article Pink Super Full Moon in Libra April 7, 2020
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Astrology & Omens

Pink Super Full Moon in Libra April 7, 2020

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Moon Omens

April 6, 2020

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The biggest and brightest Pink Super Full Moon of 2020 will reach peak illumination at 10:35 EST, April 7th and it is going to be in the sign of Libra.

The April 7th Full Moon is also referred to as the “Pink Full Moon”. The name was used by the Algonquin tribe, as well as by colonial Americans. This traditional name for the pink full Moon in April stems from the moss pink, or wild ground phlox, being in their season to blossom.

We are living in extraordinary times. These energies are intense, confusing and can bring up all sorts of emotions. The Full Moon in Libra is asking us to seek the solace of our soul.


The Pink Super Full Moon in Libra is a Chance to Look Up


Have we ever needed to take a step away or get some fresh air? Have we ever felt overwhelmed by our surroundings or the problems we are facing? This is the time for a break. This is the time for some space. During these times looking up at the expanse of the night’s sky and seeing the Full Moon build can bring peace and clarity.

pink super full moon moon omens


The Full Moon in Libra is Inviting Us to Change


The Moon teaches us that there are phases to life. That things change and we too are always changing. These times are filled with many full blown changes and that can feel shocking to our human systems. This is why looking at the Moon and remembering there is more to the Universe than Earth can give us some refreshing perspectives.

This Moon is in Libra while the Sun is transiting Aries. The Sun and the Moon are opposite each other and that’s what causes a Full Moon. Let’s take a look at some of the themes the Sun is illuminating throughout her time in Aries. (Tap here to read Aries Season Article)


What Does it Mean to Be an Individual?


Aries energy is about independence and individuality. It’s the free spirit who does not want to follow pre-conceived norms and instead wants to be spontaneous. This energy is asking us to take a look at who we are, and more importantly what we believe it means to be an individual.

love youself

Chiron is in Aries as well, and throughout history during this transit we have seen countercultures emerge. Chiron was in Aries during the Jazz age and again during Woodstock. Both those times in history taught us to break free from what society deemed appropriate. Here we are facing the question of who we want to be and how we want to act. But this time society and the system itself is getting a major overhaul.


The Pink Super Full Moon in Libra is Welcoming a New Reality


You can read more about this new reality of Earth being built from the ground up in the Jupiter Conjunct Pluto article. (tap here to read Jupiter Conjunct Pluto article)

But to sum it up, we are experiencing a revamp of the systems of authority and power. This is associated with Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto’s transits in Capricorn.

To use an analogy, our 3D world is undergoing a controlled demolition. There’s a plan to what’s unfolding, but if we haven’t been filled in, these times can feel frantic and scary. Imagine we had an old building that we knew was damaged and not safe for people to enter. We’d plan to take it down, and we would tell everyone to stay home, away from the building that is falling.


The Current Astrological Cycles + History


We are on the brink of a new system on Earth. When we look back at these astrological cycles throughout history we can get a sense for what is being taken down. The last time Pluto was in Capricorn the world saw the start of modern economics, the US Declaration of Independence, secret societies were formed, and much more.

The 3D reality matrix we are told to live in is built off of these energies, and now it is time for change. Aries is the sign of power and in many ways the power is coming back to the people. 


The Super Full Moon in Libra is About Personal Power


Power is not an external force, instead it’s something that exists within each of us. This Super Full Moon in Libra is asking us to access our inner realms. The power of collective meditation and intention is real. Below you can see Schumann/Gaia Resonance spike in response to 5D New Earth mass global meditation that took place few days ago (we also hosted live meditation where thousands joined us and it was incredible, you can find highlights on our Instagram page @MoonOmens) at 10:45 PM EST / 04:45 AM CET April 4 / 5th. (Read more about effects of 4/4 Portal Global Meditation & Gaia’s Shumann frequency here)

Schumann Resonance

We invite you to join us and meditate together with us under the light of this magnificent Pink Super Full Moon. We will be hosting one more Global Mass live meditation on our YouTube channel

(please share this with others, because together we can rise and make a huge positive impact, raise collective consciousness and help Mother Earth)

Pink Super Full Moon Meditation

Studies have been done that prove when we as humans meditate, pray or align our energy, shifts occur. The “old” reality that is shifting has sold us on an idea that we must be participants in the world around us. This new paradigm is inviting us to get very active within ourselves, and from that space of alignment, we then move out into the world.

