article Venus in Leo – Romance and Heart Wisdom
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Venus in Leo – Romance and Heart Wisdom

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Moon Omens

September 6, 2020

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Venus enters Leo on September 6, at 3:22 AM EST: the planet of Love and relationships will transit through the sign of the Lion until October 2, putting the spotlight on our desire for creative self-actualization, fun, and romance.

Venus in Leo invites us to dedicate time to what we are passionate about: this cosmic event reminds us that we have the right to shine, be seen, and show our talents to the world.

During the transit of Venus through Cancer, we had the opportunity to navigate our inner state: we became aware of the origin of our feelings and emotions, we tapped into our natural ability to empathize with others. We had the chance to learn to feel safe and secure within ourselves and minimize external dependencies.

While Venus has been in Cancer, our attention was mostly on our emotions and feelings. While Venus travels through Leo, the focus will still be on ourselves, but it shifts to our qualities and capacities. We become the center of our universe: we want to enjoy life to the fullest and actualize our unique and unlimited creative potential. 

If you haven’t already we invite you to get our September horoscope to learn more about your relationships and love life during this month.  Simply tap here to get yours ♡ 


Venus in Leo: We are Special 


Leo is a Fixed Fire sign, ruled by the Sun: it corresponds to generosity, warmth, self-confidence, and vitality. It represents the way we present ourselves to the world, our desire to be noticed and remembered.

Venus is the planet of relationships: the ruler of Taurus and Libra correlates to our social and romantic life, but also to the way we relate to ourselves and our bodies. During the transit of Venus through Leo, we naturally expect admiration. 

Venus in Leo

We want to be treated as special, we want to be heard, appreciated, and acknowledged. We need positive and supportive feedback and recognition for our efforts, and we feel naturally drawn to provide the same to those we admire.

During this transit, we do not want to be taken for granted: we may tend to prefer to keep new relationships in a sort of love affair situation for a while. Nonetheless, we want to be at the center of the other person’s attention.

Venus in Leo represents an invitation to remember that we are inherently special: we don’t need anyone’s approval or validation. The higher purpose of this cosmic event is to allow us to develop real and unshakable self-confidence, independent from other people’s opinions of us. 


Energy, Motivation, and Positive Thinking


Venus in Leo is a powerful, self-directed, and self-motivated energy that grants us strong will, focus, and determination. We will feel naturally inspired to motivate others, to encourage them to actualize what they are trying to accomplish and to keep moving forward in spite of difficulties.

During this transit, we want to celebrate life and all it can offer, and we are likely to feel more generous, enthusiastic, and optimistic about the future. The invitation is to feel good about who we are and let go of any shyness and feeling of self-consciousness. 

Beware of self-indulgence and egocentricity, some potential shadows of Leo. Make sure to explore healthy ways to overcome the frustration that can come up when we feel unable to create what we want, or when something blocks and limits us.

On September 15, Venus will square Uranus, encouraging us to become aware of our needs for freedom, excitement, and experimentation, especially within relationships. At this time, we may think about introducing significant changes in our lives.

This cosmic event invites us to explore both our inner and outer world, to discover capacities and talents we weren’t aware of. Both Venus in Leo and Uranus in Taurus encourage us to use our full creative potential: for this reason, we will feel an increased need for freedom and creative independence.


Learning to Compromise


On September 4, 5, and 6, we still feel the effect of the powerful oppositions between Venus, Pluto, and Saturn. During these days, Venus is also in a square aspect to Mars in the last degrees of Aries.

This configuration can reflect some friction and disagreements in relationships. Beware of becoming too self-absorbed, avoid emotional melodrama and exaggerated reactions: these are some shadows that can come up with this planetary alignment.

Mercury in Libra will support us in navigating the tension and encourage us to share our opinions in a calm, kind, and loving way. His transit through the sign of the Scales will remind us of the importance of compromise and help us acknowledge other people’s reality and viewpoints.

On September 13, Venus will form a trine with Chiron in Aries. This aspect represents a fantastic opportunity to become aware and heal old wounds related to feelings of unworthiness and rejection that have been undermining our self-esteem.

Between September 26 and September 29, Venus will trine Mars and form a sextile to the North Node in Gemini, bringing to resolution some of the issues that emerge at the beginning of the month.


Venus in Leo: Romance and Heart Wisdom


Venus takes her name from the Roman Goddess of Love, fertility, beauty, and prosperity – the Greek Aphrodite. Leo is the Zodiac sign related to romance and fun: we can expect our love life to flourish during the upcoming transit. 

Venus in Leo

With Venus in Leo, we all feel the need to be loved and to love others: we desire attention and recognition, we want to be seen and noticed. Many of us will have the chance to meet new people with common interests that have an inspiring and uplifting influence.

To attract people naturally, effortlessly, we need only follow the true prompting of our hearts.” – I Ching, Book of Changes

The ultimate teaching of Venus in Leo is to come back to our heart’s wisdom. This transit encourages us to trust that people will arrive in our lives when the time is right, and with minimal effort from our part. Our job is to simply be ourselves, to let go of any fear to open up to others, and to share our feelings authentically.

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