article New Moon in Taurus: the Garden of Abundance
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Astrology & Omens

New Moon in Taurus: the Garden of Abundance

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Moon Omens

May 18, 2023

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On May 18, 11:11 AM —

On May 19, 11:53 AM ET, we experience a New Moon at 28º25’ Taurus. This New Moon, happening shortly after Jupiter’s ingress in Taurus, welcomes us into the garden of abundance, invites us to connect with our inherent worth, and encourages us to trust our ability to be resilient and stay calm in the eye of the storm.

The Taurus New Moon is going to be most impactful for those of us who were born with planets and angles in the late degrees of Fixed signs. Those of us more strongly impacted by this lunation will have opportunities to lay new foundations for what they intend to build and create during the upcoming weeks and months. They will be invited to deepen their connection with their body and the Earth and come into closer relationships with the frequency of abundance.

We invite you to watch our hour long video on our YouTube channel together with our amazing Nina where she walks us through the beautiful energies of this New Moon in Taurus.

Eclipse Portal Closes: Rebuilding Foundations, Coming Back to Basics


New Moons bring new beginnings: they are a time to initiate, to take action, and Taurus always does so pragmatically. This lunation is an opportunity to set new intentions and start taking practical steps towards the path that calls us. The Sun and the Moon joining forces in Taurus inspire us to be realistic and methodical in our approach and remind us to make sure we have built a solid foundation before we move forward.

The last New Moon was a Solar Eclipse in Aries and the Taurus New Moon is the lunation that closes the Eclipse portal, as it is the first New Moon that isn’t an Eclipse since Eclipse Season started.

After the Eclipse season, this lunation serves as a gentle reminder to take all the time we need to integrate what happened during the last month. The upcoming lunar cycle is a time to prioritize rebuilding foundations, coming back to basics, and appreciating the value of simple living. This is a time to focus on building our self-esteem and self-worth, recognize our inherent value, and cultivate a sense of self-love that goes beyond our productivity or accomplishments.


New Moon in Taurus: Garden of Abundance


The Moon is traditionally considered to be exalted in Taurus, and the lunar qualities are comfortably expressed in this grounded, simple, and patient sign. This New Moon invites us to focus inward: she encourages us to listen more carefully to our bodies and to attune to our true, organic rhythms.

Currently, there are five planets, plus the North Node, transiting Taurus. Jupiter entered Taurus just a couple of days ago: his presence in the sign, together with this New Moon is an invitation to tune into the frequency of abundance and allow ourselves to stay open in order to be able to receive the abundance available to us.

The emphasis on the Taurus archetype indicates that these days and weeks, the focus is on cultivating somatic intelligence and deepening our relationship with our bodies and with the Earth. It is also a time centered around gaining clearer awareness of what our core values are and making aligned choices. The planets in Taurus invite us to come into deeper contact with our resources, skills, and talents, and to develop more intimacy with ourselves.

New Moon conjunct Uranus & Fixed Star Algol


The Sun and the Moon in Taurus are in wide conjunction with Uranus. These alignments could indicate possibilities of more unexpected changes unfolding throughout the following weeks. Uranus always invites us to embrace unpredictability and prepare ourselves for life unfolding in ways we wouldn’t imagine. Because we are dealing with many planets in the stability-oriented sign of Taurus, change may not feel appealing right now. Nonetheless, being able to welcome the unexpected while remaining strongly anchored in our center is a skill that we have been encouraged to develop lately, particularly since Uranus entered Taurus in 2018.

The New Moon is also conjunct with the Fixed Star Algol. This Star has a reputation of being a challenging one in Astrology: Algol is connected to themes of power, destruction, and transformation, and is associated with the myth of Medusa.

The proximity of Algol and this New Moon represents an indicator of the high transformational potential of these days: this configuration can be a catalyst for deep growth and empowerment. The conjunction of the New Moon and Algol inspires us to alchemize pain into power, to grow from challenging experiences, and to keep in mind that what breaks us can also heal us, if we choose so.


New Moon trine Pluto, sextile Mars, & sextile Neptune


The Sun-Moon trine to Pluto at 0º Aquarius encourages us to trust our intuition and our ability to perceive the undercurrents and read between the lines of any situation. This configuration suggests that these days and weeks we may uncover secrets, discover facts that were previously unknown, and see the purpose of situations and experiences from a different vantage point.

The Sun-Moon sextile to Mars in the late degrees of Cancer indicates a degree of dynamism and desire to take action, to get things moving. The activation of Mars, entering Leo in a few hours, suggests that the upcoming lunar cycle is likely to be a time marked by a feeling of urgency relative to moving forward.

