article Venus enters Capricorn: Commitment to Self-Love
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Astrology & Omens

Venus enters Capricorn: Commitment to Self-Love

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Moon Omens

December 9, 2022

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On December 9, 06:33 PM —

On December 9, 10:54 PM ET, Venus leaves Sagittarius and enters Capricorn, offering us an invitation to commit to ourselves and to self-love as a prerequisite to healthily commit to another or to anything else.

Venus in Sagittarius inspired us to make the most out of life and invest our money in experiences that teach us something. This transit inspired us to broaden our social circles and explore relationships as an arena to deepen our self-knowledge. Venus’s journey through Sagittarius has been an opportunity to discover alternative ways of connecting with others, meet new people, and familiarize ourselves with different sets of values and belief systems. 

Venus entering Capricorn promotes a down-to-earth approach to relationships and financial matters and indicates an increased inclination to value commitment, stability, reliability, and consistency. The Goddess of Love remains in Capricorn until January 2 or 3, according to our timezone.

Venus from Sagittarius Capricorn: Valuing Commitment, Security, and Maturity


There’s a feeling that things are getting more serious, a process that already started when Mercury entered Capricorn just three days ago and that will be emphasized by the Solstice, the beginning of Capricorn season. As Capricorn season approaches, we will feel less interested in making new experiences and more interested in building and creating something with our energy.

In Astrology, Venus has to do with our way of relating with both others and ourselves. This planet is associated with what we value, with our self-worth, and with our relationship with money, wealth, abundance, and pleasure. 

Venus in Sagittarius catalyzed an expansion of our social life and a desire to play, experiment, and have fun. Venus’ ingress into Capricorn shifts the vibe, suggesting a tendency to think for the long-term and value what represents a source of security, rather than investing our time, money, and energy in enjoying the present moment. In our social and romantic life, this shift inspires us to take love seriously and to value showing up maturely in relationships, primarily in our relationship with ourselves. Venus’s journey through Capricorn represents a good time to reflect on our relationship with aging and our beliefs surrounding it.


Venus enters Capricorn: Exploration of Boundaries, Commitment, and Responsibility


Venus in Capricorn is an opportunity to look at our relationship to boundaries. We may ask ourselves what boundaries are needed to protect our energy, and how boundaries are different from walls. We may notice whether we built walls that prevent us from getting hurt, feeling exposed, and being vulnerable, but also from letting in the connection, care, and love we desire. This transit is also a chance to contemplate the way we relate to commitment and responsibility, pay attention to where we fear fully committing, where we are not keeping ourselves accountable for our choices, and reflect on whether we believe commitment and freedom are antithetical and incompatible.

venus enters capricorn

Venus’s journey through Capricorn brings our attention to the connection between our value systems, the structure of our relationships, our way of relating to money, and the conditioning we have been exposed to. This transit is an opportunity to reflect on how these factors are linked and provide information about one another. By gaining awareness of how our conditioning and past experiences dictate our choices, we can begin to work on making decisions that are in alignment with our present selves.


Venus in aspect to Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto


During her journey through Capricorn, Venus is going to trine Uranus, sextile Neptune, and join Mercury and Pluto. Venus is currently in a square to Jupiter on the last degree of Pisces, an aspect that has underlined the expansive, generous, and idealistic tone of Venus’ transit through Sagittarius. The Venus-Jupiter square has been inviting reflection on how much we tend to give and how much we tend to receive in our connections, and on whether we may be trying to buy love through over-giving.

The Venus trine to Uranus, exact on December 22, stimulates a desire for change, freedom, and unconventional exploration in relationships. These days, we are likely to feel a desire to experiment with new ways of connecting with others, new ways of making an income, new sensual experiences, and new lifestyles.

The Venus-Neptune sextile is perfecting on December 28. This aspect enhances our imagination and our artistic inspiration, stimulating us to seek the connection between the form and the essence. The Venus-Neptune sextile adds magic and romance to the atmosphere, increasing our ability to transmit our feelings in a way that they are easily taken in by others.

Venus is going to join Pluto on January 1, 2023, while they both are at 27º of the sign. Just a few days earlier, Venus is going to be part of a triple conjunction involving Pluto and Mercury stationary retrograde in Capricorn. This configuration will bring our attention to the need to deeply restructure, transform, and reconstruct our ways of communicating in relationships and perceiving relationships altogether, showing us all those ways we give our power away by not communicating clearly our needs and desires, and not honoring our truest values.


Venus enters Capricorn: Commitment to Self-Love


Venus in Capricorn transit is a time to work on childhood and past wounds that are affecting our experience of relationships, particularly romantic ones. This shift is an opportunity to notice where we are judging ourselves and creating an expectation or a belief that other people are judging us in the same way. We are becoming aware of fears of rejection and judgment, we are confronting feelings that we are undeserving of true love and we are getting to work on their root, on their source. During the upcoming weeks, the focus will be on releasing what is holding us back from opening and from receiving love freely. 

While Venus is in Capricorn, the focus is on our maturation process within the context of relationships. This transit reminds us that to commit to loving another we have to, first and foremost, be committed to loving ourselves, respecting ourselves, and honoring ourselves. We can’t extend love outwardly if we can’t hold love inwardly, and this is the perfect time to commit to doing so.

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Our December Horoscope is the perfect guidance for you to dive deeper into self-love:

venus enters capricorn



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