article New Moon in Sagittarius 2024: Balancing Optimism and Realism
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Astrology & Omens

New Moon in Sagittarius 2024: Balancing Optimism and Realism

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Moon Omens

November 28, 2024

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On November 28, 08:17 AM —

On December 1, 01:21 AM EST, a New Moon at 9º32’ of Sagittarius begins a new lunar month, one that will be focused on renewing our commitment to authenticity, balancing optimism and realism, and refining our ability to discern between when it is time to act and when it is time to wait.

The Sagittarius New Moon is an especially relevant event for individuals born with natal placements in Mutable Signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces). The people more personally impacted by this New Moon are more likely to find themselves navigating shifts and new beginnings that challenge them to develop more adaptability and patience and call for deeper introspection.

We invite you to watch our hour long video on our YouTube channel together with Nina where she walks us through the powerful energies of this New Moon in Sagittarius.

New Moons: Promises of a New Beginning


New Moon happens when the Moon forms a 0º angle with the Sun, technically referred to as a conjunction. From our perspective, they are traveling on the same degree of the same zodiac sign and joining forces before starting to separate again. On a New Moon, the Moon is still invisible in the night sky, an invitation for us to spend time in inner contemplation before going out into the world and taking action to actualize our intentions. 

The darkness we bask in at this time of the month encourages us to turn inward, nurture ourselves, allow ourselves to rest, reflect, and take time to connect with our truth. In this atmosphere of stillness and quiet, every New Moon gives us a chance to plant the seeds of new beginnings from a peaceful and aligned space, before starting our next chapter. After the New Moon occurs, the momentum slowly begins to increase as the Moon becomes gradually visible again.


New Moon in Sagittarius: Growth Happens Outside of Our Comfort Zone


This month, the Sun and the Moon join forces in Sagittarius, the seeker of the Zodiac. A Mutable, Yang, Fire archetype, Sagittarius is known for its expansive energy, adventurous spirit, and thirst for knowledge. This sign urges us to expand beyond familiar territory and embark on a quest for truth, meaning, and purpose. Sagittarius energy inspires us to move through life with curiosity, optimism, and faith, embrace a learning-oriented attitude, and stay committed to radical authenticity.

The New Moon in Sagittarius is a powerful time to renovate our commitment to growth, truth, and transparency, and give more space to our spontaneous, undomesticated self. Sagittarius embodies a strong connection to Nature and Natural Laws and is inherently attuned to instinct and intuition. During this upcoming lunar month, we have an opportunity to reconnect with our wild side, with the part of us that seeks freedom and isn’t afraid to get lost in order to be found. Sagittarius reminds us that growth happens outside of our comfort zone and is rarely linear. This New Moon motivates us to step into the unknown and allow life to unfold organically, without trying to control it.


New Moon square Saturn: Balancing Optimism and Realism


The Sun and the Moon in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces, oppose retrograde Jupiter in Gemini, and trine both Mars in Leo and the North Node in Aries.

Squares are 90º angles between planets: in Astrology, they are considered to be aspects of tension, frustration, and conflict that have the potential to be, nevertheless, motivating and creatively stimulating. The square between the New Moon and Saturn asks us to examine how we respond when responsibilities, obstacles, or delays seem to block us or prevent us from growing, learning, and expanding in the way we envision and desire. This configuration is an invitation to balance optimism and realism. Around this time, our patience may be tested and we could be asked to find creative ways to work with and adapt to limitations outside our control.

The squares between the Sun, the Moon, and Saturn highlight the tension between our longing for freedom, independence, and space and the need to learn to navigate challenges, delays, and setbacks with patience and determination, developing resilience and inner strength. The Moon-Saturn square offers us opportunities to observe how we relate to the emotions that arise in these instances and helps us gain awareness of where we may hold onto fear, self-doubt, or a sense of inadequacy.

New Moon in Sagittarius

New Moon opposite Jupiter: Reviewing Our Beliefs


The Sun and the Moon also oppose retrograde Jupiter in Gemini, the planetary ruler of Sagittarius, which is also opposing retrograde Mercury. Saturn and Jupiter have been squaring each other for most of the calendar year and they are going to perfect their alignment for the second time on December 24. When other planets activate this Jupiter-Saturn square they bring our attention to themes and issues we have been working with for months and that will keep unfolding for several months, as the final Jupiter-Saturn square takes place in June 2025.

The opposition between Jupiter and the New Moon magnifies our desire for expansion, growth, and learning as well as our inclination to dream big. It also emphasizes tendencies to exaggerate, overdo, and take on too much. This very dynamic opposition marks a surge in our need for adventure while also contributing to the sense of frustration catalyzed by the square to Saturn. Because both Jupiter and Mercury are retrograde, the invitation for us is to rethink, reflect on, and review those beliefs, narratives, and stories we have internalized as truth and recognize how they may limit us or keep us small.


New Moon trine Mars & the North Node: Journey of Self-Discovery


The Sun and the Moon in Sagittarius form a harmonic trine aspect to Mars in the early degrees of Leo. Mars is going to station retrograde in a few days and has already slowed down: for this reason, he is still opposing Pluto, now in Aquarius, an aspect that has been active for several weeks.

The connection between the Sun, the Moon, and Mars adds more dynamism to the upcoming lunar cycle as well as a stronger desire to take action on our desires, assert ourselves, move forward, express ourselves creatively, and be proactive in making meaningful changes in our lives. 

However, since Mars is about to go retrograde, we may feel somehow stuck or sense that we have a foot on the brake and the other one on the gas. This resonates with the tension suggested by the squares between the Moon, the Sun, Jupiter, and Saturn. Hence, it looks like the invitation for us is to reflect on the nature of our desires before blindly taking action on them and refine our ability to be patient and wait until the timing is right.

The trine between the Sun, the Moon, and the North Node in Aries is an invitation to invest more energy into our self-discovery journey and move toward unfamiliar and unexplored territories.


New Moon in Sagittarius: Questioning Narratives and Beliefs


The New Moon in Sagittarius begins a lunar cycle colored by contradictory energies and impulses. On the one hand, we will feel a growing desire for growth and expansion, a desire for adventure and novelty, and a desire to make meaningful changes and have new experiences.

On the other hand, however, due to the prominence of Saturn and Mars’ upcoming retrograde, we will feel drawn to question our desires, reflect on their true nature, and wait before taking action and making important decisions. We may feel stuck between a rock and a hard place and need to find a way to balance optimism and realism.

We may be challenged to work with both internal blocks and external limitations, we will be encouraged to develop patience and resilience and learn how to understand and accept what the present moment is asking of us, how to flow with the current rather than against it.

The lunar cycle inaugurated by this Sagittarius New Moon will invite us to reflect on our relationship to our beliefs and ideals, maybe asking us to reorient, redirect, and make sure the direction we want to move toward is the right one, is the true one. Ruled by retrograde Jupiter, this New Moon is an opportunity to pay more attention to the stories our minds create, the stories we believe to be true, and question whether the narratives we are attached to are serving our growth or limiting us.


We are happy to announce that our highly anticipated 2025 horoscopes are now available and ready for you! This creation is truly special for our team, as it was a long journey creating and bringing this 2025 guidance to life. Thank you for your support, we ❤ you!

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