article Solar Eclipse in Libra: Renewing Relationships
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Solar Eclipse in Libra: Renewing Relationships

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Moon Omens

October 11, 2023

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On October 11, 12:12 PM —

On October 14, 1:54 PM ET, we experience the first Eclipse of this season, a New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse at 21º10’ Libra that offers us an invitation to renew and revolutionize our relationships. This event inaugurates the second and final Eclipse season of 2023. We are witnessing the first Eclipse in the sign of Libra since 2016, and the second one this year on the Aries-Libra axis. This event will be visible from most of the USA, Canada, Central America, and the Northern half of South America.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra will be impactful for everyone, but particularly so for those of us who were born with personal placements around the 21º of Cardinal signs. The individuals personally impacted by the Solar Eclipse are more likely to experience significant changes in their lives and their relationships, which have the potential to initiate them into a phase of deep personal and spiritual transformation.

We invite you to watch our hour long video on our YouTube channel together with Nina where she walks us through the powerful energies of this Solar Eclipse in Libra.

Solar Eclipses: Invitation to Sit in Darkness


The Eclipse portal is open: every six months, Eclipse season facilitates quantum leaps in our personal and collective evolutionary journey.

During Solar Eclipses, the Sun, the Moon, and the Earth align in a way that allows the shadow of the Moon to cover the Sun and prevent the sunlight from reaching the Earth. The current New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra is an Annular one: the Moon covers the central part of the Sun and the outer edge of the Sun remains visible, forming a ring around the Moon.

Since ancient times, Eclipses have been equally feared and revered as the ancients soon realized that they mark times of key historical events and correspond to periods of intense pressure, shifts of fate, and accelerated growth. Solar Eclipses, in particular, always attracted special attention. As the light of the Sun is what makes life on Earth possible, the fact that the Sun was obscured, even for a short time, was seen as a bad omen. Even if we now know that this is a temporary phenomenon, the power of Solar Eclipses is not to be underestimated.

As the light of the Sun is prevented from reaching us, we are invited to turn inward and find the guiding light within ourselves. Solar Eclipses are an opportunity to sit in the dark and allow darkness to teach us what we need to learn.


New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra: Renewal of Relationships


New Moons are all about beginnings and Solar Eclipses are supercharged New Moons that come with a potent energy of renewal. They open gateways of change, portals of intense transformation, and mark a time of increased evolutionary pressure and accelerated growth.

This month, the Moon and the Sun meet in the sign of the Scales, beginning a cycle focused on a deep, radical renewal of our relationships and of how we show up in relationships. This New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra marks a dramatic shift in our relating patterns and in our awareness of relational dynamics. The upcoming weeks and months will offer us opportunities to gain a clearer understanding of our beliefs and assumptions about relationships and of the inner mechanics at play in our attachment processes.

Although clarity might be elusive at this moment, since the Sun is being eclipsed, we are entering a lunar month filled with opportunities to gain better awareness of the subconscious patterns, needs, beliefs, and fears that influence our relational choices. Nevertheless, we have to keep in mind that the transformational processes set in motion by Eclipses take six months to fully unfold.


Solar Eclipse Conjunct the South Node: Release the Past to Make Space for the New


Eclipses take place when a New or Full Moon happens close to the Lunar Nodes, the points of the Moon’s orbit that cross the Ecliptic, the apparent path of the Sun from our perspective on Earth.

The Lunar Nodes are two points that exactly oppose one another: they mark where Eclipses happen and they are connected with fated events, destiny, Soul evolution, and karma. The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra is conjunct with the Lunar South Node, the point of the lunar orbit connected with past karma, attachments, and familiar habits. When Eclipses happen close to this point, they bring up unresolved issues from our past, unhealed wounds, and anything that needs to be purged, offering us opportunities for release and healing.

A New Moon Solar Eclipse on the Lunar South Node reminds us that endings are new beginnings, and invites us to let go of our attachment to the past in order to welcome the future in and make space for the new. This event will show us what needs to be released for a new beginning to take place in our lives and our relationships.

solar eclipse in libra

Solar Eclipse conjunct Mercury: Refinement of Communication Habits


On this New Moon Solar Eclipse, the Sun and the Moon are conjunct with Mercury in Libra, opposite Chiron in Aries, and square Pluto in Capricorn. The conjunction of Sun, Moon, and Mercury points to the importance of gaining awareness of communication dynamics and making an effort to understand how our communication needs to change in order to upgrade our experience of relationships. 

During the upcoming weeks and months, we will be reminded of how misunderstandings, assumptions, and lack of clear communication generate many of the relationship issues we experience. We will also have opportunities to observe how our emotions and emotional state impact our thinking habits and choice of words and work on gaining a better awareness of how our communication and active listening skills can be refined.


Solar Eclipse opposite Chiron and square Pluto: Emotional Healing & Psychological Maturation


The Sun and the Moon’s alignments to Chiron and Pluto offer us chances to experience emotional healing and psychological maturation. The process, however, is not likely to feel smooth and easy, as both the opposition and the square are aspects that reflect a degree of tension and friction, and Chiron and Pluto’s energies are intense. Resistance is likely to arise, as we will be required to confront deep-seated wounds and let go of our reliance on survival strategies that have contributed to keeping us safe in the past.

