article Super Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces: Release Illusions
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Astrology & Omens

Super Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces: Release Illusions

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Moon Omens

September 14, 2024

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On September 14, 10:17 AM —

On September 17, 10:45 PM EST, we experience a Super Full Moon and Partial Lunar Eclipse at 25º47`of Pisces, conjunct with Neptune, the modern ruler of the sign, an invitation to surrender to Truth, join the flow of Life, release our attachment to illusions, and navigate endings and transitions with faith.

This event is especially significant for those born with natal placements around the 25º of Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces). The Super Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces offers them opportunities to let go of what no longer serves them, make space for new beginnings, and realign with their true path.

We invite you to watch our hour long video on our YouTube channel together with Nina where she walks us through the powerful energies of this Lunar Eclipse in Pisces.

Eclipse season: Portal of Change


Twice a year, Eclipses revolutionize our inner and outer worlds. Eclipse season is a time of quick and unexpected changes, filled with unforeseen opportunities for transformation, quantum leaps, and breakthroughs. By increasing pressure and discomfort, Eclipses push us to grow faster than we normally would, release something that no longer serves us, upgrade our lives, and embody a new level of awareness. This is the first Eclipse of this season, and the first one in Pisces since 2017.

Astronomically, Eclipses happen when the Sun and the Moon join or oppose each other while close to the Lunar Nodes, the points that mark the intersection of the Moon’s orbit with the Ecliptic, the Sun’s apparent path in the heavens from our perspective on Earth. The Lunar Nodes, also referred to as the Nodal Axis, are two opposite points in space that are usually traveling in retrograde motion, always exactly opposing each other.

Points of destiny, karma, and fated changes, when the Nodes are activated by Eclipses, doors open and close in surprising ways, people get in and out of our lives, what no longer aligns with our purpose may abruptly end and new opportunities appear, seemingly out of nowhere.


Lunar Eclipses: Opportunities to Close Cycles


Lunar Eclipses are supercharged Full Moons that bring a powerful energy of release, cleansing, and completion. These are potent opportunities to close cycles, make radical changes in our lives, and release our attachment to something that holds us back and keeps us stagnant.

During a Lunar Eclipse, the Moon is partially or totally covered by the Earth’s shadow. This Lunar Eclipse is partial, which is less intense than a total one: the Moon won’t be completely covered as the alignment between the luminaries and the Nodal Axis is not tight.

While a Full Moon brings to light something previously unknown, hidden, or uncertain, illuminating what we need to know and acknowledge, while the Moon is eclipsed we may have trouble identifying clearly what we are truly feeling, what we need, and what is happening for us emotionally. Nevertheless, we have an opportunity to deepen our introspection and gain new insights into unresolved emotional issues.


Super Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces: Surrender to Truth


Pisces is the twelfth and last sign of the Zodiac wheel, the place where we come from and where we are headed, where everything ends and begins. A Mutable Water sign, Pisces teaches us to surrender, to let go of control, to trust the flow of Life and become one with it. Pisces is connected to Truth with a capital T, to the True nature of reality and to what is meant to Be, despite our desires, preferences, and resistance. As we complete our journey through the twelve signs, the sense of self we formed throughout the previous eleven stages dissolves and we become, once again, one with everything that exists.

When a Lunar Eclipse takes place in the last sign of the Zodiac, the energy of completion and closure is exponentially magnified. Huge shifts are happening and this event is asking us to surrender our attachment to outcomes, goals, and ambitions and welcome instead what is True, what Life has in store for us.

The Lunar Eclipse in Pisces invites us to take a look at what is ending in our lives and how we are relating to letting it go: it is an opportunity to pay attention to how we navigate transitions and to how we feel when the time is ripe to close a chapter but we have no clue about what comes next yet.


Lunar Eclipse Conjunct the North Node: Making Space for the New


The Lunar Nodes have fundamental importance in both Vedic and Evolutionary Astrology. In Evolutionary Astrology, the Lunar South Node has to do with habitual tendencies, patterns, and behavior that tend to keep us stuck in the past, perpetuating familiar cycles. This point informs us of our existing talents and natural gifts: it is an energy we know well and also a place we tend to get stuck in. Referred to as Ketu, in Vedic Astrology the South Node is associated with detachment, past karma, and spiritual insights. The Lunar South Node has been in Libra since July 2023 and is going toenter Virgo in January 2025.

