article Sagittarius Season 2022: Refining Connection with Truth
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Astrology & Omens

Sagittarius Season 2022: Refining Connection with Truth

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Moon Omens

November 22, 2022

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On November 22, 05:04 PM —

On November 22, 03:21 AM ET, Sagittarius season 2022 begins. The Sun enters the sign of the Centaur, where Mercury and Venus are already transiting. This shift brings the spotlight on the ongoing journey of refining our connection with our personal truth.

Sagittarius season brings a buoyant and cheerful vibe, lifting our spirits after the heaviness and the deep inner work that took place during Eclipses and Scorpio season. We emerge from an intense period of our lives with a newfound sense of hope and faith and a desire to explore uncharted territory. The sign of the Centaur is all about finding meaning after a crisis: this stage of growth, in the Zodiac, correlates with the moment of seeing the light at the end of the tunnel

Sun enters Sagittarius: Exploring Uncharted Territory


The transit of the Sun through Sagittarius begins a period of internal and external expansion. Sagittarius season is a time to go beyond the bounds of our comfort zone, let our experiences change our worldviews and beliefs, and connect with our intuitive, spontaneous, and natural selves.

Ruled by Jupiter, the Lord of Luck and Abundance, Sagittarius is all about discovering the opportunities and possibilities that life has to offer. As a Yang, Mutable, Fire archetype, Sagittarius expands in several directions at once as a way to catalyze change, expansion, learning, and inspire us to break free from stagnation.

Sagittarius season represents the time of the year in which we are drawn to go on a quest for meaning after the psychological and emotional transformation that has been taking place during Scorpio season. This time of the year offers us an opportunity to notice how our beliefs are changing after what we have been through in the past weeks.

Sagittarius season inspires us to renew the way we relate to our guiding philosophies and ideologies, maybe question something we believed in blindly, and explore alternative worldviews, teachers, and mentors. Ultimately, the transit of the Sun through Sagittarius is a moment to realign with our personal truth and attune to what our intuition is whispering to us.


Sagittarius Season 2022: Aspects and Lunations


This year, Sagittarius season comes at a particularly delicate time. Eclipse season is coming to a close, and we are still integrating the energies of two powerful Eclipses, one of them in Scorpio and the other one in Taurus. The New Moon in Sagittarius coming up tomorrow, November 23, is the lunation that closes the Eclipse portal, as it is the first New Moon that is not an Eclipse since Eclipse season started with the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio.

This lunation, happening at 1º37’ of the sign, comes with a strong energy of new beginning: it renews our hopes for the future and fuels our faith, both in Life and in ourselves. The Sun and the Moon are in a trine to Jupiter in Pisces, which is stationary direct as the New Moon takes place. This configuration indicates a substantial prominence of the Sagittarius archetype: it supports optimism, generosity, and willingness to see the bright side of any situation.

The lunar cycle that starts tomorrow is culminating with a Full Moon in Gemini, taking place on December 8. The Moon is going to be exactly conjunct with retrograde Mars, which adds a reactive, impulsive, and instinctual quality to this lunation. The Gemini Full Moon is likely to reveal to us where adjustments may be needed in our style of self-assertion, habitual emotional reactions, or in how we set up communications in relationships and articulate our feelings, desires, and needs.


Sun sextile Saturn & Sun square Neptune


The Sun is going to perfect a sextile to Saturn in Aquarius on December 12. This aspect supports a productive use of our life force energy and inspires us to structure our creative efforts effectively. The Sun-Saturn sextile is a favorable influence for self-discipline and self-determination. It inspires us to invest our energy wisely, thinking about the long-term, and motivates us to take responsibility to honor our commitments and duties.

On December 14, the Sun squares Neptune in Pisces. The Sun-Neptune square can correlate with feelings of lethargy, lack of motivation, and low energy but also with a surge of artistic and creative inspiration. This Neptune-Sun contact can come with a feeling of dissolution of a sense of self or identity we have been relying on. This alignment can be an opportunity to ask ourselves whether we need to create more time and space to slow down in our lives. Maybe, our bodies need more rest and nourishment to keep going and we haven’t been listening as we have been trying to remain functional at all costs.


Sagittarius season 2022: Living in Alignment with Truth


Sagittarius season 2022 inaugurates a time of extensive philosophical pondering, adventurous exploration of life, and expansion of consciousness. The Sun’s journey through the sign of the Centaur encourages us to discover new possibilities, horizons, cultures, and ways of making sense of what happens to and around us.

At this time of the year, we are inspired to deepen our relationship with our personal truth and reflect on the difference between truth and belief, between what feels true in our bodies versus what our mind believes to be true.

The transit of the Sun through Sagittarius invites us to get really honest, both with ourselves and with others, and explore how we can show up more authentically in our lives. This season is a good moment to renew our commitment to living in alignment with our truth and work on gaining awareness and breaking free from automatic patterns correlating with a lack of transparency, inauthenticity, and dishonesty.

Sagittarius Season 2022

The lunar cycle that starts tomorrow is culminating with a Full Moon in Gemini, taking place on December 8. The Moon is going to be exactly conjunct with retrograde Mars, which adds a reactive, impulsive, and instinctual quality to this lunation. The Gemini Full Moon is likely to reveal to us where adjustments may be needed in our style of self-assertion, habitual emotional reactions, or in how we set up communications in relationships and articulate our feelings, desires, and needs.


Sun sextile Saturn & Sun square Neptune


The Sun is going to perfect a sextile to Saturn in Aquarius on December 12. This aspect supports a productive use of our life force energy and inspires us to structure our creative efforts effectively. The Sun-Saturn sextile is a favorable influence for self-discipline and self-determination. It inspires us to invest our energy wisely, thinking about the long-term, and motivates us to take responsibility to honor our commitments and duties.

On December 14, the Sun squares Neptune in Pisces. The Sun-Neptune square can correlate with feelings of lethargy, lack of motivation, and low energy but also with a surge of artistic and creative inspiration. This Neptune-Sun contact can come with a feeling of dissolution of a sense of self or identity we have been relying on. This alignment can be an opportunity to ask ourselves whether we need to create more time and space to slow down in our lives. Maybe, our bodies need more rest and nourishment to keep going and we haven’t been listening as we have been trying to remain functional at all costs.


Sagittarius season 2022: Living in Alignment with Truth


Sagittarius season 2022 inaugurates a time of extensive philosophical pondering, adventurous exploration of life, and expansion of consciousness. The Sun’s journey through the sign of the Centaur encourages us to discover new possibilities, horizons, cultures, and ways of making sense of what happens to and around us.

At this time of the year, we are inspired to deepen our relationship with our personal truth and reflect on the difference between truth and belief, between what feels true in our bodies versus what our mind believes to be true.

The transit of the Sun through Sagittarius invites us to get really honest, both with ourselves and with others, and explore how we can show up more authentically in our lives. This season is a good moment to renew our commitment to living in alignment with our truth and work on gaining awareness and breaking free from automatic patterns correlating with a lack of transparency, inauthenticity, and dishonesty.

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