The oppositions to Chiron in Aries remind us that it is impossible to form authentic, healthy, and nourishing relationships with others if we don’t love ourselves. It is impossible to form healthy relationships with others if we feel we don’t have the right to exist, to desire, to take space, if we don’t have a separate sense of self, if we aren’t in touch with our true needs and desires, and if we are afraid of investing in ourselves and in our personal actualization.

The Sun, Moon, and Pluto alignment points to the importance of unraveling how our unresolved unconscious issues keep sabotaging us and preventing us from creating and maintaining the relationships we desire. Some themes that could come up for us to unravel are a need to constantly feel in control, a habit of trying to have our emotional needs met in sneaky and indirect ways, and the use of sexual energy to manipulate and overpower others.


Venus opposite Saturn: Know Your Worth


Venus is the planetary ruler of Libra: studying her condition gives us more information about the quality of this Solar Eclipse. As the Eclipse takes place, Venus is in Virgo and opposite Saturn in Pisces. Venus’s journey through Virgo is a reminder to use our discernment, both in romantic and financial matters, and to relate with others from a place of clarity about our values, needs, standards, and desires.

The Venus-Saturn opposition offers us opportunities to understand the root of any feelings of low self-worth and of those distortions in our thinking and behavior linked to feeling flawed, imperfect, “bad”, and hence unworthy of love. These days, we may have opportunities to work on our boundaries and to gain awareness of any chronic lack of reciprocity, such as over-giving and under-receiving dynamics, in our relationships.

Around this time, we may also have chances to see how internalized shame surrounding pleasure and sensuality, maybe deriving from exposure to distorted religious teaching and “purity culture”, still affects the way we show up in relationships and how we are in relationship with ourselves and our physical body.

Solar Eclipse in Libra

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra: Revolutionizing Relationships


This Solar Eclipse in Libra sets in motion a process of profound transformation in how we engage in relationships, inviting us to question how we perceive relationships, what we truly desire from relationships, and what “being in a relationship” means to us. Around this time, changes are likely to be sudden, unexpected, and fast, as the Sun and the Moon are also aligned with Uranus in Taurus in an inconjunct aspect, a configuration that requires us to stay flexible and willing to embrace paradox.

This event is a call to revolutionize our relationships and how we show up in them. The Solar Eclipse in Libra inspires us to deepen our understanding of relational dynamics, of the root of patterns and cycles that seem to repeat in our relational life, and of our true needs, values, and desires. This journey will continue to unfold during the upcoming months, as the Nodes keep transiting through Libra and Aries and we experience more Eclipses on this axis.


Crystal Pick for New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra: Citrine


This Libra-associated crystal is the ultimate manifestation tool and bright light to guide you through the big transformations, endings, and beginnings that this New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra is bringing. Citrine will help keep your spirits lifted, mind clear, and body ready to act so you can follow your instincts forward into a new expression of who you are!

Citrine harnesses the golden light of sunshine bringing optimism, growth, positivity, and a sunny outlook, even when outer circumstances may seem bleak. It’s incredibly helpful to lift you out of your inner darkness, out of depression, guilt, and other dense, heavy emotions, raising you into a place of responsibility and agency so you can take action on creating the life you want to see for yourself.

Citrine is a beautiful choice for this and all the upcoming eclipses on the Aries/Libra axis to help you harness the Libran energies of light, open-mindedness, and the ability to see beauty in everything, while also activating Arian-style optimism, confidence, and faith in yourself. Whenever you need to boost your own inner radiance and strength, when you find yourself in the darkness and need to figure out how to shine even brighter, citrine will be there to activate your potential and help you radiate your light into the world!


Solar Eclipse in Libra Journal & Guided Meditation is available as part of our Full Experience membership.

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Leave a comment below with what resonated with you the most and tap on the heart if you liked this article.. Happy Solar Eclipse in Libra!


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Tell us what you think


  • Hallo Nina!
    Thanks for this solar eclipse info! You’re always so incredible with your info. In reflection on what you said about what happened 10 years ago at this time, I find an uncanny resemblance in my overall situation. I went into a sinkhole on my motorcycle on Labor Day 2010 and suffered with extreme back pain for the couple years thereafter. This year, my car was hit (back in March) and I’ve gotten much better since then but today I woke up with extreme back pain and as I was at this time 10 years ago, I’m waiting to settle the auto injury case. My Venus (and Sun) is in Virgo with Mercury and moon in Libra with Scorpio ascending so I can see that this time and eclipse is interesting, as I lost a lot of work (I’m a musician). Thanks!

  • Will you please consider changing your excellent information from a black to a white background? Also a little larger print. I have difficulty reading your articles. I love your work and your style.

    • Hi Dorothea, and thanks for your comment! Usually it is possible to change the browser settings to “reader view”, in that way the background gets lighter and it should be easier to read 🙂

  • I love your work and help to humanity, understand ourselves better.
    My natal moon at 22’ Libra this eclipse is exactly what you are talking about.
    Thank you 🙏🏻💗

  • Amazing so trusting and wise
    I use it a lot
    Tried to be a member but somehow it didn’t work?

    Many thanks
    Pernille Elvirose


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