article Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus: Accept Impermanence
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Astrology & Omens

Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus: Accept Impermanence

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Moon Omens

November 8, 2022

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On November 8, 06:01 AM ET, we experience a potent Full Blood Moon Total Lunar Eclipse at 15º59’ of Taurus. This lunation invites us to accept impermanence and welcome change into our lives, during a time of surprising shifts and sudden events that may force us out of our comfort zones before we feel ready for it.

The Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus is the second Eclipse of the season. It culminates a lunar cycle that started two weeks ago with a Partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio and a larger, six-month cycle that began on April 30, 2022, with a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus.

We invite you to watch our hour long in depth Total Lunar Eclipse YouTube video premier with Nina:



Full Blood Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus: Pivotal Moment of Maturation


Lunar Eclipses are supercharged Full Moons that happen when the Sun and the Moon oppose each other close to the Nodal Axis, the two points of intersection between the Ecliptic, the apparent path of the Sun from our perspective on Earth, and the Moon’s orbit.

When Full Moons coincide with Lunar Eclipses, they mark pivotal moments of maturation, culmination, and release. They bring things to a head and catalyze revelations, facilitating clarity and new understandings of something previously unclear or uncertain. These events represent a time when we reap the rewards of our efforts and see the results of the work we have been doing.

Lunar Eclipses happen when the Moon, the Sun, and the Earth align in a way that allows the shadow of the Earth to prevent sunlight from reaching the Moon. During the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, the shadow of the Earth will, gradually, completely cover the Moon: the whole process is lasting approximately five hours. This event will be visible from most of North America, Asia, and Australia, as well as from some parts of Europe and South America.


Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, conjunct the North Node: Opportunities for Redirection


The Lunar Nodes are points of destiny, fate, and karma that mark where Eclipses happen. During Eclipse seasons, when the luminaries align on the Nodes, there are high chances of experiencing unexpected turning points and sudden shifts in our lives, according to the areas of our chart that get activated by them. The Moon is currently on her North Node, while the Sun is on the South Node.

The North Node is associated with our evolutionary direction, with paths and ways of being that feel foreign and unfamiliar. It illustrates a way to balance existing tendencies and inclinations that keep us trapped in cycles of repetition. When Eclipses happen close to this point, they catalyze events and awakenings that redirect our path and guide us toward deeper alignment.

Eclipses always invite us to explore how to harmonize our relationship with the two opposing signs they activate. The current activation of Taurus and Scorpio encourages us to meditate on what stability represents for us, what comfort zones we have been indulging in for too long, in what areas of our lives we feel stagnant or blocked, when we unconsciously need to manipulate or control others to feel safe and secure, and in what areas of life we are resisting change the most.


Full Blood Moon conjunct Uranus: Shocking Separation from the Past


The presence of Uranus, tightly conjunct with the Moon and the North Node, is a potent indicator of exponential acceleration of change and disruption of our stability. Uranus is also referred to as “the Great Awakener” and its prominence maximizes the potential for unpredictable, sudden, shocking events, revelations, and discoveries, already high during Eclipse season. This lunation is likely to disrupt our stability in some unexpected way, propelling us into the unknown at the speed of light before we have a chance to think whether we are ready for it or not, without giving us much time to understand what happened.

Both Taurus and the Moon have to do with comfort, safety, security, and nurturance. The presence of Uranus conjunct with this Lunar Eclipse has the potential to catalyze the emergence of shocking truth and surprising revelations that can inspire us or force us to deconstruct the foundation we built our lives upon. The simultaneous oppositions of the Sun, Mercury, and Venus to Uranus mark drastic and sudden changes in our values, finances, relationships, thinking patterns, and sense of purpose.

These days, we may drastically shift our lifestyle as a result of radical changes in values and of a new awareness of how we can meet our primary needs without sacrificing our freedom, our individuality, and our authentic expression. We may experience events that generate abrupt separations from our past and from something that represents familiarity and comfort to us. This Lunar Eclipse conjunct Uranus invites us to explore how to gracefully let go of attachments that are preventing us from growing.


