article Saturn stations direct in Pisces: Grounding Dreams in Reality
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Saturn stations direct in Pisces: Grounding Dreams in Reality

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Moon Omens

November 15, 2024

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On November 15, 06:30 PM —

On November 15, 09:21 AM EST, just a few hours before the Full Moon in Taurus peaks, Saturn stations direct at 12º41’ of Pisces after being retrograde since June 29. This event encourages us to work on grounding our dreams in reality and offers us an opportunity to implement the lessons we learned during the retrograde.

Saturn’s shift of motion is especially relevant for those of us born with planets or angles in Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) as well as for people with natal placements in Capricorn and Aquarius, the signs traditionally ruled by Saturn. The individuals personally impacted by Saturn stationing direct will begin to gain more momentum in areas of their lives where they experienced delays and stuckness. They will be able to access a newfound sense of clarity and direction as well as more willingness to take tangible action to materialize their dreams and visions.

Today also happens to be a Super Full Moon in Taurus and we invite you to watch our hour long video where Nina walks us through all the current energies in depth.

Saturn in Pisces: Spiritual Maturation


The ruler of Capricorn and, traditionally, also Aquarius, Saturn was named after the mythological Titan Saturnus, the God of Time, associated with discipline, structure, and endurance. In Astrology, Saturn is a stern teacher who reminds us of the inevitability of the passing of time while offering us access to the wisdom gained through consistent effort, perseverance, and resilience.

Saturn completes his journey around the Zodiac in 29.5 years and spends roughly two and a half years in each sign. In March 2023, Saturn entered Pisces, where he remains until May 24, 2025. On September 1, 2025, Saturn retrogrades back into Pisces and enters Aries again on February 13, 2026.

Saturn’s energy is sobering, grounding, and matter-of-fact. This planet asks us to face and accept reality as it is, without sugarcoating it, without the comforting illusions and delusions we may be attached to.

In Pisces, Saturn brings us a reality check and challenges us to recognize where we might have been lost in fantasy, wishful thinking, escapism, or spiritual bypassing. This transit is all about doing the work to ground our dreams in reality and materializing our visions into form. Saturn’s presence adds structure and containment to Pisces’ sensitivity and psychic openness and challenges us to spiritually and emotionally mature.


Saturn stations direct: Moving Forward with Maturity


When planets are retrograde, their energy is internalized and directed toward self-reflection and reorientation. We are drawn to reexamine past matters, wrap up loose ends, and take care of unfinished business rather than starting new endeavors. Because of their introspective nature, retrograde planets tend to accelerate our individuation process and support self-knowledge and self-awareness.

When planets are stationary, they have slowed down to the point that, from our perspective on Earth, they appear to be at a standstill. This is an invitation for us to pause and slow down before moving forward again, as the planet resumes forward motion.

As Saturn turns direct in Pisces, we have an opportunity to implement practical and tangible adjustments based on the insights we gained during the retrograde period and start to move forward with greater maturity, responsibility, and awareness.

The Jupiter-Saturn Square: Building Resilience


As Saturn stations direct at 12º Pisces, he starts moving toward a square to Jupiter, now retrograde in Gemini. Saturn and Jupiter have been squaring each other for most of the calendar year: their first exact square was on August 19 and the next one will be on December 24.

The Jupiter-Saturn square emphasizes the tension between our desire for freedom and expansion and limitations beyond our control we need to accept and work with. This aspect underlines the need to build the resilience and strength necessary for us to expand in the way we aspire to while highlighting the need to make sure we aren’t taking shortcuts without building solid foundations.

During the upcoming months, the Jupiter-Saturn square will remind us that real growth often involves navigating setbacks with faith and determination, adjusting our plans on the spot, and refining our visions while remaining motivated in the face of resistance.


Saturn direct in Pisces: Grounding Dreams in Reality


During his journey through Pisces, Saturn challenges us to mature spiritually and embrace a greater level of discipline, not through force or self-punishment but by deepening our commitment to serve something greater than ourselves, aligning with a higher purpose and a higher will.

Saturn stationing direct in Pisces is an opportunity for us to be more proactive in building the life we aspire to create, and let go of any attachment to the roles of victim or savior. It is an opportunity to see reality as it is and not as we wish it to be, an opportunity to take responsibility to change what we can change and learn to accept with grace what we cannot change.

Saturn’s shift of motion motivates us to take practical steps to ground our dreams in reality and move beyond mere fantasy and hope while reminding us to make sure we are not only oriented toward our personal gain but rather eager to make a meaningful contribution to the collective good.


We are happy to announce that our highly anticipated 2025 horoscopes are now available and ready for you! This creation is truly special for our team, as it was a long journey creating and bringing this 2025 guidance to life. Thank you for your support, we ❤ you!

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