article New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus: Revolutionary Shifts
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Astrology & Omens

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus: Revolutionary Shifts

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Moon Omens

April 30, 2022

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On April 30, 4:27 PM ET, we experience the first Eclipse of 2022, a New Moon Solar Eclipse at 10º35’ of Taurus. The Eclipse Portal is open: we are entering a period of liminality, revolutionary shifts, and increased evolutionary pressure.

Time feels different at this moment of the year. Eclipse season is always unpredictable, and this Solar Eclipse is conjunct Uranus, the Great Awakener. This is another powerful indicator of sudden changes, unexpected transitions, and unforeseen opportunities. The upcoming lunar cycle will undoubtedly be full of surprises, breakthroughs, and radical changes.

This cosmic event in Taurus will be only visible from some regions of the Southern Hemisphere of the globe, particularly from Chile, Argentina, Falkland Islands, and Antarctica. Nonetheless, it will indeed be felt everywhere, and especially from those of us who have personal planets or angles around the 10º of Fixed signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.


Solar Eclipses: Finding the Light Within


Eclipses have been both feared and revered for thousands of years. They are one of the Astronomical phenomena that were first studied, analyzed, and interpreted through divination, and have been always considered an omen of impending changes. We experience four to six Eclipses each year. These events take place when the luminaries align on the Lunar Nodes, the two points of intersection between the Ecliptic, the apparent path of the Sun from our perspective on Earth, and the orb of the Moon.

Solar Eclipses happen when the Sun is partially or totally covered by the shadow of the Moon, traveling between the Sun and the Earth in a precise alignment that creates the illusion that Sun and Moon have the same dimension. The Sun is 400 times bigger than the Moon: however, the perspective that we have from Earth at this particular time generates the phenomenon of Eclipses.

The Sun rules our vitality, our energy, it is what makes life on Earth possible. As on a Solar Eclipse its rays are prevented from reaching us, the ancients considered it an unfortunate event. Superstition aside, Solar Eclipses are huge opportunities for reinvention and renewal: they represent an invitation to turn inwards and find the light within ourselves. This may be a time to focus on being rather than doing, to allow ourselves to sit in darkness, in a space of void, and let creativity emerge out of chaos.


Solar Eclipse in Taurus conjunct the North Node: Exploring New Paths


Solar Eclipses are supercharged New Moons. They mark potent new beginnings and pivotal shifts in the course of our lives and have the potential to begin a cycle that is completely different from what we have experienced before. This month, the Sun and the Moon meet in Taurus as they approach the North Node of the Moon and Uranus. This Solar Eclipse is partial, as the alignment with the North Node is not tight. The cycle will culminate in a Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio that will be total, as the luminaries will be closer to the Nodes.

Taurus is slow, sensual, grounded, and stability-oriented. This sign is connected with our survival instinct and our capacity to generate conditions of stability and security that allow life to blossom and flourish. Taurus has a strong correlation with wealth, abundance, and money, as well as with our capacity to receive and develop resilience and autonomy. It is associated with what we value and with how we value ourselves.

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus

The North Node of the Moon is the point in space indicating our evolutionary path, our destiny, and the direction we are meant to follow. Its transit through Taurus, lasting until July 2023, stresses the importance of nurturing our connection to our physical body, our senses, Nature, sensuality, pleasure, and abundance. It is an invitation to slow down, feel ourselves, take a break from the frantic rhythm of life, and remember how nourishing it is to simply be present and inhabit the body. It represents an opportunity to listen more carefully to ourselves and to the Earth.


Solar Eclipse conjunct Uranus: Acceleration of our Individuation Process


The Sun and the Moon are conjunct Uranus, also known as the Great Awakener. The activation of Uranus increases the level of unpredictability, already high during any Eclipse season. Uranus has been in the sign of the Bull since 2018, shaking up our foundations, disrupting what we perceived as stable, and inviting us to redefine our values, our idea of security, and our financial systems.

These days, we may be required to embrace change before we feel ready for it. The process may feel particularly uncomfortable, as Taurus is a sign that is about slowing down, creating stability, and it is not naturally inclined to change. The role of Uranus is to accelerate our individuation process, increase our resilience, facilitate new ideas and insights, and reduce our resistance to change, even when it doesn’t conform to our expectations.

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus

On the personal level, we can expect a surge in our desire for freedom, an urge to break free from restrictions and oppression, an inclination to question our existing values, and to detach from any tendency to conform to what the mainstream expects from us. On a collective level, unexpected changes in the global economy, important fluctuations in financial markets, disruption to food and energy production and distribution, and social upheavals are likely scenarios.


Venus conjunct Jupiter & Neptune: Healing Opportunities, Dreams, & Magic


Venus is the planetary ruler of Taurus: the condition of the Goddess of Love gives us more information about this Eclipse and how it may manifest and unfold. Venus is currently in Pisces, the sign of her exaltation, in between Neptune and Jupiter and tightly conjunct the latter. The Venus-Jupiter conjunction is considered to be one of the most fortunate, lucky alignments of the year, and this time it is even more the case as they are both transiting their shared domicile.

During the last few days, Venus has also been bathing into the soft, mystical energy of Neptune, still very close to both Venus and Jupiter, an invitation to keep attuning to the dreamy frequency of the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction.

This magical alignment magnifies our desire for peace, pleasure, beauty, romance, luxury, and indulgence. It increases our optimism, inspires us to dream big, and supports our urge to make new experiences and learn more about relationships. The Venus-Jupiter-Neptune conjunction will support our interpersonal connections and indicates a high potential for forgiveness, heart opening, and healing experiences.

Mars is also in Pisces, and in a sextile aspect to the Sun and the Moon in Taurus. This alignment indicates the potential for favorable opportunities to take constructive action to move closer to our dreams. The abundance of planets in Pisces will inspire us to deepen our connection with the Universe and embrace a spiritual perspective of life.

To help you harness this energy New Moon Solar Eclipse brings we have created New Moon Solar Eclipse printable channeled “Revolutionary Shifts” journal and guided meditation audio. We invite you to use these New Moon Solar Eclipse Ritual tools: journal and meditate together with Moon Omens Soul Family. Tap here to learn more and gain access to ritual tools.

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus: Riding the Waves of Change


During this Solar Eclipse, Pluto, the planetary ruler of the Scorpio South Node, is very active as it is stationary retrograde. Celestial bodies that are stationary are very powerful: as they are closer to Earth, their potency increases. The influence of Pluto underlines the importance of letting go and releasing resistance to change during the upcoming lunar cycle, which culminates in an intense Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio conjunct the South Node of the Moon.

The effects of Eclipses keep unfolding for six months, so don’t worry if you don’t understand immediately what is the purpose of what is taking place in your life, or what the shifts you are experiencing are truly about, on a deeper level. This is a time to ride the wave of change, to be receptive, and strive to remain open despite discomfort or confusion.

The Solar Eclipse in Taurus on the North Node of the Moon could indicate a sense of not knowing how to move towards our purpose as unexpected shifts in our lives may encourage us to change direction or modify something in our existing plans. Unforeseen changes taking place now could end up being a blessing in disguise, and allow us to know and trust our path more deeply.

This cosmic event could come with a desire to revolutionize our life, our values, and our creative expression. It is likely to inspire many of us to get out of stagnation, leave a comfort zone, find the courage to make radically different choices, and follow our hearts with faith.

Comment below with what resonated with you the most and tap on the heart if you enjoyed this article!

To find out more how this New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus is going to affect your sign stay tuned with Moon Omens, our monthly horoscope for the Month of May is going to be launched tomorrow – May 1.


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