October 2024 Astrology Forecast: October begins while we traverse the Eclipse window, the liminal two weeks between an Eclipse and the next one. This timeframe is characterized by an increasing emotional intensity, quick and unexpected changes, breakthroughs, breaking points, and shifts of fate.
The calendar month starts with a New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse in Libra conjunct with the Lunar South Node, an invitation to drastically transform the way we connect with others, release habits and patterns that perpetuate dysfunctional relational dynamics, and recognize how we may be drawn to sacrificing our truth to maintain a superficial sense of peace and harmony.
October’s Full Moon is a potent Full Moon in Aries conjunct Chiron, square Mars, and square Pluto: around this time, long-accumulated tension is likely to erupt to the surface. This event brings to maturation a six-month healing journey that began in April, with the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries conjunct Chiron, and offers us the opportunity to witness the results of the healing work we have been doing.
Here are the main astrological events for October 2024.
New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse in Libra
Oct 2, 2024, 2:49 PM EST
The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra sets in motion a journey of radical transformation of how we connect with others and show up in our relationships. This event inspires us to deepen our understanding of relational dynamics and helps us uncover the origins of patterns and cycles that keep repeating. The Sun, the Moon, Black Moon Lilith, and Mercury, are all in Libra and conjunct the South Node, while they also square Mars in Cancer. This configuration highlights the tension between the pull of the past and of familiar ways of attaching to others and the strength we need to create new patterns and habits. The Eclipse emphasizes the need to heal childhood wounds that prevent us from having the relationships we desire. We invite you to watch our 1 hour long Solar Eclipse in Libra forecast and or Read full article here.
Jupiter stations retrograde in Gemini
Oct 9, 2024, 03:04 AM EST
Jupiter’s shift of motion offers us an invitation to question the ideas and thoughts we believe to be true and challenges us to restructure the way we learn, communicate, and think. In the sign of the Twins, Jupiter retrograde represents an invitation to reflect on to what extent we believe the stories our minds create. This transit highlights the need to redefine our relationship with our minds, with learning, and with the world of ideas and ideologies. Jupiter retrograde in Gemini invites us to reflect on what meaning we attribute to words, thoughts, data, and information. It is a powerful time to question whether our words are an accurate depiction of our truth and whether we are communicating truthfully and authentically. Read full article here.
Pluto stations direct in Capricorn
Oct 11, 2024, 8:32 PM EST
Just a few weeks after entering Capricorn, Pluto stations direct at 29º of the sign. Pluto’s change of motion invites us to take conscious action to align with how our awareness shifted while Pluto was retrograde. This is an invitation to act according to how we have inwardly transformed and make changes in our external reality that reflect that. The final weeks of Pluto’s journey through Capricorn are an opportunity to integrate and consolidate the lessons we learned during this long transit and take deliberate steps to make sure that the changes we implement now will have long-term significance.Read full article here.
Mercury enters Scorpio
Oct 13, 2024, 3:24 PM EST
Mercury’s ingress into Scorpio increases our desire to uncover secrets, challenge taboos, and reveal hidden truths. This transit suggests a general tendency to speak less, observe more, and be very aware of the power of words. Mercury in Scorpio is a powerful time for introspection, inner exploration, therapy, shadow work, and all those pursuits that help us deepen our awareness of our psychological and emotional nature. During the upcoming weeks, we will feel drawn to explore the unconscious and discover the underlying motives, fears, and desires that drive us and fuel our thoughts and decisions.Read full article here.
Full Moon in Aries & Venus enters Sagittarius
Oct 17, 2024, 07:26 AM EST & Oct 17, 2024, 3:29 PM EST
The Full Moon in the sign of the Warrior brings our attention to how we balance independence and interdependence, freedom and connection, separateness and togetherness. Conjunct Chiron and square both Pluto in Capricorn and Mars in Cancer, this Full Moon is going to be a powerful one, despite not being an Eclipse. The squares to both Pluto and Mars increase the likelihood of experiencing breaking points, conflicts, and power struggles, as long-accumulated tension erupts to the surface. This event could reveal where we settled for comfortable lies instead of accepting uncomfortable truths. The conjunction with Chiron will help us gain awareness of where we are at in our healing journey and what changed since the Solar Eclipse in April. Read full article here.
Meanwhile, Venus leaving Scorpio and entering Sagittarius contributes to increasing the prominence of the Fire element and our desire for adventure, expansion, and new experiences. Venus in Sagittarius invites us to see relationships as an opportunity to grow together personally and spiritually. This transit motivates us to gravitate toward people and experiences that inspire us and teach us something meaningful. Venus’s journey through the sign of the Centaur reminds us of the value of spontaneity, transparency, and authenticity and invites us to cultivate more of these qualities into our personal and relational lives.
Scorpio season begins
Oct 22, 2024, 6:15 PM EST
As the calendar month comes to an end, the Sun’s ingress into Scorpio invites us to explore what lies beneath the surface. Scorpio energy is all about transformation, and this time of the year inspires us to confront our resistance to change and our fear of loss, challenging us to embrace the cyclical process of death and rebirth. During the upcoming weeks, there will be a focus on shadow work, on examining the unconscious motives, fears, needs, and desires that drive our actions and decisions. This season is also a time focused on emotional honesty and vulnerability, an invitation to go beyond surface-level interactions and connect with ourselves and others on a deeper level.
October 2024 Astrology Forecast: Our Invitation
As the month of October unfolds, our focus will gradually shift from our relationships and the dynamics that emerge in our interactions with other people to the inner conflicts brewing within our own psyche. The Aries Full Moon will bring situations to a breaking point, intensifying our emotions and maximizing our desire for intensity while bringing to light unresolved, unacknowledged issues that must be dealt with urgently.
During the second half of the month, the momentum begins to decrease. As Mercury and the Sun enter Scorpio, we will be drawn to deepen our self-exploration and strive to better understand our true needs, desires, and intentions. During this time, the focus will be on emotional honesty and personal transformation. Venus’ ingress into Sagittarius will introduce a desire for more lightheartedness in our relationships while increasing our need for authenticity and transparency.
We have crafted astrological guidance for the month of October to support you on your journey. The horoscope you must experience written by Nina. You can get it for free the first month. An e-book, journal & audiobook that will change your life. Tap on the image below to get your October horoscope.
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