Sun, Mercury, Venus, Moon, & Uranus square Saturn: Massive Collective Shifts


The Moon and Uranus oppose the Sun, Mercury, and Venus, all in Scorpio and conjunct the South Node. All these planets are squaring Saturn in Aquarius, activating the Saturn-Uranus square, the long-term aspect we have been talking about since 2021. We could say that this Lunar Eclipse is marking the culmination of a process that started when Saturn and Uranus began aspecting each other. Key world events that deeply affect global politics and socio-economic factors are likely to take place. These may influence our relationship with the Earth and with Nature, for instance by affecting food production and distribution, as well as the availability and price of energy and natural resources.

This Lunar Eclipse will bring massive changes in our collective values, perceptions, structures, and lifestyles. We will clearly feel the tension between the pull of the old and the known and our urge to break free from it and explore new solutions, experiences, and ways of being.

On a personal level, the important activation of Saturn suggests a high degree of inner restraint, feelings of limitation and tension, and a need to remain in control to feel safe. It can also correlate to the emergence of paralyzing fears and insecurities arising right when we have opportunities to be fully seen, allow ourselves to be vulnerable, and open our hearts to let love in.

To help you harness this energy Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus brings we have created Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus printable channeled “Accept Impermanence” journal and guided meditation audio. We invite you to use these Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus tools: journal and meditate together with Moon Omens Soul Family. Tap here to learn more and gain access to ritual tools.



Venus conjunct South Node: Repeating Old Patterns to Alchemize them


Venus is the planetary ruler of Taurus, and she rules both the Lunar Eclipse and the North Node. The Goddess of Love is highly aspected on this lunation, underlying and maximizing the emphasis on the shift in relationship models, financial paradigms, and values that has been taking place.

Venus is now in Scorpio and conjunct with the South Node of the Moon. The presence of the North Node ruler on the Lunar South Node indicates that we need to solve, integrate, and gain awareness of something related to the past before we can move forward. This aspect suggests that repetition may still be necessary to fully alchemize a pattern. 

Around this time, pay attention to triggers coming up for you that generate a feeling of familiarity or dejavù. Try to identify past situations these triggers could be linked to, and ask yourself when was the very first time you felt that way, when was the last time you felt that way, and what subconscious beliefs and assumptions might have resulted from and have been reinforced by our experiences.


Full Blood Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus: Liminality of Transitions


As the Total Lunar Eclipse takes place, Mars is retrograde in Gemini and is forming a quincunx aspect to Pluto in Capricorn. This alignment underlines the fact that we are at a pivotal point in our evolutionary journey: the quincunx is an aspect of crisis that brings up the urgent need for adjustments. These days, we may have to acknowledge how desires and urges that are hard to reconcile are generating compulsive and obsessive behaviors that drain our energy and disempower us.

This Lunar Eclipse in Taurus is bringing many questions to the forefront, for all of us, and it is reminding us that this is a time to make radically different choices. How can we release the past with grace? Can we let go of what is no longer aligned with our values without needing to demonize it or destroy it? How can we allow our relationships to organically transition into a different form?

These could be some of the questions we contemplate these days, as we reflect on and renew our relationship with change and with the loss that is inevitable and inherent in all transformational processes. The planets and the South Node in Scorpio remind us of the value of being intentional in grieving what we are leaving behind, what gets taken away from us, and what is no longer sustainable or nourishing.

The Taurus North Node underlines the importance of allowing enough time for new ideas, visions, and desires to emerge from emptiness. This Eclipse is an opportunity to notice how we instinctively try to fill the void that is left when we transition from one chapter of our lives to the next one. It is an invitation to give ourselves permission to simply be and relax in the space of liminality inherent in transitions.

Comment below with what resonated with you the most and tap on the heart if you enjoyed this article!

To find out more how this Lunar Eclipse in Taurus is going to affect your sign we invite you to read our November horoscope.

We invite you to watch our hour long in depth Total Lunar Eclipse YouTube video premier with Nina:



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