On October 11, 8:32 PM EST, Pluto stations direct at 29º of Capricorn, inaugurating the final chapter of this transit. Just a few weeks after returning to the sign, Pluto prepares to complete his long journey through Capricorn, which started in 2008.
For people with natal placements in Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn), particularly in the late degrees, this event holds deep significance. Pluto’s shift of motion is wrapping up a 16-year-long evolutionary journey filled with karmic lessons and opportunities for radical transformation. Individuals with strong Cardinal influence now have an opportunity to look back at how they changed and what they learned, recognize what is coming to an end in their lives, and pay attention to how they are now required to transform.
Pluto: Evolution, the Unconscious, Destruction, and Regeneration
In Astrology, Pluto represents the force of evolution, the unconscious, and the darkest aspects of life. The modern ruler of Scorpio, Pluto is the symbol of the deepest transformational processes and the endless cycles of destruction and regeneration, the dance of life, death, and rebirth. Pluto pushes us to confront the darkest truths about ourselves and life, face our deepest fears, acknowledge our hidden motives, and recognize the unconscious ways we rely on to generate security and get our needs met. Named after the Lord of the Underworld, this planet has a lot to do with shadow work and psychological self-exploration, power and control dynamics, as well as crises and upheavals.
Pluto needs 248 years to travel through the Zodiac and, because of his irregular orbit, transits longer in certain signs than in others.Roughly, he spends between 12 and 30 years in a sign, exposing the shadows associated with it. Pluto’s transits catalyze a radical deconstruction of our relationship with the archetypes associated with each sign and force us to evolve in specific ways as a collective. Because of their length, Pluto transits mark generational cycles and specific evolutionary themes and psychological struggles of each generation. Nevertheless, they also impact us in profound ways on a personal level, both because of their influence on the historical times we live in and for their interaction with our own natal chart.
Pluto in Capricorn: End of A Cycle
Capricorn is the last one of the Earth signs: for this reason, it is connected to mastery of the world of form, of the space-time reality and its boundaries, as well as to mastery of the self and self-responsibility.
As an archetype, Capricorn is associated with both internal and external authority, tradition, hierarchies, established systems and institutions, social rules and social order, aging, elders, and father figures. Capricorn has to do with the process of conditioning and the internalization of norms of conduct imposed upon us from the outside world.
Through Capricorn, we learn to develop a connection with our inner authority, create structures that last through time, commit to taking full responsibility for our lives, and become aware of how past conditioning still impacts us in the present.
During Pluto’s journey through Capricorn, our relationship with this archetype has completely transformed, both on a personal and a collective level. Globally, our relationship with governments, authorities, and institutions has changed dramatically. Since 2008, abuses of power, corruption, and lack of integrity within established systems have been ruthlessly revealed and exposed. Attempts to exert more control over the population have been taking place as those in power struggle to maintain control while collective trust in long-standing hierarchies, structures, and systems is crumbling.
As Pluto completes his journey through Capricorn, we are witnessing the culmination of immense societal, global, financial, and political shifts. This final phase of the transit is all about dismantling systems that no longer serve us to create space for new ones. It is about letting go of our reliance on structures that once served us but are no longer conducive to our growth.
Final Chapter
When Pluto is retrograde, his energy is internalized and the focus goes on inner transformation, introspection, and shadow work. When planets change motion after being retrograde, energy becomes available again for direct action and forward motion: we are invited to take conscious action and start moving forward according to how our awareness shifted during the retrograde. As Pluto stations direct in Capricorn, we are entering a phase of integration of the experiences we have had, a phase of readjustment and recalibration according to how we changed inwardly.
Every planet that stations direct invites us to make changes in our external reality that reflect how we have inwardly transformed. With Pluto stationing direct, the pace of events accelerates and the momentum builds. This is a time to act on the realizations and shifts that occurred during the retrograde, and there is a sense of urgency about it as we are experiencing the final moments of the Pluto in Capricorn chapter of our lives, a transit that we won’t experience again in this lifetime.
Pluto direct at 29º Capricorn: Crises and Opportunities
Pluto has been traveling over the 29º of Capricorn since he came back into the sign, on September 1, and remains on that same degree until he enters Aquarius again on November 19. The activation of this degree increases the sense of urgency, the feeling of crisis, and the feeling of impending change. The 29º of any sign, also referred to as the “anaretic degree” marks the transition from one level of evolution to the next and is considered to be a point of both crises and opportunities.
When the 29º is activated, events and situations tend to get to an extreme, to a breaking point, to call our attention and force change. At this time, we can’t continue to sweep issues under the rug, we can’t perpetuate familiar dysfunctions, we can’t deal with uncomfortable situations as we have always done because the old coping strategies no longer work. We are going through a collective transition, a collective shift in consciousness.
Aquarius is the first transpersonal archetype of the Zodiac and, for this reason, this transition is a particularly delicate one: Pluto is moving from an Earth sign, very much concerned with matter, form, and the past, to an Air sign, extremely future-oriented and drawn to innovate and revolutionize reality for the sake of collective progress. The transition from Capricorn to Aquarius requires us to make a quantum leap and explore completely new ways of dealing with long-standing issues.
Pluto direct in Capricorn: Final Reckoning
The final weeks of Pluto’s journey through Capricorn are an opportunity to consolidate the lessons we learned during this transit. These days, the invitation for us is to take deliberate steps to make sure that the changes we implement now will have a long-term impact.
As Pluto completes his transit through Capricorn, we can expect a surge of unprocessed pain and grief. Capricorn and its ruler Saturn are associated with the awareness of physical death, the awareness that we have a limited time in this incarnation, and that everything sooner or later inevitably ends. Around this time, we are likely to be particularly sensitive to collective grief and feel the weight of everything that is happening in the world.
Many of us will feel drawn to reflect on our mortality and contemplate what we truly want to do with the time we have left. This can be an opportunity to renovate our appreciation for life, our gratitude for the gift of life, our connection to a sense of purpose, and our commitment to prioritize what truly matters.
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