The New Moon is also in a sextile aspect to Neptune in Pisces. This aspect loosens our psychic boundaries and increases our sensitivity to other people’s emotions and to what is going on in the environment. The involvement of Neptune inspires us to deepen our spiritual practice and explore new creative channels that allow us to express feelings and emotions impossible to convey through words. Neptune’s sextiles to Sun and Moon support our healing journey and invite us to be compassionate and forgiving towards both ourselves and others.


The Mars-Pluto Opposition: Exploring Our True Desires


The Mars-Pluto opposition, exact tomorrow, is a very prominent energy coming together with this lunation. This aspect suggests a tension between our egocentric, surface-level desires and our true desires, those that come from our Soul or Higher Self. A theme of the upcoming day will be finding harmony between what we, consciously, think we want and what we, unconsciously, actually desire. Our true desires tend to be outside our conscious awareness and they are often inconvenient and incompatible with the desires of our ego for immediate gratification. This aspect invites us to dive deeper relative to what motivates us, what moves us, and what drives our actions. 

The Mars-Pluto opposition encourages us to explore our shadow side, our relationship with our sexuality, and the nature of our cravings: it is an opportunity to confront any compulsive patterns of behaviors that may lead us to self-sabotage, self-destruction, or outward explosions of anger. This combination of energies is very passionate and driven, even to the point of obsession: it invites us to ask ourselves what is behind our addictions, why we crave what we crave, what is it that we truly desire, what are we afraid of, and why.

The Jupiter-Pluto Square: Transformation of Worldviews and Beliefs


As the Taurus New Moon takes place, Jupiter in Taurus is squaring both Pluto in Aquarius and Mars in Cancer. The Jupiter-Pluto square, in particular, signals that we are undergoing a phase of deep transformation in our individual and collective worldviews and beliefs. The current configuration indicates opportunities for us to release our attachments to specific ideologies and systems of thought and open our minds to new dimensions. The square aspect between Jupiter and Pluto indicates a degree of friction and resistance to change, resulting in feelings of tension and discomfort as we are moving towards the new but find it hard to let go of the old. 

This alignment draws our attention to any temptation to distract ourselves from our true purpose and contribute to our own disempowerment, for instance by remaining too long in our comfort zones, overindulging in sensual pleasures, or becoming obsessed with an endless search of fun and play.


New Moon in Taurus: Staying Calm in the Eye of the Storm


Venus is the planetary ruler of Taurus and her condition gives us more information about the energy of this New Moon. Venus is currently in Cancer and in mutual reception with the Moon, in Venus’ home sign of Taurus. The presence of Venus in Cancer emphasizes the invitation to look inward, slow down, tune in, focus on nurturing ourselves, and prioritize self-care. Venus trine to Saturn in Pisces encourages relational maturation, inspires us to consolidate our commitments, and to explore how to generate more financial stability and security in our lives.

The current focus is on deepening our connection with our bodies, the Earth, and our values. The prominence of the Taurus archetype encourages us to explore our skills, talents, and resources, to get to know ourselves better, and to develop a closer relationship with ourselves and our physicality.

The invitation of this New Moon is to connect with our inherent worth, cultivate our receptivity, and trust our ability to be resilient and stay calm in the eye of the storm. Embracing a simple lifestyle, attuning to our organic rhythms, honoring the ebbs and flows of our energy levels, and committing to listening to our bodies will help us navigate the upcoming month from a grounded and connected place.

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New Moon in Taurus Journal & Guided Meditation is available as part of our Full Experience membership. Join Full Experience, receive everything we create monthly and support our work ♥


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Tell us what you think


  • Wow this all resonated for me right now. Thank you moon omens for the insight! I’ll be keeping certain things in mind in the upcoming week. Very helpful!

  • i have been following you on IG for longer than i can remember. i would get the premium full membership but i can not afford right now. Thank you do much for all you guys do!!!

  • Just in general: your website is so beautifully designed. A feast for the eye! Your articles on moon, crystals etc. always insightful, thoughtful and kind.

  • I am a Taurus and much of this resonates with me. This 2023 year is my second transformative year out of 2. I’m trying to rid myself of old habits and patterns and finding new positive ways of thinking and being. Really striving to attune to me and I’m faithful it will be and come to pass. Thank you for the article.

  • I am a Taurus and the eclipse of Jupiter closed off two very long years of intense healing and growth. New moon in Taurus signifies that I have finally made it to the other side and I am open and ready to enter this new phase of my life, having rid myself of 52 years of baggage.


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