article September 2023 Astrology Update: Retrogrades & Realignment
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Astrology & Omens

September 2023 Astrology Update: Retrogrades & Realignment

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Moon Omens

September 1, 2023

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On September 1, 02:55 PM —

During September 2023, most planets remain in retrograde motion, and the spotlight stays on our journey of refinement, reflection, and realignment. The potent retrograde energy keeps underlying the need to go back before we move forward, to address unfinished business and gain a better understanding of the true motivations behind our choices. Throughout the upcoming weeks, both Mercury and Venus station direct while Jupiter stations retrograde, joining Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Pluto, and Chiron, already in apparent backward motion.

The first half of September is characterized by a strong emphasis on the Virgo archetype. This represents an invitation to focus on our healing journey, question our relationship to work and service, and reflect on what is our Soul truly in service to. A week after the Virgo New Moon, the Equinox takes place, and the Sun joins Mars and the South Node, already in the sign of the Scales. The calendar month ends with a Full Moon in Aries, an invitation to release cords and attachments that are no longer supporting our growth, and to observe both how we show up in our relationships with others and how we show up for ourselves.

Let’s see in more detail the main transits for September 2023.

Venus stations direct in Leo

Sep 3, 2023, 9:20 PM ET

As the new month begins, Venus stations direct in Leo after being retrograde since July 22, while forming a square to Jupiter in Taurus. Venus direct in Leo encourages a bold and courageous communication of our needs, desires, and values, according to the new awareness that has emerged. This shift encourages us to move toward full authentic expression, both in our personal lives and within our connections. After reevaluating our relationship with money and wealth, redefining our values, rediscovering our relational needs, and renewing our connection to ourselves and our self-worth, it is time to make the necessary changes to align our external reality with our internal reality. 


Jupiter stations retrograde in Taurus

Sep 4, 2023, 10:11 AM ET

Just a few hours after Venus stations direct in Leo, Jupiter stations retrograde in Taurus, while squaring Venus. Jupiter’s upcoming retrograde offers us an invitation to question existing belief systems, and points at how our attachment to specific ideologies affects our values, our relationship with abundance, our receptivity, and our self-esteem. Jupiter’s retrograde in the sign of the Bull represents an invitation to reflect on what we believe is valuable and what value we attribute to our beliefs. This transit will bring the spotlight on our relationship with pleasure, abundance, and excess, inviting us to look at any temptation to indulge in what feels good as a way to avoid our feelings, numb, or distract from the truth of what is happening.


New Moon in Virgo

Sep 14, 2023, 9:39 PM ET

This month, the luminaries meet in Virgo, offering us an invitation to renew our relationship to work and service, hone our discernment, and implement practical adjustments that enhance our experience of daily life. The Sun and the Moon are going to oppose Neptune and trine Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto. Neptune’s oppositions to the Sun and the Moon invite us to observe our relationship with our empathy, how we react to other people’s suffering, and whether we are tempted to dwell in feelings of victimization and hopelessness. The involvement of Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto supports a learning-oriented outlook during the upcoming lunar cycle, inspires an open-minded attitude toward change, and stimulates our desire to transform and grow.


Mercury stations direct in Virgo

Sep 15, 2023, 4:21 PM ET

Just a few hours after the Virgo New Moon, Virgo’s ruler Mercury stations direct in the early degrees of the sign. Mercury’s shift of motion offers us opportunities to act and make changes according to the shift in perception that took place during the retrograde and the new awareness that we are in the process of embodying. This transit encourages us to take action in order to reorganize our external reality according to how our thinking patterns, ideas, and perspectives transformed during the retrograde.


Libra season begins

Sep 23, 2023, 02:50 AM ET

On an Equinox, day and night have the same length: as we experience the balance between light and dark, we have an opportunity to reflect on what balance means to us and how we go about finding balance in our daily lives. The Equinox and the ingress of the Sun in Libra offer us an invitation to reflect upon our relationship to extremes and bring our attention to any imbalance and disharmony between giving and receiving in our relationships. Libra season brings the spotlight on the journey of navigating and mastering the complexities of connection and encourages us to learn about ourselves through the mirror of the Other.


Full Moon in Aries

Sep 29, 2023, 05:57 AM ET

As September comes to an end, the Moon in Aries opposes the Sun in Libra and we experience a Full Moon in the sign of the Warrior, an invitation to release cords and attachments that are no longer supporting our growth. The Aries Full Moon reminds us that we can’t relate to others authentically if our own needs aren’t met and our desires are unacknowledged. This event invites us to refine the balance between how much energy and focus we are directing toward our relationships with others, and how much energy and focus we are directing toward our relationship with ourselves, our needs, and our desires. 


September 2023 Astrology Update: Our Invitation


During September 2023, the abundance of retrograde planets continues to accelerate our evolutionary journey and individuation process. When planets appear to move backward from our perspective, they invite us to question habitual ways of being, thinking, behaving, and perceiving, motivating us to break free from conformity and inauthenticity. Recovering contact with our authentic self will be a core theme of the upcoming month, especially after Libra season begins.

Throughout the next few weeks, Venus will be very active: as she goes through her post-shadow phase she squares, again, both Jupiter and Uranus. After a period of deep revision and reorientation of our values, how we show up in relationships, and what we need in relationships, Venus being in direct motion again offers us an invitation to integrate the insights we got during the retrograde and take action accordingly, to align with the new awareness that has been emerging. 


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