Jupiter as they both perfect their alignment to Saturn. Mars is also involved in the configuration, even if the Venus-Mars square won’t be exact yet. The Venus-Jupiter square invites us to reflect on our relationship to self-indulgence and on any tendency to be overly generous with others with an unconscious expectation to get something in return. The Venus-Saturn opposition instead helps us gain awareness of any scarcity mindset in both finances and relationships: it could point to a lack of receptivity or a tendency to relate to others already expecting that we won’t receive enough.

This configuration is technically known as a T-square and reflects the emergence of an inner conflict linked to an imbalance: T-squares propel us to take action and make changes to resolve the tension. Three of the four Mutable signs are involved, and Sagittarius is the only one missing. This highlights the importance of connecting with our personal truth, with what is true for us in the present moment, and trusting it even if we don’t understand it rationally.


Venus square Mars, trine Uranus, opposite Neptune


On August 23, Venus in Virgo squares Mars in Gemini. The tense alignment between the cosmic lovers can indicate a period of tension and friction in our relationships, particularly the intimate ones, and challenges us to find ways to satisfy both our desires and those of others. The Venus-Mars alignment will inspire and motivate us to find creative solutions and agreements that enhance everyone’s experience.

The trine between Venus in Virgo and Uranus in Taurus, exact on August 27, inspires us to integrate more novelty and change in our connections, work, and daily routines. This aspect invites open-mindedness and experimentation: it supports our capacity to detach from ways of relating that result from internalized conditioning and motivates us to discover what is authentic for us.

Venus in Virgo is going to oppose Neptune in Pisces on August 28. This alignment reflects an increase in our tendency to project on other people our expectations and fantasies and a surge in our desire to save someone or to be saved by another. The Venus-Neptune opposition is an opportunity to acknowledge how we idealize relationships and love and how our desire for the perfect bond may prevent us from being present and appreciating the connections we already have.


Venus in Virgo: Discernment, Service, and Health


In Virgo, Venus reminds us of the value of health, inspires us to invest in our wellbeing and healing, and invites us to perceive wellness holistically, considering all dimensions of it, including the health of our relationships and the impact of our financial situation on our wellbeing. This transit brings our attention to how the choices we make every day, particularly the people we surround ourselves with, affect our physical body, as well as our emotional, mental, and spiritual health.

Venus in Virgo is an opportunity to sharpen our discernment skills and get better at analyzing and observing both our and others’ motivations, intentions, and behaviors. This transit is an opportunity to reflect on what value we attribute to service, what service means to us, and whether our values and daily choices are in alignment.


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