article Super Full Moon in Taurus: Winds of Change
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Astrology & Omens

Super Full Moon in Taurus: Winds of Change

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Moon Omens

November 13, 2024

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On November 13, 11:11 AM —

On November 15, 4:28 PM EST,  just a few hours after Saturn stationed direct in Pisces, a Super Full Moon at 24º00’ Taurus lights up the night sky. The winds of change are blowing, and this event brings revolutionary energy into our lives, as the Moon is tightly conjunct with Uranus.

This is a Super Full Moon as it happens closer to Earth than usual: besides appearing bigger and brighter than a regular Full Moon, her gravitational pull is stronger then usual and tends to be felt more intensely. This is the last Super Full Moon of the calendar year, and we won’t experience another one until November 5, 2025.

The Taurus Super Full Moon will be particularly relevant for those of us born with planets or angles around the 24º of Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius). The individuals more strongly impacted by the Taurus Full Moon are more likely to experience significant shifts of plans, unexpected changes, and turning points. They will have opportunities to let go of their attachment to something that holds them back from growing and make room for the new and the unfamiliar.

We invite you to watch our hour long video on our YouTube channel together with Nina where she walks us through the powerful energies of this Super Full Moon in Taurus.

Super Full Moon in Taurus: Revelations and Moments of Clarity


Once a month, when the Moon is fully illuminated by the Sun, we have an opportunity to gain awareness of something we normally can’t see with such clarity. Full Moons are the peak of the lunar cycle, they are a time of culmination and completion, and they offer us chances to reap the rewards of our work and enjoy the fruits of our efforts.

When the Moon is Full, we are more likely to experience some sort of revelation and a-ha moments and come across information that was previously unavailable or unclear. Full Moons always involve an opposition between the Sun and the Moon: oppositions are 180º angles that activate two opposing and complementary signs, exacerbating the polarization and the tension between them.

This month, the Taurus-Scorpio axis is in the spotlight, and this brings our attention to the need to accept the inherent impermanence of life and learn to understand when it is time to hold on to the known and when instead it is time to welcome change and take a leap into the unknown.


Exploring our Resistance to Change


During Scorpio season, a time of the year centered around embracing the cycles of life, transforming from the inside out, and diving into the depths of our unconscious fears, taboos, and complexes, the Taurus Full Moon shines a light on the value of simplicity. This event invites us to stay grounded and connected with our physical bodies and emphasizes our need for comfort, stability, and security.

In Taurus, the Moon is traditionally said to be exalted, as this sign is deeply attuned to the survival instinct and aware of the body’s rhythms, sensations, and needs on a moment-to-moment basis. Taurean qualities such as the need for stability and the tendency to resist change become heightened when the Moon is here. Since the Moon has to do with our basic security needs, when she travels through the sign of the Bull we feel a stronger desire to protect and maintain the structures that make us feel safe and secure.

The current Full Moon in Taurus amplifies the inherent tension of the Taurus-Scorpio polarity, the neverending push and pull between the impulse to evolve and the instinct to resist change, between the drive to transform and the need to preserve, between building foundations and destroying them to make room for growth. Uranus’ prominence in this configuration adds a unique element of surprise and unpredictability to the mix.


Full Moon conjunct Uranus: Wild Card


A lot is going on in the heavens these days and just a few days before Pluto’s final ingress into Aquarius, a Full Moon in Taurus conjunct Aquarius’ ruler Uranus shakes up our lives and revolutionizes our reality, pushing us past our resistance to change.

This Taurus Full Moon is a wild card, likely to come with a fair share of surprises, shifts of plans, and unexpected turns of events. While Taurus can be considered the most stability-oriented sign of the Zodiac, Uranus, also referred to as the Great Awakener, is all about change, innovation, progress, and rebellion from the status quo.

When Uranus is conjunct with the Moon, the winds of change are blowing in unpredictable ways. We tend to experience sudden disruptions to our comfort zone, erratic and volatile emotions, and a significant surge in our need for freedom, independence, and authentic living. This configuration emphasizes the desire to rebel from constriction, injustice, andstagnation, and pushes us to leave behind our attachment to comfort zones that no longer allow us to grow and progress.

