article Taurus Season 2021: Cultivating Resilience
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Astrology & Omens

Taurus Season 2021: Cultivating Resilience

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Moon Omens

April 21, 2021

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On April 19, 2021, 4:34 PM ET, Taurus season 2021 begins with the ingress of the Sun in Taurus. On the same day, at 06:30 AM ET, Mercury enters Taurus too, emphasizing the energetic shift from Cardinal Fire to Fixed Earth.

Mercury and the Sun are entering Taurus almost simultaneously and perfecting their conjunction in the sign of the Bull. While the Sun remains in Taurus until May 20, Mercury will enter Gemini on May 3.

The strong activation of the Taurus archetype, where Venus and Uranus are already transiting, brings our attention to the need to slow down, turn inward, cultivate resilience, and build a good foundation for what we started during Aries season.


Taurus Season 2021: Building Foundations & Growing Roots


Taurus is the second sign of the Zodiac, ruled by the Yin or inner side of Venus. After the forward momentum generated through Aries, with Taurus, the energy turns back towards the self. Taurus season is a time to solidify what began while the Sun was in Aries. It is a time to grow roots and build stability, a time to ground and connect with our center, with our physical body, and our senses.

Taurus correlates to our survival instinct and to the natural orientation to sustain life and continue existence. For this reason, it is associated with sexuality and the drive to procreate, but also with the urge to achieve financial security and material resources.


Taurus Season 2021: Creating Beauty & Embracing Change


Taurus is about matter, sensuality, practicality, and tangibility, while the Sun represents the creative principle, as well as the light of our awareness. During the yearly transit of the Sun through the sign of the Bull, we are naturally more aware of our senses and more deeply connected to our physical body. We easily notice and appreciate beauty, and we aim to give material form to our creative urges. Taurus season is a time to explore how to connect with a deeper sense of security and to create something that has a long-lasting impact and value.

taurus season 2021 moon omens

When the Taurus archetype is very prominent, we tend to get particularly attached to what gives us a sense of stability and predictability: we desire and value consistency and reliability, while we seek comfort and tend to indulge in sensorial pleasures. However, during Taurus season 2021, all personal planets transiting Taurus will conjunct Uranus. While Taurus is slow and steady, Uranus is fast and future-oriented: the influence of Uranus may disrupt our stability and our habitual rhythms, inviting us to embrace change.


Mercury in Taurus: Seeking Practical Solutions and Facts


In Astrology, Mercury represents how we think and communicate, how we logically order and understand our environment, how we learn, gather, and process information. While the outer or Yang side of Mercury, ruled by Gemini, corresponds to how we express and share thoughts and information, the inner side of Mercury, ruled by Earth sign Virgo, is connected to our style of self-analysis, discrimination, and critical thinking.

When Mercury travels through Taurus, we want facts. We tend to seek practical solutions and verifiable information, we take our time and reflect thoroughly before making important decisions, especially financial ones. The transit of Mercury through Taurus is a season of reflection on how to build something tangible and long-lasting out of the many ideas we had while Mercury was in Aries. Mercury in Taurus is about discerning which ideas are worth investing in and which ones are not.


Mercury conjunct Uranus, Venus, and square Saturn


Mercury in Taurus in itself is not an extremely innovative influence. When the planet of logic transits through the sign of the Bull, the natural tendency is sticking to familiar information, ways of thinking, and learning styles. However, Mercury will form a conjunction with Uranus, exact on April 24: this aspect exponentially increases our drive to be original and eccentric. Mercury conjunct Uranus highlights a need to disrupt and challenge existing mental constructs and thinking patterns and a desire to explore and experiment with different ideas and concepts.

On April 25, Mercury squares Saturn: this alignment may reflect some amount of tension relative to feeling silenced, blocked, or misunderstood. With the Uranian influence still strong, there might be a tendency to rebel against authority figures, or against the current regulations around freedom of expression.

