article New Moon in Virgo 2024: Mindful Service
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Astrology & Omens

New Moon in Virgo 2024: Mindful Service

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Moon Omens

August 30, 2024

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On August 30, 07:17 PM —

On September 2, 9:55 PM EST, we experience a New Moon at 11º03’ of Virgo, an invitation to perform our daily tasks in a mindful way, recognize the power of habits, and embrace a service-oriented approach to life. This event opens the Eclipse portal, as it kicks off a lunar cycle that peaks with the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, taking place on September 17.

The Virgo New Moon is especially relevant for people born with planets or angles in Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces). The individuals personally impacted by this New Moon will have opportunities to explore new ways of being of service, renovate their beliefs about health and wellness, and set the intention to approach their daily lives with more mindfulness.

We invite you to watch our hour long video on our YouTube channel together with Nina where she walks us through the powerful energies of this New Moon in Virgo.

New Moon in Virgo 2024: Redefining Health


New Moons mark the start of the lunar month: these events bring new beginnings and fresh energy into our lives, offering us an opportunity to plant seeds, set intentions, and prepare the ground for new projects and endeavors. On a New Moon, the Sun and the Moon meet on the same degree of the same Zodiac sign, forming a 0º degree angle technically referred to as a conjunction. Conjunctions hold instinctual energy and carry the seeds of potential.

This month, the Sun and the Moon join forces in the Mutable Earth sign of Virgo. The Virgo New Moon starts a lunar month centered around renovating our habits, redefining health, and renewing our relationship to work and service.  This event reminds us of  the power of our daily actions and decisions. The Virgo New Moon challenges us to be more selective about what we consume and the energies we surround ourselves with and challenges us to make conscious choices about the food we eat, the information we take in, with whom we spend our time, as well as our sleeping and exercise habits.

Virgo teaches us about the interconnectedness of all the dimensions of health and reminds us that true health results from nurturing our mind, body, and spirit in harmony. The Virgo New Moon encourages us to perceive our well-being holistically and to recognize that every choice we make either contributes to or diminishes our wellness.


Embracing Imperfection and Cultivating Self-Compassion


Virgo follows Leo in the Zodiac: after consciously developing a separate sense of self and shining bright at center stage, we enter a phase focused on humbling the ego. The Virgo stage of evolution corresponds to the realization that we are not the center of the universe: we recognize what can be better, both in ourselves and in our realities and strive to improve functionality and efficiency.

For this reason, the New Moon in the sign begins a lunar cycle centered around embracing humility, improving what doesn’t work optimally, and renovating our relationship with our inner critic and perfectionist. This event brings our attention to how we relate to our desire for self-improvement and invites us to recognize self-punishing and self-blaming patterns as well as distorted, unhelpful ways of relating to work, health, and service.

During the upcoming lunar month, we will have opportunities to examine the expectations we place on ourselves and how they impact our daily lives. The Virgo New Moon brings our attention to those subtle ways perfectionism and self-criticism can erode our sense of worth, lead to unnecessary stress, and negatively impact our well-being. This event is an opportunity to set the intention to develop a more compassionate relationship with our imperfections and embrace our humanity.

We have crafted astrological guidance for the month of September to support you on your journey. The horoscope you must experience written by Nina. You can get it for free the first month. An e-book, journal & audiobook that will change your life. Tap on the image below to get your September horoscope.

New Moon opposite Saturn: Restructuring our Commitments


The Sun and the Moon in Virgo are opposing retrograde Saturn in Pisces. Oppositions are 180º angles, aspects of tension and polarization that activate two complementary signs and indicate a tendency to swing between extremes.

Activating Saturn, the lord of time and karma, this configuration is an invitation to reflect on what service means to us, onhow we aspire to be of service, and on whether our daily choices are in alignment with that. These alignments inspire us to reflect on whether the work we are taking on is serving our growth and our well-being, whether the sacrifices we are making are worthy, and whether the way we invest our time and energy is in alignment with our purpose and gives us a sense of meaning.

