article Pluto retrograde in Aquarius: Evolutionary Pressure
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Pluto retrograde in Aquarius: Evolutionary Pressure

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Moon Omens

April 30, 2023

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On April 30, 01:37 PM —

On May 1, 1:08 PM ET, Pluto stations retrograde at 0º21’ Aquarius, increasing the evolutionary pressure, already high as we are navigating the Eclipse window.

Pluto stationing retrograde is an invitation to work on integrating what we have learned about ourselves and our psychology throughout the last months, especially since Pluto has been in Aquarius. Pluto is going to remain in retrograde motion until October 10 and enter Capricorn again on June 11.

This shift will be relevant for everyone, but it will impact more strongly those of us who were born with natal Scorpio placements or those with natal planets and angles around the 0º degree of Fixed signs. The individuals personally impacted by Pluto stationing retrograde could have experiences that motivate them to dive further into the depths of their psyche, engage in intense self-analysis, and explore their relationship with power, control, and desire.

Pluto stations retrograde: Reorienting our Evolutionary Journey


Retrogrades inspire us to see things from a different state of consciousness, to go beyond our ordinary perception. When a planet goes retrograde, we are encouraged to shift our focus inward, explore new perspectives, think outside the box, and find new ways of dealing with recurring issues. By inspiring us to question our choices, habits, beliefs, and behaviors, retrogrades accelerate our individuation and personal growth.

Pluto always invites us to dive into our unconscious: this planet, the modern ruler of Scorpio, is considered to be the catalyst of evolution. Pluto’s energy is associated with death and rebirth processes, our deepest wounds, fears, and shadows, as well as our hidden gifts and true power. This planet represents all that we tend to avoid or sweep under the rug, everything we spend lifetimes running away from. Yet, Pluto teaches us that it is only by confronting and integrating all that we are that we can become whole, we can be real, and we can be free.

Pluto goes retrograde once a year for approximately five months. This is a time of self-reflection, self-excavation, and reassessment of where we are at in our transformation journey. The planet’s shift of motion begins a phase of revision, reflection, and redirection of our personal and collective evolution.


A Prelude to the Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio


Currently, we are in the midst of the Eclipse window, and an intense Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio conjunct the South Node, ruled by Pluto, is about to occur. When planets are stationary, they are closer to Earth and their energy is more prominent and influential. Pluto stationing retrograde can be seen as a prelude to the upcoming Eclipse and marks the beginning of a necessary phase of integration and inner work.

The effects of Eclipses are said to last up to six months, which is roughly the length of Pluto’s retrograde. Pluto, the Lord of the Underworld, will station direct just four days before a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra that will square Pluto himself, creating a clear thread of energy unfolding from now until October.

Pluto retrograde in Aquarius: Deep Exploration of Self and Community Dynamics


Pluto retrograde represents an invitation for each of us to focus on shadow work, especially concerning our experiences while Pluto was in direct motion. During this time we are called to shift our focus inward, to explore our deepest intentions and motivations behind our actions, behaviors, and choices. It is an opportunity to confront and integrate our deepest fears, wounds, need for control, desire for power, obsessions, and compulsions that affect various aspects of our lives. The presence of Pluto in Aquarius supports our capacity to embrace an objective and detached perspective of what we notice. 

Pluto’s retrograde period in Aquarius will bring our focus on community dynamics and social patterns such as “cancel culture”. It could point to the dangers of group mentality and of feeling forced to subscribe to a specific ideology or belief system in order to avoid being ostracized, publicly called out, or harassed.

This shift encourages reflection on the relationship between the individual and groups and invites each of us to contemplate how we show up in our community, how we show up with our close ones, and how we show up with ourselves, think, and act when we are alone.


Pluto goes back to Capricorn: Breakdowns & Breaking Points


Pluto comes back to Capricorn on June 11 and is going to remain in the sign until January 20, 2024. During these final months of Pluto’s transit through Capricorn, a journey that started in 2008, we can expect to see many situations coming to an end and to a breaking point, especially on a collective level. 

Collectively, Pluto in Capricorn has already been exposing what needs to be changed in the existing social structure and the upcoming months are likely to be filled with opportunities to further work on transforming what is unsustainable, corrupted, degraded, and decaying in the existing systems. 

In Astrology, Pluto has to do with elimination, purging, and destruction. For this reason, Pluto’s last retrograde in the sign could indicate new scandals and exposure of institutional secrets that contribute to a breakdown of trust in established symbols of authority, as their shadow is revealed to the public. Around this time, new regulations could be implemented in the development of areas such as artificial intelligence, cryptocurrencies, and technological expansion. The last months of this transit are likely to bring further upheaval and transformation, as outdated systems and structures are dismantled to make space for new ways of doing things.

For each of us, individually, Pluto’s last retrograde period in Capricorn is an invitation to deepen our awareness of how the conditioning and programming we have been exposed to in the past are still influencing our choices, beliefs, and perceptions. This transit is an opportunity to keep working on dismantling inner structures that formed as a result of external conditioning and that no longer support our growth.


Pluto retrograde in Aquarius: Taking Responsibility for our Healing


Pluto’s retrograde period represents a time of increased evolutionary pressure, pushing us towards shadow work and inner reflection. It is a time to face our fears, our compulsions, our obsessions, and our complexes. It is a time to explore the link between our desire for power and control and our need for safety. This shift is an invitation to prioritize emotional and psychological self-awareness, in order to get out of cycles of compulsive repetition driven by unconscious needs, desires, and unacknowledged emotions.

Pluto’s retrograde period in Aquarius will invite deep reflection on our relationship with our community and with the larger human collective, exposing shadows of group dynamics that require our attention and awareness.

The transformational energy of Pluto will be amplified as Pluto goes back to Capricorn for the last time in our lifetime. This shift asks us to take responsibility for our healing and for doing the work that allows us to break free from disempowering patterns, habits, and attachment dynamics. 

Comment below with what resonated with you the most and tap on the heart of you enjoyed this article!

Sending love and blessings your way.


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Tell us what you think


  • What was the signifigance (purpose/goal) of Pluto being in Capricorn since 2008?
    As someone just learning about the deeper meanings in Astrology, this might shed some serious light on my life as it has been a rollercoaster of tornados and tsunamis in every aspect of my life (in particular, health and finances…sadly intertwined) since 2008. (even 2007)

  • This is my first time reading an article here, but I’ve been an IG follower for quite some time 🙂 this was beautifully written, clear & concise! Thank you very much for your time and work – this Pluto rx information of course aligns with exactly where I am at currently so I appreciate the additional insight and guidance <3

  • For couple of weeks I have been forced even on a physical level to heal down to a molecular level, it stands to reason to do the same in all areas! I am actually looking forward to it. Thank you 🤗💜🪔🌺

  • Being a Scorpio, I already feel things quite deeply, and have personally been experiencing a purge. The details in this article truly resonate, and bring to light things I would not have thought about otherwise, in regards to the dates that have been provided within that shine a light on specific areas of my life. I always appreciate these articles, and how they compliment my spiritual journey.


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