article Venus in Scorpio: Need for Intensity
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Astrology & Omens

Venus in Scorpio: Need for Intensity

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Moon Omens

November 22, 2020

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On November 21, 08:22 AM ET, Venus transits from Libra to Scorpio. The Goddess of Love is now entering the Underworld: she is inviting us to deepen our relationships and to understand ourselves and others in more profound ways. As soon as Venus enters Scorpio, she invites us to dive into our Soul’s depths: Venus in Scorpio will promote an intense self-analysis and exploration of our inner world, our psychology, and our subconscious intentions and motivations.

During this transit, lasting until December 15, we may tend to be more defensive and distant, we need more time to trust others, and we may even test them to make sure they deserve our attention and energy. While Venus is in Scorpio, we constantly monitor and analyze our internal state, other people’s behavior, and the external environment, to detect any potential threat.


The Yin and the Yang side of Venus


Venus in Astrology symbolizes the way we relate to ourselves and others, how we deal with money and our material possessions, and it is the planet associated with our value systems and our resources. Venus has two sides, one of them directed inwardly, and the other one directed outwardly: the way the two sides manifest is tightly connected, as those we attract into our lives are reflecting our inner reality. 

The Yin or inner side of Venus rules the archetype of Taurus, and it corresponds with our values, our self-worth, our survival instinct, and the relationship we have with ourselves. The Yang side of Venus is directed outwardly: it correlates to the relationships we form with other people and it is associated with the sign of Libra. 


From Libra to Scorpio: Creating Deeper Intimacy


We can consider the Zodiac in its natural order as the progression of twelve stages of awareness or twelve phases of the evolution of consciousness. With the transition from Libra to Scorpio, our main orientation shifts from the Yang side of Venus to the Yin one: our focus turns within, on our psychology, and on the way everything works. There is a strong need for a deeper understanding of both the way we inwardly operate and the way other people inwardly function.

According to traditional Astrology, Venus is in her “Detriment” in Scorpio, meaning that the energies of the two archetypes can struggle to blend in a balanced way. Here, there may be too much intensity for Venus to feel comfortable expressing herself. While Venus in Libra is comfortable with compromise, diplomacy, and negotiation, with Venus in Scorpio finding balance can be harder: we want everything or nothing at all.

During her journey through the Underworld, Venus aims for a complete understanding of our limitations and the unconscious emotional and psychological dynamics involved in any situation. This transit is asking us to let go of any tendency to censor ourselves for the fear of being too much for others, too intense for being accepted and loved. Venus in Scorpio is about radical honesty: it is about sharing our deepest fears and vulnerabilities, acknowledging our need to be loved and seen for who we are.


Venus opposite Uranus & Venus trine Neptune


During her transit through Scorpio, Venus will oppose Uranus in Taurus and trine Neptune in Pisces. The exact alignments are perfecting on November 27 and December 5. Nonetheless, we will feel their influence for a few days before and after the exact dates, especially since we have an Eclipse right in the middle, on November 30.

With oppositions, we tend to experience the energy of the more distant planet, in this case, Uranus, through other people, issues, and situations that seem to be happening to us. Uranus is about freedom, eccentricity, rebellion, and surprises: the opposition to Venus may bring sudden shifts in our romantic and social life, unexpected revelations, and unusual events. Whatever takes place, its invitation is to let go of our dependency on other people and external conditions and to learn to feel safe and secure within ourselves.

On December 5, Venus in Scorpio will create a beautiful trine to Neptune in Pisces. Trines are aspects promoting an easy flow of energy and exchange of information between the planets involved. This alignment is supporting the integration of our sensitivity and intuition, and it is allowing us to be more receptive and psychically open within our relationships. While we may have some trouble understanding what is real and what is not real, the connection between Venus and Neptune will highly enhance our creativity and inspire us to connect with something much greater than us.

venus in scorpio

“Erotic longing is really a longing to merge with something greater than oneself. For every kind of love is a force that holds the promise of taking us beyond the limitations of our individual lives.” ― Julianne Davidow


Venus in Scorpio: Integrating Fears & Learning to Be Vulnerable


During the transit of Venus through Scorpio, our inner magnetism changes, and our point of attraction shifts dramatically: we are longing for someone who is able to guide us into the depths of our Soul and who, in turn, desires that we do the same for them. We want intense experiences, because they ultimately lead to self-understanding.

While we intensely desire true healing, intimacy, and connection, we also tend to conceal our emotions, our inadequacies, our insecurities, and our vulnerability. Venus in Scorpio represents an invitation to be totally honest with both ourselves and others about our feelings, emotions, and needs. 

Take care not to fall into the lower expressions of Venus in Scorpio: it is a transit that may reflect a tendency to generate a sense of safety and security in unhealthy ways, such as power plays and controlling behaviors.

The higher evolutionary purpose of Venus’ journey through the Underworld is to help us deal with deep fears of loss, betrayal, and abandonment. During this time, we are encouraged to become aware of any tendency to manipulate others in order to keep them dependent on us. Unconscious behavior patterns we have been carrying since childhood can emerge at this time, and they have the potential to be uncovered and understood.

Ultimately, Venus in Scorpio will invite us to deepen our relationships with both ourselves and others, to create deep emotional bonds, to share who we truly are fearlessly, to let go of social masks, and stop limiting ourselves to surface-level interactions.

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