There are no coincidences, only synchronicities.
There are no coincidences, and we trust that our higher self and the conscious Universe is always communicating with us through divine synchronicities.

The Healing Keys book is essentially a healing tips compilation that we hand selected from the healing tips section within our beloved Moon Omens monthly horoscopes while reflecting and walking through our archives.
This book contains 337 healing tips written by our beautiful Nina and this book’s purpose is to bring them back to eternal life.
We know and wholeheartedly believe that these healing tips are Healing Keys that have the power to unlock many healing portals and experiences for you and all of us. 

We hope the Healing Keys you find within this book are magical for you!
You can pick one or couple Healing Keys as your daily grounding ritual(s) until all the dots connect and the new Youniverse is unlocked.
Or simply open a random book page daily to see which ritual is meant and aligned with your path that day to help you stay grounded in your beautiful essence and power of your highest self.
We hope the Healing Keys that you find within this e-book are as magical and supportive for your journey as they’ve been for us and for those who’ve found some of them within their Moon Omens monthly horoscopes.
Moon Omens Team sending love and blessings your way, we love you!
P.S. Thank you for supporting our work, we are always here for you.