article Scorpio Season 2021: Into the Mystery
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Astrology & Omens

Scorpio Season 2021: Into the Mystery

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Moon Omens

October 23, 2021

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On October 23, 12:51 AM ET, Scorpio season 2021 begins. The Sun leaves Libra and enters Scorpio, where it will remain until November 21 or 22, according to our timezone.

Scorpio season is a time to dive deeper into the mysteries of life, death, intimacy, and human psychology. The Sun shines a light in the darkest parts of our psyche and illuminates something we normally don’t see or don’t want to see.


The Scorpio Archetype: Intimacy, Osmosis, Power & Transformation


The transition from Libra to Scorpio has to do with the deepening of relationships. After establishing agreements and casual contact with a variety of people during the Libra stage of evolution, through Scorpio we decide who we are available to intimately merge with and share our resources with.

Scorpio corresponds to the journey of establishing emotional intimacy and allowing a fusion with someone or something to occur. Scorpio is associated with sexuality as an emotional phenomenon generating a Soul level bond and with the consequences of the exchange of genetic, emotional, and karmic material. The physical, procreational, and instinctual aspect of sexuality is associated with Taurus, the opposite sign.

The osmotic process that results from our fusion with another deeply changes everyone involved, and it can empower or disempower us. Through the Scorpio archetype, we recognize and overcome our personal blocks, test our limitations and boundaries, and see how far we can push ourselves. In this stage of evolution, we confront experiences of loss and betrayal, we learn to trust and to be vulnerable, we allow the old to die and make space for something more meaningful and authentic.


Scorpio season 2021: Exploring Fears & Looking Beneath the Surface


Scorpio season inspires us to look beneath the surface, under the skin, beyond the obvious. It is a time to dive deeper into our psyche and see what we need to figure out to evolve and empower ourselves. It is a time to analyze our desires and discover the hidden intentions and motivations behind them. It is a time to investigate, to ask profound questions to both ourselves and others, and to not accept anything but radical, raw honesty.

This period of the year is a moment to turn inwards and explore our fears, our obsessions, our compulsions. Discovering our unconscious emotional attachments will give us information about our manipulation tendencies, one of the shadows of the sign of Scorpio.

We may now realize that the need to feel safe and in control may be leading our life, causing us to obsess over things and people, preventing us from letting go of something that is holding us back or limiting us.


Scorpio season 2021: the Eclipse Portal Opens


This year, Scorpio season will be more intense than usual, since Eclipse season begins while the Sun is still transiting the sign of the Scorpion. Eclipses are supercharged New and Full Moons that happen when Sun and Moon are close to the Lunar Nodes, points of karma, fate, and destiny. Eclipses’ effects keep unraveling for six months: we are now experiencing the culmination of a cycle that began with the Eclipses of May 2021.

We have had Eclipses on the Gemini-Sagittarius axis for approximately one and a half years, while the Lunar Nodes have been transiting there. The Nodes are changing signs in January 2022: the North Node will enter Taurus, and the South Node will enter Scorpio. However, the Full Moon in Taurus taking place on November 19 will happen close enough to the North Node at 1 degree of Gemini to be a partial Lunar Eclipse. Later, on December 4, we will have a New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius, the last in the sign until 2029.

On November 4, a potent New Moon in Scorpio opens the Eclipse portal. Both the Sun and the Moon will be opposite retrograde Uranus in Taurus and square Saturn in Aquarius, magnifying the friction of the ongoing Saturn-Uranus square. This New Moon will feel quite tense: the alignments at play increase the potential for unexpected and sudden events, news, disruptions, and changes unfolding throughout the rest of the lunar month and Eclipse season.


Sun square Saturn & opposite Uranus


The Sun in Scorpio will bring into the spotlight the tension between our need to hold on to the known and our desire to explore the unknown, by shining a light on the themes of the Saturn-Uranus contact we have been experiencing for the whole year.

In particular, on October 30, Sun and Saturn meet in a tense alignment that can reflect some issues with self-doubt, self-criticism, and fear of failure. This is a time when we are very aware of our limitations, duties, and responsibilities: we may feel some heaviness and melancholy and a general sense of frustration. Sun-Saturn contacts are great to define our purpose clearly, work on long-term goals, and remember the value of delayed gratification.

Scorpio Season 2021

The opposition between Sun and Uranus, almost simultaneous and culminating exactly on November 4 with the Scorpio New Moon, highlights the possibility of disruptions and unpredictable events forcing us out of our comfort zone. A strong restlessness will increase our desire to break free from the past, rebel against restrictions, and liberate ourselves from limitations.


Sun trine Neptune, square Jupiter, & sextile Pluto 


The Sun in Scorpio will then trine Neptune in Pisces, square Jupiter in Aquarius, and sextile Pluto in Capricorn.

Sun trine Neptune, exact on November 12, will enhance our intuitive qualities by magnifying our empathy, compassion, and creativity. Our capacity to connect with the collective emotional body and express feelings that are usually hard to convey will increase, and we will feel much more sensitive than usual. This aspect may inspire many of us to deepen our spiritual practice and dive deep into artistic and creative inspiration.

On November 15, the Sun squares Jupiter in Aquarius, supporting our desire to live life to the fullest and make new experiences. This alignment increases our willingness to expand our knowledge, seek the deeper meaning of existence, and connect with the big picture. On the downside, we may be prone to overconfidence, overdoing, overindulgence, and overestimating our capacities.

Shortly after, on November 16, the Sun sextiles Pluto in Capricorn. This aspect facilitates transformations and healing processes that promote a radical restructuring of our life. Sun sextile Pluto gives us opportunities to connect with deeper determination and willpower, to get closer to a clear sense of purpose, and to detach from trivial and unnecessary commitments that drain our energy without supporting our growth.


Scorpio season 2021: Exploring the Root of our Resistance to Change


The yearly journey of the Sun through Scorpio is a time of deep soul searching and emotional transmutation. Mars and Mercury will be in Scorpio too: Mars enters its traditional domicile between October 30 and October 31, while Mercury’s turn is on November 5. Particularly, Mars being there during most of Scorpio season will increase the emphasis on proactively generating change and take actions that support and speed up our evolutionary processes and help us overcome our current limitations.

The upcoming season is an opportunity to increase our psychological understanding of ourselves and life, to discover what’s lurking in the dark waters of our unconscious, what needs and desires are truly driving our choices. Scorpio rules purging and elimination processes: during the upcoming weeks, we will have chances to purify ourselves from dysfunctional patterns and dynamics that we are ready to outgrow.

The Scorpio archetype is about evolution, yet paradoxically, it is also an archetype that can express an immense resistance to evolution. During the next weeks, we will have chances to explore the root of our resistance to change and to allow a transformation of both our inner and our outer reality to take place.

Scorpio season magnifies the importance of our inner, shadow work. This is an opportunity when we are energetically supported to transform, transmute and reinvent ourselves. To help you rise as the Phoenix rose from the ashes we have created something intensely powerful – Shadow Work Work Book. We invite you to learn more and get your Shadow Work Work Book by tapping here or on the image below.

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