article Pallas in Aquarius – Humanity Awakening
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Astrology & Omens

Pallas in Aquarius – Humanity Awakening

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Moon Omens

April 28, 2020

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Pallas in Aquarius! On April 28th at 8:21pm EST Pallas enters Aquarius. This transit emphasizes our relationship to authority, information, technology and humanity.


Mythology of Pallas


Pallas is an asteroid in our solar system. Astrologically, her symbolism is connected to the Goddess, Pallas Athena. Mythologically, Pallas was the daughter of Zeus and is closely linked to her powerful father. The story goes that she sprang forth from her father’s head fully armed and ready to defend. This energy tends to be more masculine and invites us to take action.

Pallas in Aquarius

Pallas’ energy is associated with our relationship to “father energy”. This is not limited to our biological fathers, it could also represent our relationship to authority. Pallas energy is reason, logic and the rules. It’s the provider; the one who will pull through for us all.


Pallas in Aquarius: Alternative Approaches


Aquarius energy likes to think outside the box. Whenever we are influenced by this sign, we have an opportunity to take an alternative approach. Aquarius is the inventor, the innovator or the dreamer who lives on the cutting edge of life. Aquarius energy doesn’t like to follow the rules or live traditionally. Instead, it’s all about making new traditions and finding new sources of information.

As Pallas transits Aquarius we are invited to find support from alternative means. We are invited to reinvent ourselves and who we allow to control us. Instead of relying on a traditional relationship to a father figure outside of us, we are asked to be our own providers.


Being Our Own Fathers


If we ourselves are parents, this can be a time to focus on taking care of our own needs. This can be difficult when we have those who depend on us. Regardless of whether or not we have children, this is a time of thinking differently and trying something new. 

Pallas energy represents the father within each of us. Somewhere inside us is an authority figure. Maybe we are in tune with them, maybe we are not. This transit is here to teach us that we can take the driver’s seat and be in charge of ourselves.


The Light War


Earth’s 3D reality fools us into believing the authority figures outside of us. We look to mainstream media for information or politicians to lead us to safety. There are certain establishments or institutions of power who have assumed the role of Dad when it comes to humanity. There are corporations, governments and legislations that tell us what we can and can’t do. They tell us what we can and can’t have. Some of them even tell us what to believe.

Pallas is the energy of a warrior and there is a battle being waged on this planet. This conflict has many facets, but one of the main ways it’s playing out is through information.

Let’s imagine that information is light. When we turn on a light, we become informed of our surroundings. The same thing goes for living on Earth. When we receive information, we become clear on what is really happening.

In a way we could imagine that there is a light war occurring on our planet. That certain powers have unscrewed the lightbulbs and left humanity in the dark.


Turning on the Light


Pallas in Aquarius is giving us the courage to know our own power and screw that lightbulb back in. This is a time where we could feel overwhelmed by the information or light that is washing over the planet and throughout our lives. This is why it’s key to embrace the open mindedness of Aquarius.

Aquarius energy finds solutions in alternative ways. The answers will not come from the places they have in the past. Instead they will come from each of us deciding to be responsible for ourselves and the impact we are making.


Defending the Earth and Her People


Aquarius energy is also associated with the collective. It’s the bigger picture or the greater good. Right now, we could imagine that Pallas is asking each of us to grab our swords to defend Earth and her people. We are each a force to be reckoned with and we can make a difference. But first we have to stop looking to someone else to lead the way.

pallas in aquarius

We can have people who inspire us and motivate us, but we must not forget our own personal power. This transit is one of courage, truth and right action. We are the ones who have to be brave and take a look at the information all around us. From this illuminated place the actions to take become clear.

This battle between light and dark, or information versus ignorance, is invisible; which is why it’s crucial to trust ourselves and our intuitions. Self awareness is key during these times. The more we listen to our instincts, the more we will discover.


Pallas in Aquarius: Relationship to Technology


Aquarius energy is often connected to technology because of its innovative aspects. Pallas in Aquarius will highlight our relationship to technology. Pallas asks us to take charge. In this example it’s important to become aware of whether we own our devices, or if they own us.

This is a time of reclaiming our humanity. It’s a time of knowing that together we can find solutions. Pallas in Aquarius is asking us to shift the authority from outside to within.


Pallas in Aquarius: Humanity Awakening


Humanity is awakening more and more each day. Each of us are here for a reason and our souls know the way. We are the ones birthing this new Earth. Pallas in Aquarius, gives us the courage and the permission to be a light in this world which ripples out into the entire Universe. 

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