Many of us are likely to experience sudden flashes of genius, downloads, and access insights and a-ha moments that mark a before and after in our lives. Many will experience breakthroughs and turning points, many will feel drawn to make radical changes in their reality and revolutionize their lives according to what is true for them.

Uranus is all about rebellion from conditioning and from the status quo: because of Uranus’ prominence, this Full Moon will inspire us to follow our unique path even when it differs from the majority, even when it doesn’t conform to what is expected of us.

Super Full Moon in Taurus

Full Moon trine Pluto and sextile Neptune


The Full Moon in Taurus is harmonically aligned with both Pluto, at 29º Capricorn, and Neptune, at 27º Pisces. The activation of all three transpersonal planets (Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) suggests that this Full Moon is likely to have a significant impact on global affairs and collective issues.

The Full Moon’s trine to Pluto and sextile to Neptune both support our ability to tap into our intuition, access our sixth sense, and open the doors of perception. Pluto’s influence motivates us to explore the shadow aspects of our psyche and the world around us and challenges us to recognize collective shadows in ourselves. The Moon-Pluto trine helps us access a deeper understanding of our and others’ underlying motives, desires, and needs.

Neptune’s subtle, mystical, dreamlike energy enhances our capacity for empathy and compassion while increasing our awareness of our interconnectedness as well as our ability to feel the collective emotional body and the emotions of the people around us.


Venus is squaring the Moon’s Nodes


Venus is the planetary ruler of Taurus, hence she rules this Full Moon: studying her condition gives us more information about the energy of this event and how it will manifest. Venus is in Capricorn, a sign where she is reminding us of the value of commitment, reliability, and integrity. In Capricorn, Venus is not particularly romantic but, since Capricorn is an Earth sign, she is strongly connected with the physical body and the five senses.

Venus is currently squaring the Nodes of the Moon in Libra and Aries. When planets square the Lunar Nodes, they are also referred to as “skipped steps”, which means they highlight developmental wounds from our childhood or karmic issues we carry from past lives that are keeping us from further growth. Around the time of this Full Moon, we experience the push and pull between the familiar ways of relating to others and the desire to establish new patterns and evolve.

This configuration is an opportunity for us to gain awareness of the root of repetitive cycles that we tend to get trapped in over and over again and understand in what ways we need to mature. In Capricorn, Venus squaring the Nodes can highlight the need to heal from a disconnection from pleasure and the body linked to societal and familial conditioning. Financial issues can also come into the spotlight around this time, offering us opportunities to work on deep-seated beliefs about abundance, scarcity, and our worth.


Super Full Moon in Taurus: Staying Grounded Amidst Turbulence


As the Full Moon in Taurus peaks, Mars and Pluto are still opposing each other. Mars is now in Leo but moving slightly slower than usual due to his upcoming retrograde, starting on December 6. The Mars-Pluto opposition keeps highlightingthe tension between our egoic urges, desires, and needs and the evolutionary impulses and desires coming directly from our Soul. We are traversing a collective evolutionary threshold, and Uranus’ activation on this Full Moon can bring shocking and unforeseen turns of events that push us to evolve and change before we feel ready for it.

The pace of events and of our collective evolution will dramatically accelerate with Pluto’s ingress into Aquarius, and this Full Moon is preparing the stage for it. These days, something may shake us from complacency and challenge us to adapt quickly.

The Taurus Full Moon invites us to refine our ability to stay grounded amidst turbulence and connect with a feeling of inner steadiness and calm even when everything around us is changing rapidly and unexpectedly. This event highlights the need to practice staying present and in our bodies regardless of what is going on in our external reality.


We are happy to announce that our highly anticipated 2025 horoscopes are now available and ready for you! This creation is truly special for our team, as it was a long journey creating and bringing this 2025 guidance to life. Thank you for your support, we ❤ you!

2025 yearly horoscope


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  • It’s hard to sleep so listening to this…and trying to move home. Leaving the last 7 years of life with family. I’m teetering thru it. Waiting for the new place to appear and wondering what secret will arrive… this is an amazing crazy time💥trying to be patient and get out of my own way. Stay tuned to the unfolding future 🤩 keep packing✌🏼


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