article Scorpio Season 2022: Opportunities for Profound Transformation
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Astrology & Omens

Scorpio Season 2022: Opportunities for Profound Transformation

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Moon Omens

October 23, 2022

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October 23 is a very active day, astrologically: within a few hours of each other, we experience three relevant energetic shifts. At 12:07 AM ET Saturn stations direct in Aquarius, at 03:52 AM ET Venus enters Scorpio, and at 06:36 AM ET the Sun enters Scorpio, shortly after Venus met the Sun on the last degree of Libra for the Venus Starpoint in the sign.

The Moon is currently dark, in her Balsamic phase, and we are preparing for a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio coming up in only two days. Today is likely to feel energetically intense: let’s see in more detail what these three shifts are about.


Saturn direct in Aquarius: Time of Maturation


When planets station direct, they offer us an invitation to slowly begin moving forward and implementing tangible changes in our lives according to what we learned and understood during the retrograde phase. Saturn, the Lord of Karma, is the planet associated with our maturation process, with time and space, it is the principle that generates structure by giving definition, containment, and solidity to what exists through the creation of a boundary. Saturn is connected to traditions, with the conditioning we internalize, with all boundaries and limitations, with our relationship with authority and with the rules, limits, and regulations we encounter.

When Saturn is activated by transit, it offers us an invitation to reflect on what we desire to build and create, on how we can make it last through time, and on how we desire to make a relevant impact on society. It is a good time to assess where we are at in our emotional maturation process and what has been shifting during the last few months.

Saturn’s transit through Aquarius represents an opportunity to build alternative systems and structures that are aligned with our deconditioning and individuation journeys. Aquarius, Saturn’s traditional domicile, has to do with breaking rules that are ready to be broken and establishing new ones that support innovation and progress. Since 2020, Saturn has been inviting us to become rebels with a cause and trust our inner voice as our compass instead of relying on external authorities and institutions.

scorpio season 2022

The Lord of Karma stationing direct in the sign of the Water Bearer is inviting us to take responsibility for making decisions that allow us to be in integrity and align the external structure of our lives with the inner restructuring that has been taking place during the retrograde.


Saturn square Uranus & the Nodes, Saturn trine Mercury


Saturn is currently at 18º35’ Aquarius in a tight square to retrograde Uranus at 17º36’ of Taurus. The two planets have been in aspect since 2021 and from now on, Saturn and Uranus begin to separate from each other, as Saturn is in direct motion while Uranus is still retrograde.

The ongoing Saturn-Uranus square has been an opportunity to explore how our past conditioning, fears, and insecurities are still preventing us from building a structure for our life that feels aligned with the person we are becoming. It reflects the tension we experience as we transition from old patterns, systems, and structures to new and unexplored ones. The square of Saturn and Uranus offers us chances to contemplate our relationship with change, the unknown, and the uncertain, during a time of fast shift in personal and collective values, financial paradigms, and socio-political conditions.

Saturn has also been squaring the Lunar Nodes in Taurus and Scorpio for approximately six months and this aspect is still active, even if Saturn now begins separating from the Nodes, which move retrograde for most of the time. Saturn’s square to the Nodes points to the importance of being accountable for how we are living our lives and for the choices we are making and invites us to look at our relationship with commitment, responsibility, self-discipline, and integrity.

Saturn stationing direct could bring full circle a process that has been unfolding since 2021 when Saturn and Uranus began squaring each other. These days, there is the potential to receive practical and tangible insights relative to what to do to move toward the future we envision and desire. Saturn’s trine to Mercury in Libra can facilitate the objective understanding, communication, and integration of the ideas and information emerging at this time.


Venus enters Scorpio: Cultivating True Intimacy


Shortly after Saturn stations direct and just a few hours after the exact Venus-Sun conjunction in Libra, Venus and the Sun begin transiting through Scorpio. Here, the Goddess of Love inspires us to value depth of connection, intimacy, and transformative exchanges. When Venus is in Scorpio, superficial relating doesn’t feel appealing or interesting: we want all or nothing and we aren’t much willing to compromise on it. This transit offers us an invitation to work on deepening our intimacy with ourselves, as well as our intimacy with others.

Venus’ yearly journey through Scorpio is a chance to transform disempowering relating patterns, gain a more profound understanding of the psychology behind human connection, and explore healing processes that only happen through open and vulnerable connection with another human. Something to be mindful of during this transit is confusing intensity with love, getting addicted to high sensation while abandoning ourselves and neglecting our core values and needs.

Venus is transiting over the Lunar South Node on November 2, marking a time of karmic encounters and fated meetings. These days, people from our past may come back into our lives suddenly and unexpectedly, as Venus is also opposing Uranus in Taurus shortly after, on November 5. We may have chances to find closure of something that wasn’t fully solved before, or gain a new, more objective understanding of it. On November 7, Venus squares Saturn in Aquarius, pointing at opportunities to gain awareness of those places where we still feel unworthy and unlovable, or fear intimacy and rejection. The Venus-Saturn square is an invitation to work on scarcity mindsets and improve our receptivity. This aspect motivates us to work hard and invest our energy and time into something we value and believe in for the long term.


Scorpio season 2022: Opportunities for Profound Transformation


The Sun brings the spotlight on the area of the Zodiac it is transiting, and when he travels through Scorpio, the spotlight goes on everything that is below the surface of our conscious awareness. Scorpio season invites us to gain a deeper awareness of our emotional and psychological nature and gives us chances to uncover those patterns of behaviors we unconsciously rely upon to generate a sense of safety and security. Power games and manipulation tactics could be revealed, and we will have opportunities to deal differently with situations we encounter.

scorpio season 2022

The Sun’s presence in Scorpio gives us powerful determination and willpower while reflecting a tendency to gravitate towards fixations and obsessions, as well as an inclination to hide and avoid vulnerability in order to protect ourselves. The emphasis on the Scorpio archetype allows us to access an enormous healing potential and increases our chances for deep personal and collective transformation.


Scorpio Season 2022: Navigating Upcoming Eclipses


Last but not least, during Scorpio season 2022 Eclipses are taking place. On October 25, the New Moon Solar Eclipse at 1º59’ of Scorpio conjunct Venus reminds us that all endings are beginning. This Eclipse is connected to the Lunar South Node and it is likely to bring up past emotions and attachments that we have to let go of in order to move forward without being caught up in cycles of repetition and suffering.

On November 8, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on the Lunar North Node, tightly conjunct Uranus and square Saturn, marks a time of releases and culminations, unexpected turning points, and shocking revelations. The proximity of Uranus to the Moon and the involvement of Saturn in the configuration indicate high potential for potent collective shifts, impactful world events or natural events, as well as twists of fate in our personal lives that will bring to the forefront the need to confront our conscious and unconscious resistance to change.

Comment below with what resonated with you the most and tap on the heart if you enjoyed this article!

In case you would like to learn more about the current energies of Scorpio season, Eclipse season and more, we invite you to watch our most recent YouTube video where Nina will guide you through it all. Enjoy!



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