article Sagittarius Season 2020: a Cycle of Expansion
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Astrology & Omens

Sagittarius Season 2020: a Cycle of Expansion

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Moon Omens

November 22, 2020

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On November 21, the Sun enters Sagittarius at 3:40 PM ET, just a few hours after Venus began her journey through Scorpio. Sagittarius season 2020 is starting and inaugurating a cycle of expansion and growth.

The Sun emerges from the Underworld with a newfound desire to explore and learn. Sagittarius season will inspire us to seek the higher meaning and the deeper purpose of what we are going through: we are embarking on a personal and collective quest for truth and authenticity.


Sagittarius: On a Quest for Truth


Sagittarius, the ninth archetype of the Zodiac, is a Yang or masculine Fire sign with a Mutable quality. It is ruled by Jupiter, the giant of the Solar system, the planet of abundance and good fortune, also known as the ‘Great Benefic’ in traditional Astrology.

Sagittarius correlates to intuitive knowing, to our inner wisdom, to our innate attunement to Nature and to the Natural Laws. Sagittarius has a global vision, it is constantly focused on the big picture. This sign aspires to learn through direct experience, observation and correlation, and an ongoing process of trial and error, rather than from books and technical study.

The philosopher of the Zodiac, Sagittarius is the archetype that inspires us to ask the big questions around the meaning of life, around the nature of reality, around ethics and morality, religion and dogma. This sign is committed to the pursuit of truth and desires to connect to what is authentic and natural.

During the yearly transit of the Sun through Sagittarius, we naturally attune to the big picture. We feel more connected to what happens in the world; we desire to explore different cultural traditions, philosophies, and belief systems to expand our understanding of reality, and get a glimpse of the meaning of the human experience. Sagittarius season 2020 is inviting us to broaden our mental horizons, reconnect with our intuition, trust the wisdom of Nature, and align with Natural Laws.


Eclipse Season 2020: Karmic Shifts 


During Sagittarius Season 2020, the Eclipse portal is opening, inviting radical change and increasing the speed of our evolutionary journey. Extremely significant karmic shifts will take place for us all. While the Sun transits through Sagittarius, we will experience a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini and a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius.

Eclipses happen when the Sun and the Moon align on the Lunar Nodes, currently transiting Sagittarius and Gemini. The South Node is a point in space symbolizing our collective and personal past, while the North Node represents our evolutionary direction. They are located where the path of the Moon and the apparent path of the Sun intersect.

The Full Moon in Gemini happening on November 30 will be a penumbral Lunar Eclipse: the Moon will loosely conjunct her North Node while the Sun will be approaching the South Node. The Eclipse on the North Node in Gemini invites us to open up to different perspectives, points of view, to listen to others’ opinions, and to seek new and diverse sources of information. 

On December 14, a Solar Eclipse is taking place: the Sun, the Moon, and Mercury will all be on the Sagittarius South Node. Their purpose is to bring to our awareness what needs to be integrated and understood in order to move forward. Since Mercury is the planet ruling the Gemini North Node, there could be a theme of needing to go back and review something before moving on. At this time, issues related to the past are quite likely to resurface to be solved and released, in order for us to be able to transition towards the future.


The Galactic Center is Activated


Both the Sun and Mercury will form their yearly alignment with the Galactic Center on December 18. The Galactic Center is a supermassive black hole and the point in space representing the rotational center of our Galaxy, the Milky Way. It is situated at approximately 27° Sagittarius, and it moves only 1° every 72 years.

The Galactic Center is a point of collective learning experiences: once a year when the Sun transits there, it directs our conscious awareness on the multidimensionality of existence. When celestial bodies align with the center of our Galaxy, they invite us to remember our true, infinite nature and to honor our connection to the Cosmos.

sagittarius season 2020

When the Galactic Center is activated by planets in transit our evolutionary process is accelerated intensely. As a result, we may witness a crisis of faith, a breakdown of something linked with our sense of meaning or our belief system. This process has the function to trigger our awakening by exposing the challenges that need to come to the surface and by encouraging us to let go of what is not serving our growth. 


Sagittarius Season 2020: Honoring our Vision and Respecting Others


Sagittarius Season 2020 is an invitation to embrace our own belief system and worldview without trying to convince others to adopt the same perspective: we need to remember and respect that everyone is on their journey, everyone has their timing, and everyone has their belief system.

“The truth is always something that is told, not something that is known. If there were no speaking or writing, there would be no truth about anything. There would only be what is.” ― Susan Sontag

The South Node will be in Sagittarius until 2022: the purpose of this transit is to encourage us to let go of any arrogance, dogmatism, self-righteousness, and belief that our truth is the only truth. These will be ongoing themes during Sagittarius season 2020 because the South Node will be powerfully activated by the Eclipses.

There is no one size fits all and, throughout the upcoming weeks, we are encouraged to follow our own path and our own vision while honoring and accepting the fact that other people are doing the same and that their truth may be different than ours. 


Sagittarius Season 2020: Preparing for the Great Conjunction


After the Eclipse season, on December 17 and 19, both Saturn and Jupiter will enter Aquarius, and they will be exactly conjunct on the Winter Solstice, on December 21. A lot of energy is about to move from earthy Capricorn to Aquarius, an Air archetype: our attention will shift from practicality and from the material, 3D reality to the world of ideas, to our ideologies, and our visions for the future. 

Sagittarius season and the powerful Eclipses taking place are preparing us for the ‘Great Conjunction’ between Jupiter and Saturn, and they are setting the stage for the collective paradigm shift taking place at the end of the year. Their purpose is to help us envision the reality we want to create: these alignments will remind us to choose love over fear, to focus on our dreams, and to believe in ourselves and in our capacity to manifest them.

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