article New Moon in Scorpio 2024: Seeds of Transformation
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Astrology & Omens

New Moon in Scorpio 2024: Seeds of Transformation

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Moon Omens

October 31, 2024

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On October 31, 01:05 PM —

On November 1, 08:46 AM EST, we experience a New Moon at 9º34’ of Scorpio. This event is an opportunity to plant seeds of transformation and invite profound and lasting change in our reality by letting go of what has run its course or no longer serves us.

The Scorpio New Moon is a particularly relevant event for individuals born with natal placements in Fixed Signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius). The people personally impacted by this New Moon will have tangible and clear opportunities to transform specific areas of their lives and explore the root of any feelings of stuckness or resistance to change. This event will push them to confront deep-seated patterns and let go of what holds them back from growing.

We invite you to watch our hour long video on our YouTube channel together with Nina where she walks us through the powerful energies of this New Moon in Scorpio.

New Moon in Scorpio: Exploring Darkness


New Moons mark the start of the lunar cycle: at this time of the month, the Moon is still invisible from our perspective on Earth. While she was disappearing from the night sky, gradually leaving us in complete darkness, she offered us opportunities to slow down the pace of our outer lives and invited us to nurture our inner lives and make more time for stillness and silence. 

As the Sun and the Moon meet in the Fixed Water sign of Scorpio, we enter a lunar month particularly focused on our personal transformation journey: the invitation for us is to release what keeps us stuck and stagnant, challenge our existing limitations, and deepen our understanding of our psychology and emotional nature. This event encourages us to plant new seeds, set intentions for the weeks ahead, and renew areas of our lives in need of change and transformation. From now on, the momentum will gradually increase as the Moon will become visible again in the night sky, reaching her peak in two weeks, when the Full Moon in Taurus takes place.


Making the Unconscious Conscious


When the Moon is in Scorpio, we have an opportunity to explore our darkest, most intense and complex emotions and refine our ability to stay present as they arise, yet without letting them consume us.

In Scorpio, the Moon challenges us to ask ourselves and others more profound questions and refuse superficial answers. The focus goes on uncovering, revealing, and unearthing the link between our behaviors and choices and our wounds, disowned needs, and unacknowledged desires. Making the unconscious conscious, as Carl Jung said, becomes the central theme of the upcoming lunar month, one that will be colored by an intense pressure to evolve, grow, and transform, both individually and collectively.

This Scorpio New Moon won’t allow us to remain in the safety of denial or avoidance. This event demands emotional self-honesty: the lunar cycle that is starting is a time to face our shadows head-on and let go of ways of being that are no longer sustainable.


New Moon trine Saturn: Emotional Maturation


The Sun and the New Moon in Scorpio are forming a trine to retrograde Saturn in Pisces. Trines are 120º angles, aspects of flow and harmony that represent an effortless and organic connection between planets transiting signs that belong to the same element. The alignment between the New Moon and Saturn, the planet of responsibility, boundaries, and maturation processes will support and sustain those of us who have a sincere desire to mature emotionally and are willing to self-reflect. 

In Pisces, Saturn’s transit has been marking a collective period of spiritual maturation, underlining the importance of being aware of tendencies toward avoidance and escapism and acting in integrity with our higher values. Saturn’s alignment to the Scorpio New Moon will support our ability to stay grounded as we navigate intense emotional experiences and motivate us to remain committed to our healing and transformation.

New Moon in Scorpio 2024

The Mars-Pluto Opposition: Egoic Desires vs Soul Desires


As the Scorpio New Moon takes place, Mars and Pluto are exactly opposing each other, respectively in Cancer and Capricorn. This is a very powerful aspect, and it is particularly significant in the context of this New Moon since we are dealing with the traditional (Mars) and the modern (Pluto) rulers of Scorpio.

The Mars-Pluto opposition increases our determination and drive, heightens our desire for intensity, and can bring repressed anger and unconscious fears to the surface. This alignment brings the spotlight on the tension between our egoic desires and our Soul’s desires. Around this time, many of us are experiencing a growing friction between what we think we want and need, and the path our Soul chose for us. 

Mars being in Cancer offers us opportunities to see how unhealed wounds and unmet emotional needs from childhood can lead us to make choices that don’t serve our highest good and keep us stuck in dysfunctional attachments and patterns that limit our growth. Meanwhile, Pluto in Capricorn urges us to recognize our tendencies toward workaholism or an obsession with status, achievements, and material security as ways to avoid confronting emotional pain from our past.


Mars opposite Pluto: Evolutionary Threshold


As Pluto is entering Aquarius in November, we are experiencing the final Mars-Pluto opposition in the signs of Cancer and Capricorn. This alignment, happening at the critical 29º of both signs, marks a collective evolutionary threshold and offers us an opportunity to move beyond the polarization that often arises with oppositions and find a way to reconcile seemingly opposite and irreconcilable needs and desires. 

The activation of the 29º marks a time of critical adjustments, breakthroughs, and potential turning points relative to the process we have been through in the past weeks, since Mars started opposing Pluto, but also within the broader context of the entire Pluto in Capricorn transit.

Moreover, the Mars-Pluto opposition is part of a larger aspect pattern technically known as a Kite, that also involves Mercury and Neptune, respectively trine and sextile Mars and Pluto. The Kite consists of a Grand Trine and a fourth planet opposing one of the planets in the Grand Trine. This configuration facilitates the release and resolution of the tension described by the opposition and supports our ability to access the wisdom and the lessons behind the struggle.

New Moon in Scorpio 2024

Mercury is opposing Uranus, while Venus is squaring Saturn and opposing Jupiter


As the New Moon in Scorpio takes place, Mercury, also in Scorpio, is opposing Uranus, retrograde in Taurus. The Mercury-Uranus alignment increases the general restlessness and facilitates access to sudden insights and downloads, as well as radical shifts in our thinking. The Mercury-Uranus opposition is part of another Kite pattern that involves Mars and Neptune, both trine Mercury and sextile Uranus. The prominence of the Kite pattern suggests that many of us will be able to access new opportunities to leverage our talents, skills, and gifts.

Meanwhile, Venus is in Sagittarius, squaring retrograde Saturn in Pisces and opposing retrograde Jupiter in Gemini. This configuration is technically referred to as a T-square, a pattern that creates a buildup of tension and frustration that demands resolution through change. The T-square between Venus, Saturn, and Jupiter invites a careful reevaluation of the alignment between our values, our relationships, and our financial decisions. These alignments offer us an opportunity to recognize where we may be making choices from a scarcity mindset and where instead we may be overly generous with our energy or expanding beyond our means.


New Moon in Scorpio: Planting Seeds of Transformation


This Scorpio New Moon is an invitation to commit to deepening our understanding of our unconscious, our true desires, the needs we are ashamed about, our fears, our aversions, and our cravings. It is a time to ask ourselves why we choose what we choose, why we tend to repeat patterns, why we get stuck in the same cycles, and accept potentially uncomfortable answers.

The New Moon in Scorpio reminds us that change is going to happen, whether we like it or not: resisting transformation and clinging to the known and the familiar only makes the process harder and more painful. This event is an invitation to plant seeds of transformation by allowing the necessary endings to take place and releasing attachments that keep us from growing. Only by releasing what has run its course, what lost its meaning, what keeps us stuck, and what is no longer true, we create space for change and evolution to organically unfold.


We are happy to announce that our highly anticipated 2025 horoscopes are now available and ready for you! This creation is truly special for our team, as it was a long journey creating and bringing this 2025 guidance to life. Thank you for your support, we ❤ you!

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