article Sagittarius Season 2024: Uncharted Territories
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Astrology & Omens

Sagittarius Season 2024: Uncharted Territories

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Moon Omens

November 21, 2024

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On November 21, 02:59 PM —

On November 21, 2:57 PM EST, the Sun leaves Scorpio, and Sagittarius season 2024 begins. The Sun is going to remain in Sagittarius until December 21, inspiring us to explore uncharted territories and challenging us to embrace radical transparency in all areas of our lives.

The start of Sagittarius season is especially relevant for those born with natal placements in Mutable Signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces). The individuals personally impacted by the Sun’s transit through Sagittarius will have opportunities to embark on a new chapter of their journey of self-discovery, broaden their horizons, and deepen their quest for knowledge and truth.

From Scorpio to Sagittarius season: Moving Toward Uncharted Territories


Wherever the Sun transits, the light of our awareness goes: during Scorpio season 2024, we embarked on a journey through the darkest corners of our psyche. We were challenged to acknowledge our disowned desires and navigate intense emotions as we shed our skin and confronted our resistance to change.

As the Sun enters Sagittarius, a Mutable Fire sign, our desire to expand, explore, and discover life beyond our comfort zone increases. Sagittarius season invites more lightheartedness into our lives and motivates us to explore uncharted territories with enthusiasm and faith.

The philosopher of the Zodiac, Sagittarius asks the most existential questions and travels far and wide, both inwardly and outwardly, to search for an answer. When the Sun travels through Sagittarius, our search for truth and meaning takes center stage and our awareness goes toward the need to discover who we are, why we are here, and what we are here to do.


Trusting the Path that Unfolds as We Walk it


Sagittarius teaches us to move through life with an unshakable sense of faith and trust in the path that unfolds as we walk it. During Sagittarius season, we learn that the destination is not the most important part of the journey and learn to appreciate the journey in itself. Freedom is a theme that strongly resonates with Sagittarius, and during Sagittarius season we have an opportunity to reflect on what freedom means to us.

This time of the year is an opportunity to strengthen our connection with our intuition and explore deductive and experiential learning processes. As a Fire sign, Sagittarius learns from trial and error; this time of the year is an invitation to learn from our experiences and mistakes and dare to take a leap of faith before we feel we have all the details figured out.

During Sagittarius season, we have an opportunity to reflect on our relationship to our beliefs and to how we tend to attribute meaning to our experiences. The Sun in the sign of the Centaur brings the spotlight on how we relate to our guiding life philosophy and any ideologies or systems of beliefs we may identify with, emphasizing the risks of dogmatism, arrogance, and being convinced that our truth is the only truth.

Sagittarius season 2024: Upcoming Lunations


Between November 30 and December 1, according to our timezone, a New Moon in Sagittarius takes place. The New Moon in Sagittarius marks a surge in our desire for renewal, growth, and expansion. This event begins a lunar month centered around renovating our commitment to authenticity and recovering our connection to our true nature.

The Sun and the Moon in Sagittarius are going to square Saturn in Pisces and oppose Jupiter in Gemini, the ruler of the New Moon. This configuration emphasizes the tension between our desire for freedom and the need to accept limitations outside of our control. This New Moon also highlights the need to cultivate the resilience and strength we need in order to be able to grow and expand in the way we envision.

Between December 14 and December 15, a Full Moon in Gemini occurs while Mercury stations direct in Sagittarius. The Moon will be widely conjunct with Jupiter, and both the Sun and the Moon will square Neptune in Pisces. The Gemini Full Moon will be an opportunity for us to deepen our understanding of communication dynamics and become more aware of how our upbringing, education, and culture continue to shape our thought patterns and beliefs. This configuration will invite us to reflect on the difference between opinion and truth, between belief and truth. Because of Neptune’s prominence, however, the dangers of believing we are seeing the truth while still caught in an illusion will be emphasized.


Sagittarius season: Embracing Radical Authenticity


On November 19, Pluto, the modern ruler of Scorpio, made his final ingress into Aquarius, marking a significant acceleration of the pace of our personal and collective evolution. As the Sun leaves Scorpio to enter Sagittarius, he immediately forms a sextile to Pluto: this harmonic aspect supports our ability to creatively reinvent ourselves, see crises as opportunities, and transform through challenges and setbacks. This aspect will continue to be active for the first few days of Sagittarius season 2024, motivating us to make meaningful changes to stay in alignment with our truth.

Sagittarius is indeed the sign connected to authenticity and, during this season, we are encouraged to embrace radical honesty, first and foremost with ourselves, and be transparent in all our interactions with others. Sagittarius season 2024 will remind us of the power and the beauty of sharing our authentic, spontaneous selves with others.


Tap here to Get Your Sagittarius Season 2024 Workbook


To celebrate the arrival of Sagittarius Season we present you our new creation – the Sagittarius Season Workbook 2024. This is a printable PDF workbook that you can print out and work on right away!

You have to experience this powerful workbook – for all zodiac signs, no matter your sun sign or configuration of your natal chart. It is life changing and we are going to be using it along side you. Below you can watch our short Sagittarius Season 2024 workbook preview!


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