article Scorpio Season 2023: Eye of the Storm
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Astrology & Omens

Scorpio Season 2023: Eye of the Storm

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Moon Omens

October 21, 2023

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On October 21, 11:11 AM —

On October 23, 12:21 PM ET, Scorpio season 2023 begins. Shortly after Mercury, the Sun enters Scorpio too, where Mars is also transiting. We are in the eye of the storm. We are going through intense times and Scorpio season will bring our attention, even more closely, to personal and collective shadows, shining a light in the dark and illuminating something we normally don’t see or don’t want to see. The Sun is going to remain in Scorpio until November 22.

Scorpio season will be especially relevant for those of us who were born with natal placements in Fixed Signs. The individuals more personally impacted by the Sun’s transit through Scorpio will have opportunities to gain more awareness of what needs to be transformed and alchemized in their lives and see where energy is stagnant and stuck and needs to be moved.

From Libra to Scorpio season: Deepening Relationships & Awareness of Energetic Exchanges


The Sun’s transition from Libra to Scorpio invites us to deepen our intimacy with both ourselves and others. After navigating through the initial stage of establishing agreements, refining the balance of giving and receiving, and harmonizing our relationships during Libra season, Scorpio season invites us to go deeper and focus on the journey of merging with others by sharing our energy, emotions, and resources with them.

As Scorpio is a Water sign, this season is a time to deepen our relationships by establishing emotional intimacy and establishing emotional intimacy with others is impossible if we aren’t emotionally intimate and honest with ourselves.This is also a time to gain more awareness of all energetic exchanges that are going on in our lives, including sexual energy exchanges, and exchanges of resources. Scorpio season reminds us of the nature of sexuality as a force that creates a Soul-level connection, a force that entwines individuals on a karmic level, and invites us to honor the sacred nature of sexual energy.


Scorpio Season 2023: Letting Life Transform Us


This year, Scorpio season begins while we are navigating the Eclipse window, a period of sudden changes, turning points, and unexpected shifts of fate. This brings our attention, even more intensely, to our relationship with death, letting go, and transformation, core themes of Scorpio season. 

In the Northern Hemisphere of the globe, Scorpio season comes at the time of the year when everything dies. Leaves have fallen from trees, winter is incoming, and nature goes into hibernation. As leaves keep falling, we too are invited to release what no longer serves us and to let go of our attachment to identities, behaviors, and ways of being that have lost their purpose and meaning. This is a time to stay open while we shed skin and let the old version of ourselves die, without knowing what’s coming next.

As nature prepares for a period of rest, we too are urged to turn inward. Scorpio season is a time to explore our unconscious, our inner world, our fears, and our true desires, and to pay attention to the parts of ourselves that we usually keep hidden, that we feel ashamed about, that we don’t want to look at.

Below you can watch our short Scorpio Season 2023 workbook preview!

Scorpio Season 2023: Eclipses and Lunations


During Scorpio season 2023, we are going to experience a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus and a New Moon in Scorpio.

On October 28, we experience a Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, the last Eclipse in Taurus until 2031. This lunation ends the one-and-a-half year of Eclipses in Taurus and Scorpio, closing a journey that started in January 2022, when the Lunar Nodes entered these signs. The Moon is going to be aligned with Jupiter and the North Node, while the Sun is going to be conjunct with both Mercury and Mars. This Lunar Eclipse marks the culmination of the shift in our values and beliefs that has taken place in the past 18 months. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus urges us to take action according to how our beliefs and values have changed and to release attachments that are keeping us in a state of stagnation.

The New Moon in Scorpio happens on November 13 and is going to tightly conjunct Mars and oppose Uranus in Taurus. These alignments suggest increased possibilities of experiencing unexpected events, disruptive changes, and sudden breakthroughs that set in motion a process that could unfold throughout the rest of the lunar month. As Mars in Scorpio will be activated by both of the upcoming lunations, we can expect his energy to be very prominent throughout the entire Scorpio season. At this time, each one of us is invited to choose to channel the intense Martian energy wisely and we are reminded to be responsible for our power and how we use it.


Scorpio Season 2023: Releasing Resistance to Change


Scorpio season encourages us to let go of identities and attachments that no longer serve our growth: this is a time to let past versions of ourselves die. The abundance of planets in Scorpio reminds us that change is a natural part of life and that resisting change only creates more suffering. Scorpio season reminds us that just by letting something go we can make space for something new to come in.

During this time, with three planets in Scorpio, our attention will turn toward what lies beneath the surface, toward the unconscious, the taboo, the unspoken. This season invites us to confront our limitations and become aware of unprocessed pain and unconscious patterns that keep us stuck in repetitive cycles.

The beginning of Scorpio season is underlying the invitation to say yes to transformation during this Eclipse season. The Sun’s journey through the Underworld is an invitation to let go of the old, to let go of the past version of ourselves, before knowing what the next phase will be and what it will look like.


Crystal Pick for Sun Enters Scorpio: Shiva Lingam


In a perfect metaphor for the Sun making its way through Scorpio, this grounding stone from India represents the “cosmic egg”, or the chaos that creates worlds. It’s connected to sexuality and creative energy and helps unite and balance the sacred masculine and divine feminine within you.

Named for Shiva, the God of Destruction in Hinduism, Shiva lingam destroys ignorance, dense energy, unconscious patterns, and negative misbeliefs. It can destroy shame, low self-worth, and blocks around your creative and sexual expression, breaking down the dams of repressed emotions. This is the perfect stone for this Scorpio season to help you embrace the light and dark within yourself as the beautiful WHOLE of who you are.

When the old patterns, beliefs, and stories are broken down, your life source energy is free to be expressed. You reach new levels of self-understanding, self-acceptance, and self-awareness, shedding the layers of embarrassment, judgment and self-suppression. Shiva lingam is a beautiful stone to guide you through the immense transformations this season offers us!


Tap here to Get Your Scorpio Season 2023 Workbook..


To celebrate the arrival of the Scorpio Season we present you our new creation – Scorpio Season Workbook 2023. This is a printable PDF workbook that you can print out and work on right away!

It is absolutely powerful workbook that you deserve and must experience – for all zodiac signs, no matter your sun sign or configuration of your natal chart. Don’t think twice, go ahead and get workbook now. It is life changing and we are going to be using it along side you.

scorpio season 2023

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  • Resonates for me…Scorpio with Gemini rising. Struggling with misplaced guilt, fear for what others’ choices have done for them, and setting boundaries. Bumpy ride, indeed. 🙏

  • I really enjoyed reading this article it has opened my eyes to why I may be feeling the way I have been about change.


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