article Venus enters Sagittarius: Learning from Each Other
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Astrology & Omens

Venus enters Sagittarius: Learning from Each Other

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Moon Omens

November 16, 2022

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On November 16, 06:49 PM —

On November 16, 01:09 AM ET, Venus leaves Scorpio to enter Sagittarius, where she is going to remain until December 9. This shift increases our desire to learn from each other and explore relationships as a tool for self-development and self-knowledge. The ingress of Venus in Sagittarius inspires us to harmonize our desire for freedom and independent exploration of life with our need for connection and intimacy.

Venus is the first planet that enters Sagittarius in a few days’ time frame, as Mercury, the Sun, and the Moon are following shortly. The emphasis on the sign of the Centaur is going to be strong for the upcoming weeks: for this reason, we have an opportunity to deepen our relationship with this archetype in a variety of ways.

Venus from Scorpio to Sagittarius: Relationships as Catalysts for Expansion


In Astrology Venus, the planetary ruler of Taurus and Libra, is associated with our romantic and social life, with our connection with our bodies, with Nature, and with ourselves, with our relationship with abundance, money, and wealth, with our value systems, with our ability to appreciate our sensuality and the pleasures of life. Transits of Venus reflect shifts in our experience of relationships, values, and finances, as well as in our receptivity and self-worth.

During the journey of Venus through Scorpio, our experience of relationships gets more passionate, visceral, and obsessive. We are drawn to value intense exchanges, we aim to establish intimacy and merge with others on all levels. Our relationship with ourselves has also deepened throughout these past weeks, and we had opportunities to get to know ourselves, our psychology, and our relating patterns in a more profound way.

venus enters sagittarius

Venus entering Sagittarius brings more playful and cheerful energy into the relationship sphere and inspires us to value everything that contributes to expanding our awareness, our knowledge, and our horizons. This transit correlates with a desire to embody and be surrounded by authenticity and spontaneity, and it catalyzes an urge to reconnect and honor our natural, most instinctual selves. Venus in Sagittarius inspires us to value pursuits, activities, people, and settings that add a sense of purpose and meaning to our lives, and to focus on our self-discovery journey.


Venus sextile Saturn, opposite Mars, square Neptune and Jupiter


During her transit through Sagittarius, Venus is going to form a sextile to Saturn in Aquarius, oppose retrograde Mars in Gemini, and square Neptune and Jupiter in Pisces.

On December 1, Venus perfects both her sextile to Saturn and her opposition to Mars. The Venus-Saturn sextile facilitates considerate financial choices and investments and inspires us to value clarity, commitment, and consistency in relationships. The Venus-Mars opposition, however, reflects some tension between our needs, desires, and values and those of others. As Mars is in retrograde motion, there is still likely to be some confusion relative to what we desire and why: discussions and confrontations within our relationships may inspire further reflection on the true intentions and motivations behind our choices.

On December 4, Venus squares Neptune in Pisces. This aspect underlines the necessity to be discerning and grounded, both in our relationships and in our financial choices. Our imagination and creativity will be highly supported by this transit, and dwelling in fantasy can be more tempting than usual. If our expectations, particularly of other people, are too unrealistic, disillusionment could be a necessary experience for us to realign with Truth.

venus enters sagittarius

A few days later, on December 9, shortly before entering Capricorn Venus squares Jupiter in the late degrees of Pisces. Their alignment increases our desire to be out and about, meet new people, be social, and have fun and corresponds to tendencies to overindulge and overspend. The Venus-Jupiter square represents an invitation to be mindful of the risks of excessive idealism and generosity and offers us an opportunity to ask ourselves how much of our giving may be unconsciously rooted in an expectation to get something back.


Venus enters Sagittarius: Learning from Each Other


After an intense Eclipse season, during which Venus has had a prominent role, the changes in values, relationships, and finances that have been taking place are still landing and consolidating.

Venus’s journey through Sagittarius increases our desire to discover our personal truth, honor it, and share it with others. It inspires us to explore systems of beliefs or philosophies that provide us with guidance and help us make sense of our experiences. At this time, we are particularly invested in finding out the deeper lesson of what we are going through.

As a Yang, Fire, and Mutable archetype, Sagittarius is all about expansion. The ingress of Venus in the sign can bring a newfound desire to expand our social circles, get to know a variety of people, and explore unfamiliar social settings. At the same time, it will inspire us to connect with ourselves in entirely new ways, and maybe invest more money, time, and energy into personal growth, self-development, and self-exploration. The relationships we will feel drawn to cultivate and nurture the most are those that enrich us and simulate us, supporting our expansion, our growth, and our self-knowledge.

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