article Solar Eclipse in Libra 2024: Transforming Relationships
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Astrology & Omens

Solar Eclipse in Libra 2024: Transforming Relationships

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Moon Omens

September 28, 2024

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On September 28, 01:37 PM —

On October 2, 2024, at 2:46 PM EST, we experience the second Eclipse of this season: a New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse at 10º of Libra. This event brings renovation, transformation, and renewal into our lives and our relationships. 

This event is going to be visible in its totality in Chile and Argentina and will be partially visible from the Southern regions of South America, as well as Hawaii, Antarctica, and the South Pacific Islands.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra is going to be particularly relevant for the individuals born with personal placements around the 10º of Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn).

The individuals personally impacted by the Solar Eclipse in Libra are more likely to experience important turning points around this time, particularly in their relationships. Breakthroughs, breakdowns, and new realizations will initiate them into a new chapter of their personal and spiritual evolution.

We invite you to watch our hour long video on our YouTube channel together with Nina where she walks us through the powerful energies of this Solar Eclipse in Libra.

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra 2024: Finding Beams of Light in Darkness


Eclipse season is always a time of unpredictability, quantum leaps, and unexpected shifts of fate. Twice a year, Eclipses remind us of how small we are in the grand scheme of things and how mysteriously Divine Intelligence works.

Since ancient times, Eclipses have been known to mark an intense period of time and were readily linked to life-changing historical events and turning points. For this reason, many traditions and cultures recommend staying indoors during this time and avoiding looking at an Eclipse. Solar Eclipses, in particular, carry a negative reputation, since the source of life on Earth is temporarily obscured: this symbolizes an obstacle to clarity, consciousness, and awareness, which the Sun represents.

During a Solar Eclipse, the Sun is partially or totally covered by the Moon, which appears to be the same size from our perspective thanks to the precise alignment of the luminaries and the Earth. In Annular Solar Eclipses, the Sun gets almost completely covered, with the exception of a ring of light surrounding the Moon. The “ring of fire” around the Moon reminds us that, even in moments of darkness, light is still present, and still finds a way to shine through.


Embracing Both Endings and Beginnings


Solar Eclipses are supercharged, extremely powerful New Moons that happen when the Sun and the Moon meet in proximity to the Lunar Nodes, points of destiny, karma, and fate.

Two to three times a year, these events bring a wave of renewal and renovation into our lives, opening the doors to a new reality and facilitating quantum leaps and sudden breakthroughs. Solar Eclipses also remind us that confusion, disorientation, and chaos often precede clarity: they invite us to deepen our introspection and encourage us to come back to alignment before continuing to move forward.

It is also relevant to mention that we are experiencing the final Eclipse in Libra for this cycle: we won’t have another one in this sign for the next 9 years, until 2033. This event brings to completion a journey we have been through since the South Node entered the sign in July 2023 and represents both the beginning of a new chapter of our lives and the end of a cycle.


Solar Eclipse in Libra 2024: Transforming Relationships


Happening in the sign of relationships, harmony, and peace, the New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse calls for a radical transformation in the way we connect with others as well as in how we create and perceive balance, peace, and harmony. 

In Libra, this Solar Eclipse represents an invitation for us to let go of old familiar habits and relationships that run their course, that have lost meaning, that prevent us from growing rather than supporting our growth. Only by doing so, will we be able to make space for new ones that are truly in alignment with who we are, who we are becoming, and who we aspire to become.

We already experienced a New Moon Solar Eclipse in the sign of the Scales about a year ago, on October 14, 2023. It is a powerful time to reflect on what was taking place in our life and our relationships back then, what intentions we set, what decisions we made, and how the past year unfolded, particularly in the area of relationships, both romantic and otherwise. We have an opportunity to acknowledge what changed over the past year, what didn’t change, and what we learned.

This New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra begins another six-month journey of transformation of our relationships and how we show up in them. This event is an opportunity to get clear about our needs and desires and about what needs to change in ourselves to manifest the relationships we aspire to have.

solar eclipse in libra 2024

Solar Eclipse conjunct the South Node: Releasing the Past to Welcome the Future


The New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse happens on the Lunar South Node. The South Node is the point of the Moon’s orbit associated with past karma, familiar habits, and gifts and talents that come naturally to us. It also reveals our most ingrained patterns, compulsions, and neuroses that drain us and keep us stagnant. Collectively, the transiting South Node represents an energy we tend to get stuck in and that we are learning to balance by embodying its opposite, symbolized by the North Node.