The opposition between Saturn and the Virgo New Moon can highlight areas where we feel restricted or burdened by responsibilities and commitments. Saturn being in retrograde motion urges us to review, reassess, and redefine our obligations and duties, as well as what we desire to build in the long term. Saturn is now in Pisces, challenging us to mature spiritually and, together with this New Moon, urging us to find harmony between discipline and surrender, effort and flow.


New Moon square Jupiter: Assessing How Much We Can Handle


The Sun and the New Moon in Virgo are also forming a wide square to Jupiter in Gemini. We can say that this New Moon activates the Jupiter-Saturn square, a transit that has been active for the entire month and will continue to be for the rest of the calendar year.

The Jupiter-Saturn square brings our attention to the friction between our big visions, ideas, and desires for expansion and the necessity to bring our visions down to earth and manifest them in the material, space-time reality. This aspect highlights the ongoing dance between contraction and expansion while offering us opportunities to reflect on how we need to strengthen ourselves and mature in order to grow in the way we aspire.

Jupiter’s square to the Sun and Moon in Virgo emphasizes the dangers of overextending ourselves, overdoing, overcommitting, and overestimating what we can handle. These alignments invite us to be mindful of our limits and realistic about our capabilities, underlining the importance of prioritizing well and focusing on what truly matters.

New Moon in Virgo 2024

Mercury square Uranus & Mars square Neptune


As the Virgo New Moon takes place, Virgo’s ruler Mercury is in the late degrees of Leo and approaching a square to Uranus in Taurus. Mercury was retrograde until August 28, and is now in direct motion, approaching its third square to Uranus, now stationary retrograde in Taurus. This alignment adds a dynamic, unconventional, and unpredictable energy to the upcoming lunar cycle. The Mercury-Uranus square facilitates the emergence of new, innovative ideas, inspires us to think outside the box, and encourages us to question the way we are used to thinking and perceiving reality.

Meanwhile, Mars in the late degrees of Gemini is squaring Neptune, retrograde in Pisces. This square can suggest feelings of disorientation and confusion relative to where we are going, what we desire, and why we are doing what we are doing. The Mars-Neptune alignment is an opportunity to practice harnessing the power of flow instead of forcing our way through life and spend some time feeling into what moves us, what motivates us, and what we are actually looking for.


New Moon in Virgo 2024: Mindful Service


The Virgo New Moon reminds us of the power of habits: in the upcoming days and weeks, we have an opportunity to explore new routines that help us ground and nurture our body, mind, and soul. The invitation of this New Moon is to cultivate a deeper connection with the present moment and bring more mindfulness and intention into our daily lives.

Around this time, many of us will feel drawn to reflect on how we aspire to be of service through our talents and skills and begin new projects and pursuits that feel resonant with that. However, the Virgo New Moon urges us to infuse everything we do with purpose and intention, reminding us that when we approach life with a sense of devotion and gratitude, even the most ordinary actions can be filled with meaning.

The Virgo New Moon offers us a powerful opportunity to shift our perspective on work. This event urges us to reconsider how we relate to our daily commitments, encouraging us to see them not merely as tasks to be completed or obstacles to our personal actualization, but as acts of service to Life itself.

Lastly, this event is also an invitation to keep in mind that service should not come at the expense of our health and well-being: in order to be of service to others or to a higher purpose, we must take care of ourselves first and make sure we are giving from a full cup. The Virgo New Moon reminds us that sustainable service is rooted in a true connection with our physical bodies, an ability to attune to our needs, and a capacity to set and hold appropriate boundaries.


New Moon in Virgo Journal & Guided Meditation is available as part of our Full Experience membership. Join Full Experience, receive everything we create monthly and support our work ♥


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  • I’m so happy to have found your website and I look forward to listening to the YT vid as well. Such a thorough guide given in a clear and concise manner. Thank you so much for your service!


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