article September 2020 Astrology Forecast – Energy Update
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Astrology & Omens

September 2020 Astrology Forecast – Energy Update

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Moon Omens

August 30, 2020

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September 2020 is going to be all about adjustments, improvements, and experimentation. We begin the month with a Full Moon in Pisces, that brings up the emotional intensity and the sense of chaos and confusion that we are already collectively experiencing. Issues that first manifested when the New Moon in Pisces took place, on February 23, 2020, may emerge again: we can now gain clarity and reach a deeper understanding.

The highlight of the month is Mars in Aries stationing retrograde on September 9. Until Jupiter stations direct on September 12 we are going to have 7 planets in an apparent backward motion. During these days, we are likely to feel more inclined to spend time alone, rest, and reflect on our choices. The main invitation is to reassess, revisit, and review our approach to what has been coming up in our lives. During this time, we have the chance to become aware of our self-imposed limitations and implement new strategies to overcome them.

At the end of the month, Saturn is stationing direct too: this event will bring an energetic shift that has the potential to facilitate our decision-making process. After Saturn stations direct, we are likely to feel a strong need to concretely move towards our goals, commit to what we take on, take responsibility for our lives, and build solid foundations for our future.


Full Moon in Pisces

September 2020 Astrology

We start the new month with a powerful Full Moon in Pisces, and on the same day we have several other interesting aspects. Mercury in Virgo trines Pluto in Capricorn, Sun in Virgo trines Uranus in Taurus, Venus in Cancer opposes Saturn in Capricorn, and the Full Moon forms a sextile to Uranus. The influence of the trines and the sextile is suggesting the possibility of positive and unexpected change and increases our ability to communicate what we want and need effectively. The Venus-Saturn opposition reminds us to value ourselves and our capacities.

This aspect invites us to believe in our inherent worth and in our ability to form healthy and supportive relationships.


Mercury enters Libra

Mercury leaves its home sign Virgo: his transit through Libra is lasting until September 27. During the upcoming weeks, the planet of communication and logic will invite us to seek harmony, balance, and compromise in all our relationships. Diplomacy, tact, and negotiation are likely to be easier: this is a great time to work on establishing healthy and respectful communication habits. Beware of developing people-pleasing tendencies: don’t sacrifice your needs and desires for others, but rather seek the middle ground.


Venus enters Leo

September 2020 Astrology

Just a few hours after Mercury starts transiting Libra, Venus enters Leo: these energies have a natural affinity and they work wonderfully together. Venus will be in Leo until October 2. This transit reminds us that we have the right to shine and be seen and to show our creative talents to the world: Venus in Leo invites us to dedicate time to what we are passionate about. Romance will be highlighted during this transit: many of us will have the chance to meet new people with common interests that represent an inspiring and uplifting influence.


Mars in Aries stations Retrograde

Mars has been in Aries since June 27, and he is going to be in the sign he rules until January 6, 2021. The God of War will be retrograde until November 13, stimulating us to reassess our plans, reevaluate our decisions and the way we habitually take action. The higher purpose of this transit is to gain a deeper understanding of our desires and the motives behind them. Mars retrograde invites us to explore our instinctual needs and wants, in order to achieve a more profound awareness of what we are fighting for and why.


Jupiter in Capricorn stations Direct

Jupiter is finally stationing direct after being in retrograde motion since May 14. The planet of luck and expansion slowly begins moving forward again, and we have the opportunity to gain clarity around the issues that manifested during his retrograde phase. Jupiter stationing direct in Capricorn will once again put the spotlight on themes of ethics and morality, and expose corruption, oppression, and abuse of power. His goal is inspiring us to reflect on the right use of authority, prestige, fame, and money.


New Moon in Virgo

The New Moon in Virgo begins a lunar cycle where self-improvement, health, and healing will be the main themes. Sun and Moon trine Saturn in Capricorn inspire us to take good care of ourselves, to consistently make daily choices that support our health. On the same day, Mercury in Libra is forming an exact square to Jupiter in Capricorn, and he will soon square Pluto and Saturn too. These aspects symbolize the need to find constructive ways to communicate with other people, according to the social context and the moment we are in. Their invitation is to become conscious of the power of words.


Sun enters Libra

September 2020 Astrology

This year Mabon or the Autumn Equinox is taking place on September 22: Libra season is officially here! Libra represents the neverending search for harmony and balance. Through the sign of the scales, we learn to relate with others as equals. This is an ongoing work in progress: as a Cardinal archetype, Libra is starting a new cycle of growth, learning through trial and error and direct experience. Throughout Libra season, we will be encouraged to strive for healthy compromise and refine our negotiation skills to find win-win solutions that make everyone involved happy.


Mercury enters Scorpio

When the planet of communication, critical thinking, and logic travels through the sign of the Scorpion, he invites us to observe the situation thoroughly and let others speak first. Mercury in Scorpio is naturally suspicious and prefers studying people from a distance before speaking or making a move. This transit helps us deepen our perspective of the world around us and allows us to understand others’ motives and intentions. Mercury in Scorpio invites us to ask specific and direct questions to get to the bottom of any issue.


Saturn stations Direct in Capricorn, Mars retrograde square Saturn

September 2020 Astrology

Saturn has been retrograde since May 10: he was already in Aquarius and moved back into Capricorn on July 1. Saturn is finally stationing direct: he will be transiting the last degrees of Capricorn for the last time before entering Aquarius again on December 17. We now have the last chance to integrate the lessons that came up throughout the past two and a half years, when Saturn has been in Capricorn. On the same day, Mars retrograde in Aries is squaring Saturn for the second time within a month. This aspect may cause frustration and tension, and themes that first came up at the end of August could emerge again. The invitation is to be mindful, avoid reacting on impulse, and discover healthy ways to process and release difficult emotions.

Comment below with what resonated with you the most, and what you are excited about in September! Sending lots of love and blessings your way. Happy September!

P.S. Tomorrow we are going to release our September Horoscopes, 12 e-books, 40+ pages for each sign. You will find so much more personalized September energy updates on many aspects of your life, like career, love life, relationships etc. Stay tuned! 🙂


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