We are talking about sovereignty and reclaiming the energetic beings that we are. We all have a frequency we can send out. This is powerful. Until now maybe we’ve been told that we can only listen to the broadcast or receive. But, we are beginning to understand and experience our capacity to radiate and impact the collective.


The Super Pink Full Moon in Libra is Teaching us that Personal Power Impacts the Collective


The Full Moon in Libra wants to make an impact. Libra energy loves to help others and care for others. We are learning the best way to save others is to understand who we are. From there we can amplify our energy and that is what really helps others.


This Full Moon in Libra is joined by Black Moon Lilith and Juno


Black Moon Lilith is in Aries during this Full Moon in Libra. Technically speaking, she is a point of alignment where the Moon is farthest from the Earth. She’s our deepest selves. She’s our fierce emotions and instincts. For many of us she is in constant survival mode, ready to attack or defend herself.

This means it is entirely acceptable to be in a space of fear right now; our survival instincts are activated. The most important thing is to take care of ourselves right now and to tap into who we really are…


This tapping into ourselves occurs in many ways, one of the ways is getting clear on the roles we play. The asteroid, Juno, is opposite Black Moon Lilith during this Full Moon in Libra. Juno is the energy of partnership. She’s the archetype of the wife. She wants to please others and be accepted. However, what she is learning is that people pleasing can only take us so far during intense times.

We are asked to be okay with not making everyone happy. We aren’t going to fit into the roles others want us to play. There’s a rebellious energy in the air and if we are holding ourselves back because of a relationship or expectation of another, the pressure will be felt.


The Pink Super Full Moon in Libra + Mars Square Uranus


Around the same time of the Full Moon in Libra, Mars will be squaring Uranus. A square is about finding compromise and understanding, even if that can feel difficult at times. Have we ever been in an argument with someone only to realize we are both saying the same things but in different ways? This energy can involve misunderstanding and requires each of us to be hyper aware.

The contrast is occurring between Mars, the planet of action and individuality, and Uranus the energy of change on innovation. Basically, we are asked to be open to new experiences. If we try to push forward with “business as usual” we will only be able to get so far. This energy is calling on an openness and an expansiveness.


Individuals Impact the Collective


The Full Moon in Libra is a time to look in the mirror and get up close and personal with ourselves. It’s a time of turning away from the external world and tapping into the internal. This year we may find it especially easy or obvious because the 3D reality that we know is essentially shut down.

It can feel overwhelming to have to face ourselves or feel stuck alone. However, from that discomfort is a massive opportunity. Remember, this doesn’t mean we are merely acting for ourselves, it means that we are exploring the impact our individual energy has on the collective.

We may be just one grain of sand, but we are learning each speck makes a difference. We are part of a grid of energy and every movement or intention matters. Now is the time to embody the frequency we wish to see pulsing through our 3D reality. Maybe that’s love, kindness or compassion. Maybe it’s excitement, passion or justice. Whatever frequency we choose to embody, as that energy pulses through us, as we feel it, it is existing on Earth. That’s the power of the people.

Comment below if you can feel this energy too and let us know if you’re going to be joining our live meditation under the light of this Super Full Moon!

To help and assist you further during these challenging times of change we have created a guided meditation audio and really powerful journal. We want you to invest in yourself and experience these Pink Super Full Moon ritual tools. (Tap here or on the image below to gain access to guided meditation audio & journal)




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