article Venus enters Gemini: Learning From Relationships
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Venus enters Gemini: Learning From Relationships

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Moon Omens

April 11, 2023

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On April 11, 01:37 PM —

On April 11, 12:47 AM ET, Venus leaves Taurus and enters Gemini, offering us an opportunity to embark on a journey of curious exploration of love and connections, and inspiring us to see all our relationships as learning experiences. During this time, we will have chances to discover new ways of being in connection, of perceiving relationships, and of communicating our needs, feelings, and desires to others. Venus is going to remain in the sign of the Twins until May 7.

Venus’ transit through Gemini will be most relevant for those of us who were born with planets or angles in Mutable signs. Those personally impacted by this transit could experience significant changes in their social circles, love lives, value system, and financial status. They will have opportunities to redefine their perception of relationships, gain more awareness of unconscious expectations and beliefs, and reevaluate habitual communication patterns.

Venus enters Gemini: Learning from Each Other


Venus is the planet connected to our relationship with ourselves, our relationships with others, our relationship with money, our value system, and our self-worth. She is all about magnetism, receptivity, abundance, sensuality, and appreciation of what life can offer. Transits of Venus inform us of possible shifts in our values, attitude towards relationships, investing and spending habits, and in what we find pleasurable, attractive, and enjoyable. 

Gemini, the third sign of the Zodiac, corresponds to the process of classifying and understanding our environment through logic and the rational mind. At this phase of growth, we refine our use of language, our ability to gather information, and our capacity to effectively articulate and communicate what we feel, see, and think.

While Venus is in Gemini, we place a high value on learning and we recognize all of our relationships as learning experiences. We find pleasure in enriching our knowledge of different subjects and topics and we feel drawn to connect with individuals who have something new and interesting to teach us. Because Gemini is a Mutable Air sign, it is connected to change and experimentation: for this reason, while Venus is here, our spending habits, our value associations, and our relationship patterns may be particularly changeable.


Venus in Aspect to Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, Chiron, and Neptune


During her transit through Gemini, Venus is going to align with several planets.

Venus is entering Gemini and immediately forming a trine aspect to Pluto in Aquarius. The Venus-Pluto trine invites a depth-oriented attitude towards relationships and suggests a desire to experience profound exchanges and connections. This aspect supports our capacity for psychological insight into both ourselves and others and indicates higher possibilities of transformative relational experiences.

On April 14, Venus forms a square to Saturn in Pisces, bringing the spotlight on fears of scarcity and isolation, challenges surrounding self-love and self-worth, and beliefs of being unlovable or undeserving of healthy relationships and financial security. Opportunities for maturation in the relationship arena will be available, and we will have chances to make more conscious choices in how we connect.

On April 25 and May 5, Venus aligns with Chiron and Jupiter in Aries in a sextile aspect, increasing the potential for healing and learning experiences that promote relational growth. The Venus-Chiron sextile will give us chances to redefine our perception of ourselves and our healing journey and begin to show up in relationships from a new awareness. The Venus-Jupiter sextile will catalyze a desire to expand our social circles and seek new experiences and relationships with more enthusiasm and self-confidence.

On May 4, Venus squares Neptune in Pisces inviting us to see where we might have been excessively idealistic or bound to fantasy and failed to see the reality of where people are at in the present moment. If we go through experiences of disillusionment, we have to keep in mind that seeing the truth, no matter how painful it may be, always liberates us and opens new doors for us. Challenging our yearning and longing for romance into art, creativity, and spirituality has the potential to be cathartic and healing.

venus enters gemini

Venus in Gemini: Curiosity, Openness, and Embracing Paradox


Venus’ transit through Gemini indicates a desire to explore new and diverse connections, values, interests, and unfamiliar social contexts. This shift will inspire us to add more fun, variety, and playfulness into our social and romantic lives, and maybe to question the link between our ideas and beliefs surrounding relationships and the conditioning we have internalized.

During this transit, we tend to be more socially curious, and we value communication, chatting, and storytelling as tools through which we build connections and learn more about ourselves, each other, and life. We are open to speaking with all kinds of people and willing to interact with and get to know individuals very different from us without judgment or reservations.

Gemini is a sign connected to duality, and the journey of Venus here could be an opportunity to familiarize ourselves with paradoxes and reconcile ourselves with our and others’ different facets and parts. Venus in Gemini transit will ignite our curiosity and stimulate a desire for more variety, openness, and experimentation. During the upcoming weeks, we will have opportunities to embrace diversity and let go of ways of being in relationships that aren’t serving our growth. 

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