article Venus in Aquarius: Experimentation & Redefinition
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Astrology & Omens

Venus in Aquarius: Experimentation & Redefinition

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Moon Omens

February 1, 2021

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On February 1, 09:06 AM ET Venus leaves Capricorn and joins the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn in Aquarius. Venus will be in Aquarius until February 25. During this time, we are likely to feel a need to explore and redefine our experience of all Venusian functions. This transit represents an invitation to discover our unique way to be in relationships, our unique values, our unique needs, our unique way to make an income and manage our finances.


Venus in Aquarius: Need for Freedom


In Astrology, Venus rules both Taurus, a Yin sign, and Libra, a Yang sign. The Yin side of Venus corresponds with Taurus and with the relationship we have with ourselves, with our values, with our self-esteem and self-worth, with being open to receiving abundance, feel pleasure, and enjoy life. The Yang side of Venus, on the contrary, is directed outwardly and corresponds to Libra: it correlates with all our experiences of relationships with others.

Aquarius, as an archetype, is about breaking free from old and crystallized structures. It aims to bring forth innovation, cultivate detachment and objectify life to understand it more clearly, explore paradox, and experiment without restrictions.

Venus in Aquarius is erratic and unpredictable: during this transit, some of us could experience a sense of alienation from the people around us, a feeling of being different, and increased awareness of what we are not and what we don’t want to be.

Venus in Aquarius corresponds to an incredibly strong need for freedom and experimentation, and rebellion can be a natural byproduct of it. We may notice a stronger tendency to rebel against the societal expectations around relationships, or the prevailing value system. We may feel the need to separate from our peer group to explore our individuality, values, preferences, and desires. Paradoxically, we may also decide to conform to the values or norms of conduct of a group just for the sake of being accepted and receiving approval and validation.


Venus in Aquarius: the Individual and the Group


Venus in Aquarius highlights the relationship between the individual and the group: this transit reflects an increased desire to belong to a community of like minds. However, it also emphasizes the need to be true to our personal values and feelings.

We may have the opportunity to become aware of the deeper reasons behind our need to associate with certain groups. We may feel inspired to ponder upon whether or not we would support the same values, causes, and beliefs as isolated individuals. It becomes important at this point to question whether our desire to rebel against mainstream society and consensus values is dependent on or influenced by our need to belong to a group that is doing the same.

venus in aquarius

We are now encouraged to strive to objectively understand other people’s realities and needs, as well as our own emotions and feelings: as we cultivate detachment, we have the chance to become aware of the causes and motives behind our drives and urges.


Venus in Aspect: a Time of Radical Redefinition


During her journey through the sign of the Water Bearer, Venus will be involved in several alignments with other celestial bodies. In particular, the Goddess of Love will conjunct Saturn and Jupiter, trine the North Node in Gemini, and square Mars and Uranus in Taurus. We are already feeling the tension of the Venus-Saturn conjunction and the square to Uranus: even though they aren’t exact yet, they are already active.

Venus will conjunct Saturn and square Uranus exactly on February 6, highlighting the necessity to build new foundations for our relationships and for our sense of self-worth. These aspects invite us to break free from structures that are outdated and obsolete, to adopt new values, and to explore economic alternatives aligned with the changing times.

The Venus-Jupiter conjunction will perfect on the Aquarius New Moon, on February 11. Their alignment represents an invitation to explore new beliefs around love, relationships, finances, and self-worth, and will emphasize our need to bond with and be inspired by like-minded people who share similar visions and goals. Meanwhile, the trine between Venus and the North Node in Gemini, exact on February 15, emphasizes the importance of networking, inviting us to seek ongoing communication and intellectual exchanges with people we resonate with to build bridges for the future.

Venus in Aquarius will square Mars in Taurus on February 19. Their alignment can correlate with feelings of crisis that bring to our attention the need to implement more adjustments in our relationships, and to redefine our values and desires. Venus square Mars invites us to align our personal choices with the simultaneous changes taking place in the societal structure, reflected by the Saturn-Uranus square happening at the same time.


Venus in Aquarius: Experimenting with New Solutions


The transition from Capricorn to Aquarius always represents an invitation to liberate from obsolete systems and ways of living, to break free from what is established, and to explore alternatives.

While Venus in Capricorn loves to know what to expect and correlates to a desire for stability, reliability, and structure, Venus in Aquarius is all about experimentation, and naturally seeks novelty. The transit of Venus from Capricorn to Aquarius invites us to discover different ways to show up in relationships and to inwardly relate to ourselves, new value systems, new forms of income, and new ways to manage money.

The journey of Venus through Aquarius has the potential to facilitate insights and opportunities that will allow us to understand how our values and needs have changed, and how these changes can support the creation of a new reality, aligned with the inner growth that has been taking place. Venus in Aquarius invites us to feel free to experiment without fixating on an outcome, and to remain open-minded and available to explore whatever comes up.

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