In Evolutionary Astrology, the Lunar North Node is associated with our collective evolutionary direction and holds the key to balance the pull of the South Node. The North Node pushes us to explore, grow, and challenge ourselves. Known as Rahu, in Vedic Astrology this point is also connected to greed, materialism, and obsession with worldly success. The North Node is now traveling in the early degrees of Aries and is entering Pisces in January 2025.

This Lunar Eclipse in Pisces conjunct with the North Node in Aries invites us to release what prevents us from moving forward, to close cycles that keep us from growing, and leave the past behind. A prelude to the upcoming North Node ingress into Pisces, this event emphasizes the need to surrender to the flow, let go of security blankets, and allow endings to make space for new beginnings.

Super Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces

Full Moon conjunct Neptune: Release Illusions


As the Lunar Eclipse takes place, the Full Moon is conjunct with Pisces’ modern ruler, Neptune. Neptune is the planet associated with the impulse to transcend the human experience and connect with something greater than ourselves. Named after the mythological God of the Sea, the modern ruler of Pisces is completing his transit through his domicile and is now in retrograde motion at 28º35’ of the sign.

The conjunction between the Super Full Moon and Neptune, simultaneously opposing the Sun in Virgo, highlights the gifts and the challenges of navigating an increased sensitivity, empathy, and awareness of what is happening to others and in our environment. The activation of Neptune erases the boundaries between us and the world, opening the doors of perception,thinning the veil between the personal and the collective, the conscious and the unconscious.

Around this time, it is easier to access deeper levels of intuition and unlock psychic gifts. However, this energy can also be perceived as confusing and overwhelming, particularly if we find it hard to remain grounded and centered in ourselves and discern what is ours from what isn’t.

Neptune’s activation also suggests that we will have chances to become aware of the illusions and delusions we have been unknowingly shaping our lives around, mistakenly believing them to be true. This Eclipse will bring disillusioning experiences for some of us, as a way to redirect us toward our True path.


Sun and Moon square Jupiter: Let Go of Limiting Beliefs


The Sun in Virgo and the Moon in Pisces are squaring Pisces’ traditional ruler, Jupiter, now transiting at 20º of Gemini. Squares are angles indicating tension, friction, and conflict between parts of our personality with different needs and wants.

Jupiter’s squares to the Sun and the Moon can exacerbate the struggle between our need to have everything under control, take care of all the details, and rationally understand what is going on and the invitation to follow our intuition and trust life that this Eclipse brings. The planet of growth, optimism, and excess, Jupiter’s involvement magnifies our desire to grow and learn, challenging us to reconcile the spiritual and the intuitive with the practical and the rational.

This Eclipse asks us to release our attachment to beliefs, worldviews, and philosophies that no longer serve us and challenges us to confront uncomfortable truths.


Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces: Journey Through Time


To gain more insights into the purpose of what we are experiencing in the present, particularly when it comes to endings and transitions, it is helpful to embark on a journey through time and pay attention to how something started.

This Super Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces marks the completion of a six-month cycle that started on March 10, 2024, with a New Moon in Pisces, also conjunct with Neptune. We are now reaping the fruits of what we began back then, seeing the results of our efforts, and witnessing the manifestation of our intentions. It is a powerful time to look back and pay attention to what has been unfolding for us, what we have created, and what we are ready to release.

This is also the first Eclipse in Pisces since the last cycle of Eclipses on the Virgo-Pisces axis, between 2015 and 2017: reflecting on what happened in our lives during those years can offer us valuable insights and keys to navigating this Eclipse and the upcoming ones next year.

Ultimately, the Lunar Eclipse in Pisces brings us an invitation to surrender to a higher plan and align with Life’s timing instead of forcing our timing and agenda on life. This Eclipse reminds us to trust in the natural unfolding of events and encourages us to allow ourselves to be guided by our intuition.


Lunar Eclipse in Pisces Journal & Guided Meditation is available as part of our Full Experience membership. Join Full Experience, receive everything we create monthly and support our work ♥


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Tell us what you think


  • You are the most astrological service around. I truly appreciate your in-depth analysis and blend in all natural forces of nature for us to utilize to ground and view our worlds through intuitive lenses. Thank you, Moon Omens.

  • I am a Gemini sun with a double Pisces moon/rising… and a Virgo stellium. I am ready for and open to whatever the Universe sees fit to bestow upon me during this eclipse season.


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