When Eclipses happen on the South Node, they require a purge of the old to make space for the new: they show us what patterns need to be released and what needs to change within ourselves to have different experiences. This event is an opportunity for us to acknowledge what habits we need to release and how we need to heal in order to break cycles of dysfunction, compulsion, and suffering.


Sun and Moon conjunct Black Moon Lilith


The Sun and the Moon in Libra are tightly conjunct with Black Moon Lilith, the point of the Moon’s orbit further away from the Earth, also known as the lunar apogee. Black Moon Lilith is associated with the Dark Feminine and with facets of the Feminine that have been demonized, ostracized, and condemned for millennia. She has to do with the true, liberated expression of feminine sexuality and with our connection to our animal nature, instinct, and physicality, something we have been taught to hide, suppress, mistrust, and be ashamed of. Black Moon Lilith correlates to themes of personal empowerment and sovereignty, rebellion against external suppression, and the journey of recovering our trust in the body.

The connection between the Eclipse and Black Moon Lilith suggests that, during the upcoming weeks and months, there will be strong emphasis on transforming our relationship with our instinctual, wild, irrational, and untamed parts. This configuration calls for a renewal of our relationship with the Dark Feminine, with chaos, with our sexuality, and highlights the importance of choosing to live in alignment with our truth. The proximity between Black Moon Lilith and the Eclipse underlines the need to integrate Lilith energy into consciousness and bring her out of the shadows.


Sun and Moon conjunct Mercury and square Mars


The Sun, the Moon, and Black Moon Lilith are also conjunct with Mercury in Libra and square Mars in Cancer. The conjunction with Mercury emphasizes the need to embrace a new way of thinking about relationships and communicating in relationships. This aspect is an opportunity to recognize what needs to change in our thinking patterns, expectations, and communication to break free of dysfunctional cycles and create the connections we aspire to experience.

The square to Mars in Cancer highlights the tension between the pull of the past, familiar ways of forming attachments and relationships, and the desire to create new patterns and habits. This configuration underlines the effort it takes to heal childhood wounds in such a way that allows us to have different kinds of relationships, ultimately bringing awareness to the inner work necessary to move toward emotional maturity.


Solar Eclipse in Libra 2024: Relational and Emotional Maturation


Venus is the ruler of the Sun and Moon in Libra: studying her condition gives us more insight into the meaning of this event. Venus is now in Scorpio, forming a Grand Water trine with Saturn in Pisces and Mars in Cancer, which is a very supportive configuration for our relational, spiritual, and emotional maturation journey. 

Despite Venus being in the sign of her traditional detriment, which enhances the complexity and the intensity of the relational matters we are dealing with at this time, the Grand Water trine supports our ability to integrate what we are gaining awareness of and begin to establish new patterns.

Ultimately, the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra is an opportunity to drastically and radically shift ingrained relating habits while keeping in mind that only by embodying a new level of self-awareness will we be able to attract and be attracted to different kinds of people.


Solar Eclipse in Libra Journal & Guided Meditation is available as part of our Full Experience membership. Join Full Experience, receive everything we create monthly and support our work ♥


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Tell us what you think


  • Thank you for your wonderful explanation of the significance of the upcoming solar eclipse on October 2nd. I always enjoy reading your insightful posts and articles. Wishing you a truly unique and special experience during this event!
    Love and light 🙏🏻♥️

  • Excellent Presentation again Everyone.
    I actually felt the shift in consciousness with peace and harmony this morning that has been missing from my mind and soul. Thanks again Everyone ❤️ to you all. Have a Wonderfull day with friends and Famlies. Rob.

  • This was all true . I’ve been experiencing big shift in my life . 3 yrs of beautiful relationship coming to an end . When I got to know the ultimate truth which was hidden behind my back . I’m ready to let go of everything which not meant for me . I give no power to the places ,people, and emotions that no good for me . I’m ready for the upcoming transformation. I will get through this eventually. I’m getting back my energy. I will shine always even in the darkest moments I will rise . I won’t give up on myself I’m ready to climb back up . These next 3 months I’m bringing the greatest change in my life. That’d be for the best . My upcoming transformation will be life-changing and will be the best version on my life


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