article Uranus direct in Taurus: Free from Conformity
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Astrology & Omens

Uranus direct in Taurus: Free from Conformity

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Moon Omens

January 25, 2023

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On January 25, 01:00 PM —

On January 22, 2023, 5:58 PM ET, Uranus stations direct at 14º56’ of Taurus, just a few hours after a New Moon in Aquarius. This event marks a shift in awareness: it represents an invitation to break free from conformity and change how our lives are set up, to honor our uniqueness and align with our true values.

Uranus is the third planet that stations direct this month. Now, all planets are in direct motion and are going to remain in direct motion for three months, until April 21, when Mercury stations retrograde again. Having all planets direct for such a long time is a fairly rare event, representing a strong invitation to move forward, make decisions, take action, take risks, and follow our personal path.

Uranus’ shift of motion will be felt more powerfully by those of us who were born with placements around the 14º degree of Fixed signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. Those of us most impacted by this event are likely to experience a strong urge to break free from conditions and situations that keep us trapped in a box, generate stagnation, don’t support our full expression, and aren’t aligned with our values.

Understanding Uranus’ transit through Taurus


Uranus, the modern ruler of Aquarius, correlates with our desire to liberate ourselves from our conditioning, to innovate, to envision future scenarios, to break the rules, and to revolutionize our lives. The discovery of this planet caused disruption in the scientific community: it forced astronomers to question everything they thought they knew about the Solar System, as it was the first planet discovered through a telescope. Just this discovery story says a lot about the nature of Uranus.

Uranus moves slowly: his journey through Taurus began in 2018 and is going to last until 2026. In Astrology, Uranus is considered to be a transpersonal planet, having to do with generational themes and collective issues. His ingress into the sign of the Bull initiated a period of disruption colored by drastic changes in our values, in our sources of security and stability, in financial systems, in our relationship with the Earth, with our bodies, and natural resources. 


Uranus direct in Taurus

The purpose of Uranus’ journey through Taurus is to test the foundations on which we have built our lives, to encourage us to develop more self-sufficiency, to inspire us to question whether our values are truly ours, or represent a result of programming and conditioning we were exposed to. This transit is an invitation to liberate ourselves from stagnation and conformity by overcoming our fear of the unknown and leveraging our unique talents and skills.


Uranus stations direct: Integration of a New Awareness


When planets are stationary, they are at a standstill from our perspective, they are closer to Earth, and they dwell on the same zodiacal degree for an extended period of time. Every time a planet goes direct after being in retrograde motion, an energetic shift takes place: energy that was directed inwardly, toward self-reflection and introspection, becomes available to be externalized and channeled into a specific direction.

As Uranus slowly begins to move forward again, we are invited to take action according to what we learned, understood, and realized throughout the last five months. This event invites us to align our external reality with the shift in awareness and values that happened during the retrograde phase, which began at the end of August 2022.

Uranus is now in direct motion, and this is significantly increasing the dynamism and the momentum of the times, adding an unpredictable and electrical quality to these days. The need for change and the desire to radically revolutionize our lives will be front and center, and many of us are likely to feel daring enough to take new risks and make radical choices that might have been postponed for a long time. 


Collective Paradigm Shifts


On the collective level, Uranus stationing direct will bring up the necessity to reform the financial paradigms as well as the way we relate with the Earth and with natural resources. During these days, unexpected shifts in the world economy and financial markets are likely to happen.

Collective values and ways of generating income have also been changing drastically for the last few years, and the current event marks a new chapter of this process. Around this time, many of us are likely to finally act on the urge to let go of the rhythms imposed by the mainstream and commit to living life at a different, more organic pace. 


Uranus direct in Taurus: Free from Conformity


To consciously navigate Uranus transits, we must be able to flow with chaos and with the unknown, and we must also know what helps us find our center again, what helps us feel stable inwardly when uncertainty and stress become hard to deal with. Around this time, we may have to adapt to unexpected changes and disruptions: the versatility we have to develop represents a quality that has the potential to inspire further progress and innovation. 

Uranus in Taurus has been bringing our definition of stability and security up for discussion and is ultimately inviting us to realize that all feelings of security are actually illusory, that life is constantly in flow and unexpected changes can happen anytime. Uranus stationing direct is a good time to bring our focus to those parts of ourselves we don’t feel free or safe enough to express fully, and try to give them some space. This shift represents an invitation to break free from conformity and from all those beliefs, perceptions, and fears that are keeping us smaller and trapped in a reality that doesn’t honor our true essence.

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