article Venus in Aries: the Path of Self-Discovery
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Astrology & Omens

Venus in Aries: the Path of Self-Discovery

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Moon Omens

March 21, 2021

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On March 21, 10:17 AM ET, Venus enters Aries. The Goddess of Love concludes her transit through Pisces and, until April 14, we get to experience a completely different energy. Venus in Aries is independent, assertive, and passionate: she won’t compromise her freedom for anything or anyone.

After the dreamy spell of Venus in Pisces and her romantic conjunction with Neptune, we experience a strong need for personal space, get out of our fantasy world, and redirect our energy back towards ourselves, our goals, and our desires.


Venus in Aries: Thrill, Excitement, and Fireworks


Venus is about peace, balance, harmony, grace, and abundance. In Astrology, the ruler of Libra and Taurus symbolizes both the relationships we form with others and the way we inwardly relate to ourselves. It correlates with our sense of self-worth, our values, our capacity to feel pleasure, to attract and enjoy abundance, to be receptive and magnetic.

Traditionally, Venus is considered to be in detriment in Aries, since it naturally opposes Libra. This means that the Goddess of Love does not express as society would expect when she travels through the sign of the Warrior: Aries isn’t inherently a sign striving for balance and peace. Impulsive, impatient, and direct, Venus in Aries seeks thrill, excitement, and fireworks. During this transit, we crave adventure and challenge, and we may even enjoy some competition in the love arena. 

Venus in Aries reflects a tendency to be self-centered and sometimes even blind to other people’s needs, feelings, and desires. As we crave a substantial amount of independence and space, we naturally put ourselves and our necessities first: in the process, there is a risk of being disrespectful and insensitive towards others.


Venus in Aries: Confronting our Fears


While Venus travels through Aries, fears around losing our freedom by disappearing into our relationships tend to emerge. While we enjoy the excitement and the attention of new encounters, once the object of our desires shows a real interest in us we may hold back our energy and withdraw from the relationship, as we don’t want to lose ourselves in it.

During the upcoming weeks, we may experience a struggle with commitment in different areas of our lives, and end up in a constant back and forth from being passionately involved and completely detached. When Aries energy is prominent, we don’t do well with compromises: we naturally gravitate towards excitement, novelty, and adventure. 

The desire for instant gratification, pleasurable experiences, and quick fixes can hold us back from making lasting progress and building something solid. Struggles with compromise prevent us from creating and maintaining meaningful relationships based on equality and emotional honesty.


Venus in Aspect: The Need for Deeper Self-Reliance


Venus will join the Sun on March 26: their conjunction will begin a new Venus cycle, and this event, named by Astrologer Arielle Guttman as Venus Star Point, represents a new beginning relative to how we relate with ourselves. The new Venus-Sun cycle starting in Aries is about redefining our relationship with our needs, values, urges, and goals. Their conjunction initiates a brand new chapter of self-discovery and inner exploration.

venus in aries moon omens

Just a couple of days later, on March 28, we will witness a Full Moon in Libra, which will be ruled by Venus, still conjunct both the Sun and Chiron. This event is likely to expose our wounds relative to asserting our needs and desires in relationships, shining a light on the places where we feel rejected for being who we are, and allowing us to understand the coping mechanisms we have developed in this regard.

Between March 30 and April 10, Venus will form supportive sextiles to Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius and with the North Node and Mars in Gemini. These aspects highlight the importance of establishing and cultivating a variety of relationships that support our maturation, expansion, and personal growth. Spontaneous conversations and intellectual exchanges may unexpectedly open new doors for us.

On April 12, as the New Moon in Aries is taking place, Venus will square Pluto in Capricorn. At this time, we may be experiencing power struggles and extreme emotional highs and lows that push us to transform the way we relate to both ourselves and others. Compulsions, possessiveness, and jealousy may arise. The lunar cycle that is starting asks us to cut those bonds that aren’t meant to continue and embody deeper self-reliance.


Venus in Aries: Self-Discovery & Inner Exploration


While Venus is in Aries, we highly value our self-actualization journey: we tend to align with an individualistic attitude, and we naturally desire to do more of what we are passionate about. Moreover, Venus is currently the planetary ruler of Uranus in Taurus: this enhances the relevance of these themes.

During this transit, it may be useful to ask ourselves whether or not our obsession with freedom and independence is a way to avoid confronting something we don’t feel comfortable with. Reassessing our priorities, values, necessities, and goals, and acting accordingly will help us make conscious decisions and relate to both ourselves and others from a place of clarity and honesty.

There is nothing wrong with being individualistic and devoted to one’s self-actualization when that comes with respect and consideration of the feelings of those who are affected by our decisions and actions. Venus transiting Aries represents an opportunity to get to know ourselves better, to practice radical self-honesty and self-acceptance, and to move forward in our self-discovery journey.

Comment below with what resonated with you the most and tap on the heart if you enjoyed this article. Also we suggest reading Aries Season 2021 article.


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