article Sagittarius New Moon – Embrace Who You Truly Are
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Astrology & Omens

Sagittarius New Moon – Embrace Who You Truly Are

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Moon Omens

November 26, 2019

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We enter into our final New Moon of the year before the December 26th Solar Eclipse on November 26th as the Moon moves into 4 degrees Sagittarius. This New Moon will bring about major shifts for us as we come face-to-face with new changes and challenges.

As we come out of the energy portal created while Jupiter entered the Galactic Center from November 19th-24th, we will still feel the radiating energy of this celestial shift that is only seen approximately every 12 years. This is an incredible opportunity for us to connect to the cosmic consciousness that flows through the Universe and to really hone in on our innermost truths.

Jupiter is the planet of abundance and expansion. Under the right cosmic alignment, Jupiter has the power to expand our hearts, minds, and souls and bless us with divine clarity and understanding of the big picture of our individual journeys. As Jupiter moved through the Galactic Center, we were showered in this incredible abundance as we entered into the threshold of a new era. This celestial shift means that it has now become easier than ever for us to tap into the power within ourselves and to feel the vibrations of the Universe deeply within our beings.

Galactic Center energy is connected to our root chakra and possesses kundalini energy. This provides us with an incredible opportunity to connect with our inner selves through things like meditation, breathwork, kundalini yoga, and journaling. It is important to utilize this cosmic portal to truly tune in with ourselves at our deepest level. This energy grants us the ability to receive downloads and omens from the Universe, shift our perspectives in order to view the bigger picture and the grander story that is unfolding, and align with our Higher selves in ways we’ve never seen before. 

While Jupiter’s influence continues to linger over us, we are also still reeling from the past few weeks of Mercury Retrograde which saw us go through a significant period of internal growth. From November 20th through December 7th, we will experience the celestial remnants of this Retrograde through cosmic storms that will have us revisit old wounds. This period is known as Mercury Retroshade and is a time for nothing but forward motion. We have gone through several tumultuous weeks of brutal honesty with ourselves and we now have the tools that we need to notice our patterns and the things that we take for granted, and to make the changes that we need to help us move forward with confidence. With Mercury direct in Scorpio, we have the divine courage to embrace our innermost truths and belt out to the world that we are no longer afraid.

Jupiter and Mercury’s recent cosmic shifts still have a heavy bearing over our energy as we move into this Sagittarius New Moon on November 26th. With Mars stationed opposite Uranus, we may feel some heaviness and as though there has been a disruption in our lives. This alignment can sometimes provoke people to lash out with anger, resentment, or hostility over things that would normally not phase them. This can lead to rash decisions and can make some of us act out in ways we may have during childhood temper tantrums. While this planetary alignment may seem daunting, the lesson we are being taught is to have patience and to take extra care in thinking before we act or react. With our heightened sensitivity and emotions, it is important to bring awareness to how we act and how those around us may act. This is a great time to use tools to help you release any tension you may be harboring. Unexpected changes can happen and we must remain flexible and level-headed. 

The thing we are truly seeking during this alignment is independence and free will. Remember that you always have the power to change all that is around you. If you remain open-minded and channel divine clarity, you will be amazed at the opportunities that will present themselves seemingly out of the blue and the solutions that will allow you to discover new ways of doing old things.

With this New Moon equinox Uranus, we may feel some tension and anxiety as we feel a huge influx of energy. The best way to navigate these feelings is the make sure to weigh your options carefully before acting. While it may feel like it is difficult to relax, take the time needed for self-care and self-reflection. Allow any blocks or restrictions in your creative self-expression to be a thing of the past as you gently move past them. Adjustments and changes are a necessary part of life and of this New Moon in particular. Remind yourself that it is okay for there to be changes in your routine, plans, or behavior. Change keeps us from remaining stagnant and is the gatekeeper to our next level of abundance and prosperity. This does not mean we need to make drastic changes. Minor changes and alterations will serve us greatly as we move forward in ways we never thought possible. 

This New Moon is one of uncovering the final pieces to the puzzle as we unlock a new era in our lives as we enter 2020. This is a time for planting new seeds and setting new intentions that will allow you to align yourself with what you want to manifest in your life. As the Moon enters Sagittarius, we are greeted with the positivity and optimism that surrounds this sign. We feel a pull towards new horizons, exploring metaphysical things, and raising our consciousness. Our vision has never been clearer and we are being lifted into our highest vibration yet. 

We sometimes feel like we are grappling with trying to understand why certain things have yet to come to fruition or why certain things are the way that they are. This New Moon is breaking down any remaining barriers keeping us captive and holding us back from self-actualization. Old structures and habits will fall as we begin our incredible shift into 2020. If fears that you do not deserve happiness or fears of making the changes you need in your life are holding you back, fear no more. The energy around this New Moon is here to provide us with the mental clarity to move past these blockages and attain the confidence that we need to make leaps and bounds towards our true life’s purpose. 

Change can stir up feelings of anxiety and irritability. This is a normal response to the unknown and is our body’s way of protecting us from harm. However, this New Moon is about trust. It is about trusting not only those around us, but also trusting ourselves and our innermost truths and intuitions. This New Moon provides us with the self-confidence that we need to make the changes necessary to see our visions come to life. Listen to yourself and trust that the Universe is here to help you realize your highest form. We are being pulled to revolutionize our lives, knock down any walls or blockages standing in our way, and jump over any hurdles trying to keep us content with the status quo. This New Moon gives us the power to be and embrace who we truly are. 

To help you harness this extremely powerful energy & support your spiritual and overall growth we have created powerful tools channeled specifically for this time. To access these tools tap on the image below, we will see you on the inside. Love & Blessings, Moon Omens team.

Sagittarius New Moon


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