article Venus in Aquarius 2024: Exploring Evolving Paradigms
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Venus in Aquarius 2024: Exploring Evolving Paradigms

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Moon Omens

December 7, 2024

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On December 7, 08:21 AM —

On December 7, 01:14 AM EST, Venus leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius. Venus is going to remain in Aquarius until January 2, 2025, offering us an invitation to question our existing values and explore how relational and financial paradigms are evolving and transforming, both collectively and in our personal lives.

This transit will be more impactful for those of us born with personal placements in Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius), particularly for people with natal Venus in Aquarius, who are about to experience their Venus return. Those personally impacted by Venus’ shift of sign will have opportunities to explore new relationship models, find new ways to harmonize independence and connection, and be more experimental in their approach to love and finances.

Venus from Capricorn to Aquarius: From a Traditional to an Experimental Approach


Named after the mythological Goddess of Love, Venus in Astrology is the planet connected to all things love, money, and pleasure, to our relationship with our body and sensuality, our artistic taste, and our ability to attract and receive what we desire. As the planetary ruler of both Taurus and Libra, Venus also correlates with what we value and with how we strive to create conditions of peace, stability, and harmony in our lives. Transits of Venus mark collective shifts in values and in how we feel drawn to connect with others, relate to our bodies, and approach financial matters. 

Venus’ transit through Capricorn inspired us to place a high value on reliability, commitment, and integrity, focus on building stability, and embrace a grounded and thoughtful approach to both relational and financial matters. While Venus was in Capricorn, we felt drawn to examine the impact of our past and make choices according to our long-term visions. This transit offered us an opportunity to reflect on our relationship to commitment, responsibility, and perseverance and might have highlighted areas of our lives where we need to further mature.

Venus in Aquarius brings an experimental approach to all things love, relationships, finances, and wealth. Unlike the grounded, traditional, and practical energy of Venus in Capricorn, Venus in Aquarius infuses our lives with an appetite for freedom, autonomy, and unconventionality and increases our desire to challenge existing social norms, rules, and expectations.


Venus in Aquarius: Exploring Evolving Paradigms


Venus’ ingress in Aquarius brings the spotlight on the value of friendship and community, reminds us that we are stronger together, and increases our desire to expand our network of contacts and discover unfamiliar social circles and new communities, both online and offline. This transit is an opportunity to reflect on our relationship to technology, the internet, and social media, and pay attention to how these tools impact our lives, our connections, our sense of belonging, as well as our values.

Within the realms of love and relationships, Venus’ ingress into the sign of the Water Bearer suggests a collective tendency to value freedom, independence, and personal space. This transit inspires us to nurture those bonds that honor our individuality and are based on shared ideas and visions.

Venus in Aquarius is an opportunity to question the values we have been orienting toward and discover innovative, unconventional ways of relating with all things Venus, such as love, relationships, wealth, and sensuality. This transit is an invitation to pay closer attention to how relationship paradigms are evolving and transforming and question our reliance on existing ways of being in relationships and perceiving relationships.

Venus’s journey through Aquarius is also a powerful time to explore alternatives to traditional financial paradigms and discover unconventional income sources, different ways to perceive wealth, accumulate wealth, or store wealth, as well as alternative ways of managing, investing, or preserving our resources, assets, money, and possessions.


Venus conjunct Pluto in Aquarius and opposite retrograde Mars in Leo


Just a few hours after entering Aquarius, Venus perfects her conjunction with Pluto, at 0º22’ of the sign. Both Venus and Pluto are also approaching an opposition to Mars at 6º Leo, now stationary retrograde. The Mars-Pluto opposition has been active for weeks and will continue to be for several more weeks as Mars prepares to return to Cancer.

This configuration is increasing the pressure to radically transform how we show up in relationships, how we assert our feelings, needs, and desires, and how we find harmony between what we want and what other people want.

The Venus-Pluto conjunction increases the intensity of our relational experiences and our desire for passion, transformative connections, and all-consuming love. It also exacerbates underlying power dynamics, unresolved power struggles, and fears that impact our ability to show up in a vulnerable way in our relationships. The purpose of this alignment is to help us gain awareness of and transform unconscious patterns and defense mechanisms that no longer serve us and create healthier attachments and more authentic relationships.

Simultaneously, the opposition to retrograde Mars is an opportunity to pay close attention to how we assert ourselves, pursue what we want, and balance that with the awareness of the needs and desires of others. This is a time to gain awareness of our true intentions, desires, and motivations, and notice any indirect or covert ways we may try to control or dominate others to get our needs met.

In the signs of Leo and Aquarius, this configuration highlights the tension between our desire for personal creative actualization, the awareness of the consequences of our actions on others, and the larger collective dynamics that influence our lives. It is a powerful time to acknowledge the impact of any need for personal significance and egoic gratification as well as any tendency to dim our light and disown parts of ourselves in order to belong and fit in.


We are happy to announce that our highly anticipated 2025 horoscopes are now available and ready for you! This creation is truly special for our team, as it was a long journey creating and bringing this 2025 guidance to life. Thank you for your support, we ❤ you!

Venus in Aquarius 2024


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