article Venus in Libra: the Value of Connection
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Astrology & Omens

Venus in Libra: the Value of Connection

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Moon Omens

September 29, 2022

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On September 29, 03:49 AM ET, Venus leaves Virgo and enters Libra, her Air domicile, where she remains until October 23. This shift is beneficial for our love and romantic life: it inspires us to recognize the value of connection and to reflect on what balance and harmony mean to us.

While Venus travels through the sign of the Scales, we have an opportunity to get to know ourselves more deeply through the mirror of our relationships. During this transit, we value being surrounded by harmony, peace, and beauty, and we strive to cultivate connections based on equality.


Venus in Libra: Valuing Relationships as Learning Opportunities


Venus’s journey through Virgo has been stressing the importance of discernment while promoting a rather self-contained and pragmatic approach to relationships. Venus entering Libra underlines the value of our connections to other people as a gateway to deeper self-awareness and self-knowledge. As Libra is an Air sign, this shift indicates a more experimental and curious attitude and increased openness to different kinds of social scenarios.

When Venus is in the sign of the Scales, we feel drawn to explore a variety of settings and contexts in order to better understand who we are and who we are not, what we want and what we do not want, what we enjoy and what we don’t, what we value and what others value.

Venus in Libra

Venus in Libra seduces through intellect, wit, and charm. She expresses herself gracefully and elegantly and has a natural, intuitive understanding of the needs and desires of others. This transit is favorable for all artistic and creative pursuits and inspires us to value the role of other people in our lives, the learning that comes from participating in relationships, the process of beautifying our environment, and the journey of establishing adjustments that allow us to be in harmony with our surroundings.


Venus opposite Jupiter & Chiron, Venus trine Saturn


During her transit through Libra, Venus is going to align with several planets. Throughout the upcoming weeks, Venus opposes retrograde Jupiter and Chiron in Aries, trines retrograde Saturn in Aquarius and Mars in Gemini, squares retrograde Pluto in Capricorn, and ultimately joins the Sun in Libra. Venus opposes Jupiter on October 1 and Chiron on October 10.

The opposition of Venus and Jupiter indicates an expansive and generous feeling, together with a desire to widen our social circles, make new experiences, and indulge in life’s pleasures. These days, we may find it challenging to balance alone time with social time and manifest an inclination to spend money impulsively in the pursuit of excitement and stimulation.

The Venus-Chiron opposition invites us to look at how the people in our lives may reflect back at us our own wounds, allowing us to understand something about ourselves that wasn’t fully clear before. This aspect could illuminate relationship dynamics and imbalances we need to address, helping us break free from disempowering beliefs about our self-worth, address low self-esteem issues, and work on the consequent inability to receive and accept love from others.

On October 14, Venus trines Saturn in Aquarius, inspiring us to value commitment, consistency, and reliability in relationships. At this time, we may feel drawn to make important financial decisions, particularly in terms of long-term investments or saving plans, and we are likely to be more considerate with our way of spending and investing money or other resources. These days, we may feel a need to consolidate relationships and partnerships or establish clearer boundaries. 


Venus trine Mars & Venus square Pluto


On October 19, Venus aligns with Mars in Gemini in a harmonic trine. When the two relationship planets are in a harmonious connection, it is easier to balance our needs, desires, and values, with the needs, desires, and values of others. As this alignment is happening in Air signs, this Venus-Mars trine marks a favorable time to work on communication dynamics, discover creative win-win solutions, make new connections, and familiarize ourselves with a variety of social settings.

Shortly after, on October 20, Venus perfects her square to retrograde Pluto in the last degrees of Capricorn. This is a tense alignment that is likely to be felt strongly a few days before and after the square goes exact. Venus-Pluto aspects intensify our experience of relationships and increase our need for passion, depth, and all-consuming exchanges. Power and manipulation dynamics, obsessive fantasies, and a need to control other people could emerge or be exacerbated. When Venus squares Pluto, we crave to consume and be consumed by our experiences, yet we are simultaneously afraid of losing ourselves in the fires of passion: for this reason, push-pull dynamics and manipulation attempts could manifest.


Venus Starpoint in Libra 2022: New Awareness of Relationships


Towards the end of her journey through Libra, on October 22, Venus is going to join the Sun at 29º26’ of the sign of the Scales. This alignment is also technically referred to as Superior Conjunction, and it marks a shift in the relationship between Venus, the Sun, and the Earth, as from now on Venus becomes an Evening Star. Astrologer Arielle Guttman denominated the Venus-Sun conjunction phenomenon Venus Star Point and studied in detail the Venus cycle and the resulting geometry.

The last Venus-Sun conjunction was in Capricorn on January 8, 2022, while Venus was in retrograde motion, and began the current Venus cycle. This superior conjunction begins the second half of the Venus cycle and has a similar energy to a Full Moon as it brings revelations, clarity, and a new understanding of our relationship experiences. Experiencing a Venus-Sun conjunction in Libra brings the spotlight on the importance of working on refining the balance in our lives and our connections, marking a turning point in our awareness of relationship dynamics, as well as in our understanding of what harmony is and what harmony is not.

Venus in Libra

The fact that the Venus-Sun conjunction is happening on the last degree of Libra, the 29º, is also particularly significant as the so-called anaretic degree indicates we are navigating a time of completion, fulfillment, closure, and resolution of karma.


Venus enters Libra: the Value of Connection


While Venus is in Libra, we value the journey of being in relationships and we value being surrounded by pleasant, beautiful, and harmonious environments. However, during the upcoming weeks, we have to be wary of not mistaking a superficial, inauthentic sense of peace and harmony with a real one. One of the risks of this transit could be settling for a false harmony in order to avoid conflict, confrontation, or uncomfortable truths. 

Venus’s journey through Libra invites us to notice whether we tend to abandon ourselves, our desires, and our needs to please others or make them happy, or whether we attach our self-esteem and self-worth to what we do for others or to their opinion of us. This transit reminds us of the value of connecting with others in authentic and truthful ways, invites us to recognize where we are out of balance, and encourages us to further our self-awareness by navigating exchanges more consciously.

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