article Venus in Scorpio 2024: Love and Loss
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Astrology & Omens

Venus in Scorpio 2024: Love and Loss

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Moon Omens

September 19, 2024

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On September 19, 07:22 PM —

On September 22, 10:36 PM EST, Venus leaves Libra and enters Scorpio just a few hours after the Sun transitioned from Virgo to Libra. Venus is going to remain in Scorpio until October 17, offering us an invitation to deepen our emotional intimacy with both ourselves and others, welcome both love and loss, and confront fears and insecurities that prevent us from opening our hearts, trusting, and being vulnerable.

Venus’ shift of signs, happening almost simultaneously with the beginning of Libra season, brings the spotlight on our relationships and sets the stage for the upcoming New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse in Libra, taking place on October 2.

This transit is especially relevant for the people born with personal placements in Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius). Venus’s journey through Scorpio will offer them an invitation to confront and transform habitual patterns that show up in their intimate relationships and financial lives, let go of rigid emotional defenses, and open up to deeper and more meaningful connections.

Venus from Libra to Scorpio: Deepening Intimacy


In Astrology, the transits of Venus inform us of shifts in our values and our way of relating with ourselves, with others, with money, with our physical bodies, our sensuality, and Nature. Venus is associated with what we enjoy, what we desire, what we are attracted to, and with our ability to magnetize and receive it.

Venus’s journey through her home sign of Libra inspired us to create more harmony in our lives and our relationships, reminding us of the importance of considering both our and others’ desires, needs, and feelings. This transit invited us to choose collaboration over competition and encouraged us to recognize and solve any imbalances between how much we give and how much we receive.

Venus’ ingress into Scorpio is an invitation to establish deeper intimacy with both ourselves and others. This shift inspires a deepening of our connections, highlighting the value of relationships as evolutionary accelerators and catalysts. In the Fixed Water sign of Scorpio, Venus seeks emotional intimacy and transformative bonds: this transit encourages us to dive into the undercurrent of relationships rather than stay safe on the surface.


Venus in Scorpio 2024: Love and Loss


The transition from Libra to Scorpio in the Zodiac has a lot to do with the deepening of relationships. After assessing compatibility on a basic level through conversations, casual interactions, and establishing agreements, it is time to deepen our bonds. As Scorpio is a Water sign, emotions become involved and the focus goes on merging with the other.

Ruling over sexuality, marriage, and shared resources, Scorpio teaches us that true intimacy requires trust, transparency, and willingness to surrender control. Associated with power, empowerment, and Soul desire, Scorpio challenges us to accept impermanence and embrace both love and loss. When Venus is in the sign of the Scorpion, this invitation deepens, as we are called to choose vulnerability and dare to show our true selves to our close ones.

Trust issues come front and center during this transit, as we are challenged to evaluate whether our relationships are basedon a true foundation and discern who we can trust and to what extent. This is a powerful time to confront fears and insecurities surrounding betrayal, hurt, and abandonment, and embrace the full spectrum of emotions, accepting that to love means to accept the inevitability of loss.


Venus in aspect to Saturn, Mars, and Uranus


During her journey through Scorpio, Venus is going to align with retrograde Saturn in Pisces, Mars in Cancer, retrograde Uranus in Taurus, retrograde Neptune in Pisces, and Pluto in Capricorn.

Venus trines retrograde Saturn on October 4. This aspect inspires us to think for the long term when it comes to both relationships and financial matters: the Venus-Saturn trine encourages us to consolidate those connections built on a steady foundation and represents a beneficial influence on financial planning, saving, and investing.

On October 8, Venus in Scorpio perfects her trine to Mars in Cancer. The harmonic alignment between the two relationship planets supports our ability to reconcile our needs and desires with other people’s needs and desires and find healthy compromises that add value to everyone.

Venus in Scorpio opposes retrograde Uranus in Taurus on October 14. This alignment, happening just a few days before the Annular Solar Eclipse in Libra, highlights the urge to make radical and drastic changes in our relationships and values. The Venus-Uranus opposition emphasizes the tension between our need for freedom, independence, and self-reliance, and our desire to establish deep and intimate emotional connections with others.

Venus in Scorpio 2024

Venus in aspect to Neptune and Pluto


On October 15, Venus trines retrograde Neptune in Pisces. This harmonic aspect supports our capacity to be compassionate with both ourselves and others as well as our desire to strengthen our connection with something greater than ourselves. The Venus-Neptune trine is a very beneficial influence for all creative and artistic endeavors.

Finally, shortly before entering Sagittarius on October 17, Venus in Scorpio forms a sextile with Pluto at 29º of Capricorn. The Venus-Pluto sextile increases our desire for passion and intensity: this aspect encourages us to transform the way we show up in relationships, embrace vulnerability, and face truths we have been avoiding.


Venus in Scorpio 2024: Beyond Superficial Relating


While Venus is in Scorpio, opportunities to become aware of underlying power imbalances, control issues, and manipulation attempts within relationships will arise. This is an invitation for us to get more familiar with our shadow and recognize those unspoken needs and unacknowledged desires that drive our behaviors, especially within our most intimate relationships. Venus’s journey through Scorpio could bring up unresolved pain from our past, offering us a chance to recognize how it is still affecting the way we show up in relationships in the present and identify the defense mechanisms we unconsciously formed as a result of old experiences. 

During this time, we have opportunities to deepen our self-exploration, ask ourselves more profound questions, and examine the nature of our attachments, cravings, and desires. Venus in Scorpio is an invitation to move beyond superficial relating, embrace our depth without fear, welcome the intensity of our emotions, and allow love to transform us.


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