Shortly after, when the Full Moon in Scorpio takes place, Mercury will be conjunct Venus, ruler of Taurus. Our appreciation of beauty, art, and the senses increase, and so does our capacity to harmoniously verbalize our longings and ideas. We will have a chance to channel and express the intense emotional energy of the Full Moon through the use of words. Mercury conjunct Venus is a wonderful transit for writers and artists, it supports communication in all our interactions with others, and it is favorable for expanding our network of contacts. 


Mercury sextile Neptune, trine Pluto, and square Jupiter


Between April 30 and May 2, Mercury will sextile Neptune and trine Pluto. Mercury trine Pluto will facilitate our capacity to access and deal with unconscious material, reflecting an increased need and desire to self-analyze and understand ourselves through either journaling, thinking, or deep conversations with trusted others. The harmonic aspect between Mercury and Neptune increases our creativity and our psychic sensitivity while supporting our ability to make sense out of the information we receive in meditation or dreams.

On May 3, shortly before entering Gemini, Mercury will square Jupiter in Aquarius, highlighting some tension between our desire to remain in an intellectual comfort zone for the sake of security, and the necessity to move away from stagnation and embrace new ways of thinking to foster mental expansion and growth.


Taurus season 2021: Full Moon in Scorpio & New Moon in Taurus


During Taurus season 2021, we will witness a Full Moon in Scorpio and a New Moon in Taurus, and the Sun will aspect Uranus, Saturn, Pluto, and Neptune.

The Full Moon in Scorpio coming up on April 26 or 27, according to the timezone, will be in opposition to Uranus, the planet of awakening, rebellion, and sudden change. It is likely to be a very charged Full Moon, bringing revelation, clarity, and unpredictable events which may push us further in our individuation and deconditioning process. Whenever Uranus is very active, the tendency is to defy what is established to generate progress and honor our individual essence.

The New Moon in Taurus is happening on May 11: Sun and Moon will sextile Neptune and trine Pluto, increasing our energetic awareness and emotional sensitivity to what happens around us. This New Moon begins a lunar cycle that will emphasize the need to come back to a simple way of living, based upon self-reliance. We will be encouraged to ground and reconnect with our center after the intense Full Moon in Scorpio brought up the need to release emotional attachments and unhealthy obsessions.


Taurus season 2021: Sun in Aspect


During Taurus season 2021, the Sun will form an exact conjunction with Uranus on April 30, increasing our need and desire to challenge the status quo, as well as our creativity and originality, which need to be channeled through constructive outlets. This aspect may help us better comprehend the meaning of the Scorpio Full Moon and give us hints on how to move forward. The Sun will shine a light on what still needs to be released or integrated before the new lunar cycle begins.  

On May 3, the Sun will square Saturn in Aquarius, highlighting the potential for power struggles and conflict with authority figures, and increasing the inner and outer tension between the need to progress and the desire to hold on to past attachments. While on the one hand the Uranian influence, still strong, drives us to rebel from the old and move towards new paradigms, Saturn wants to preserve traditions: the Sun squaring the Lord of Time may highlight the struggle between past and future reflected by the ongoing Saturn-Uranus square.


Taurus season 2021: Cultivating Resilience


The yearly transit of the Sun through Taurus is a time to honor our connection with our own nature and with the Earth herself. During the upcoming weeks, with four planets in the sign, we will be naturally drawn to connect with the physical and tangible dimension of life, with our body, our sensuality, and Nature.

The cosmic alignments taking place during Taurus season 2021 reflect some amount of disruption, acceleration, and unpredictability, mostly due to the important activation of Uranus. We are encouraged to find a solid inner center to hold on to, no matter what is happening on the outside. Taurus always invites us to establish a deeper connection with our personal values, talents, resources, and capacities. During the upcoming weeks, we will be encouraged to see any unpredictable changes of plans as opportunities to ground in a deeper awareness of our innate resilience and strength.

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