article New Moon in Pisces 2024: an Ocean of Emotions
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Astrology & Omens

New Moon in Pisces 2024: an Ocean of Emotions

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Moon Omens

March 10, 2024

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On March 10, 10:37 AM —

On March 10, 2024, 05:00 AM EST, we experience a New Moon at 20º16’ of Pisces, a potent event that reminds us that whatever is ending in our life is opening a door for the new to come in. This lunation invites us on a journey into an ocean of emotions and begins a transformational lunar cycle that will culminate with the first Eclipse of 2024, a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra.

The Pisces New Moon is especially significant for those born with natal placements around the 20º of Mutable signs. This lunation will offer them opportunities to deepen their connection with their Higher Self as well as their ability to surrender to life and trust the flow of the unfolding of events. The New Moon in Pisces will invite them to navigate endings and transitions with faith, renew their relationship with Spirit, and refine their capacity to recognize how the Universe communicates with them.

We invite you to watch our hour long video on our YouTube channel together with Nina where she walks us through the powerful energies of this New Moon in Pisces.

New Moon in Pisces: Endings are Beginnings


New Moons are the beginning of the lunar month: they bring renovation and fresh starts in our lives, inviting us to plant seeds and set intentions for the weeks ahead. These events inaugurate a two-week period colored by a surge in energy, dynamism, and momentum and a stronger desire to take action and make things happen. 

On a New Moon, the Sun and the Moon are conjunct from our perspective on Earth, which means they form a 0º angle: they meet at the same degree and minute of the same Zodiac sign. This month, the Sun and the Moon join forces in Pisces, the last sign of the Zodiac wheel. For this reason, despite marking a new beginning, this particular New Moon comes with feelings of closure as well. 

This event is an opportunity to observe what is coming to an end in our lives, what is culminating, what has run its course, and what we need to release to create space for the new to come in. The New Moon in Pisces reminds us that endings are beginnings in disguise and that everything that is coming to a close already contains the seeds of a new cycle. 


A Prelude to the Eclipses


Pisces is said to be the alpha and the omega, the place where we come from and the place we will return to. When this archetype is as prominent as it is now, the spotlight is on how we navigate transitions and closures and on our ability to attune to and surrender to the flow of life.  

The Pisces New Moon invites us to deepen our trust in the Universe’s timing and our faith in what Life has in store for us, reminding us that, often, letting go of something especially meaningful to us is necessary to make room for the new. 

This event begins a lunar cycle that peaks with the upcoming Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra, the first Eclipse of 2024. Because of this, the Pisces New Moon can be seen as the lunation that opens the upcoming Eclipse season, the portal of unpredictable, intense, and life-altering transformation that opens twice a year. Any themes that begin to emerge now are likely to come up again and loudly during Eclipse season. These days and weeks, change will happen much quicker than we expect.

New Moon conjunct Neptune: An Ocean of Emotions


The Sun and the Moon in Pisces are placed between Saturn, at 11º of the sign, and Neptune, at 27º. They can be considered to be conjunct both planets, however, Saturn is 9º away from them and the orb is quite wide. For this reason, the influence of the Saturn-New Moon conjunction is less notable, nevertheless, understanding Saturn’s presence in Pisces is relevant.

Saturn’s transit through Pisces has been inviting us to bridge the gap between the ideal and the material, between our dreams and our reality, inviting us on a spiritual maturation journey, and pointing at the value of commitment and devotion as integral parts of any spiritual and personal development paths. These themes will be front and center during the upcoming lunar cycle.

The Neptune-New Moon conjunction will be felt more strongly because of the tighter orb and also because Neptune is the modern ruler of Pisces. The triple conjunction between Neptune, the Sun, and the Moon in Pisces supports our ability to access higher states of consciousness and magnifies our longing to transcend the boundaries of our separate sense of selves and connect with something greater than us.

The activation of Neptune may have some of us feeling like drowning in an ocean of emotions and finding it challenging to navigate life, daily stressors, and mundane commitments while experiencing such a deep awareness of our and others’ vulnerability.

Because our sensitivity will be exceptionally high around this time, we may be tempted to rely on familiar strategies to avoid feeling emotions that we perceive as too much, too big, or too painful. If we experience any urge to escape, avoid, and numb ourselves through substances, addictions, and anything that prevents us from feeling, the invitation is to practice pausing, observing, and choosing to respond differently.


New Moon sextile Uranus: Embrace Change


The Sun and the Moon in Pisces are forming a sextile to Uranus in Taurus: this configuration encourages us to renovate our lives and inspires us to be excited about change rather than afraid of it. These aspects support our capacity to have an objective and detached view of our experiences, ourselves, and our emotional reality, and help us distinguish between the reality of what is happening and our feelings about what is happening.

Uranus is very active during this lunation as he is also squaring Mars and Venus in Aquarius, the sign that rules. Its activation supports our urge to add more novelty to our lives, liberate ourselves from stagnation, and move toward the unexplored, the unfamiliar, and the unknown. The activation of Uranus also increases the degree of unpredictability as well as the probability of experiencing surprises and changes of plans around this time.


The Mars-Uranus Square: Revolutionary Times


As the New Moon takes place, Mars in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus are forming a tight square to each other. Squares are 90º angles between planets that indicate friction, tension, and inner conflict.

Venus has also been squaring Uranus in the past days but their square is now wide. Nevertheless, it is relevant to mention that, these days, both relationship planets have been squaring Uranus, also known as the Great Awakener. Both aspects indicate that we are in a time of radical change in our relationships, values, and desires, our lives are shifting from the inside out and their foundations are being revolutionized, whether we are aware of it or not. We have opportunities to break free from ancient, ingrained patterns, rewrite our story, and welcome the new.

The Mars-Uranus square, in particular, increases feelings of discontent and restlessness, as well as our degree of impulsivity and our desire to take immediate action and radically change our lives. It is wise to avoid taking unnecessary risks around this time, as the energy will be particularly explosive and can get out of control more easily than usual. Both on a personal and a collective level, the vibe will be revolutionary and rebellious, and the urge to break free from whatever we perceive as repressive, limiting, and oppressive will be strong.

New Moon in Pisces 1

New Moon in Pisces: Moving Through Life Without Force


The New Moon in Pisces starts a lunar cycle filled with synchronicities and characterized by the desire to transcend our five senses and experience something beyond the ordinary and the mundane. We are traversing a powerful time to begin a new spiritual journey or practice and renovate our relationship with the unseen, the intangible, and the invisible dimension of existence.

The theme of the upcoming lunar month will be the refinement of our ability to participate in the flow of life and move through life challenges from a surrendered place, with faith, and yet without force. Around this time, we are also called to become aware of where we tend to gravitate toward a victim mindset, feel helpless, expect someone else to save us, fall into codependent relationships, or accept less than what we desire and need.

Our intuitive skills, emotionality, and sensitivity to what is happening in the collective and around us will be magnified these days. This lunation invites us to begin a new relationship with our sensitivity and vulnerability and see it as an asset rather than a liability. The Pisces New Moon gives us chances to access new levels of empathy and compassion and invites us to let our hearts break open and dare to feel it all. 


Crystal Pick for New Moon in Pisces: Lepidolite


This Piscean crystal is one of the most amazing tools from nature to help balance and stabilize your mind and mood, and open you to your highest awareness where you can access clear intuitive wisdom. It’s the perfect crystal to help you release any anxiety or stress and come into your calm center to set some inspired and dreamy intentions for this next moon cycle ahead.

Lepidolite is excellent for settling erratic mental states, whether you’re feeling too cluttered or stuck in your head, or veering into the extremes of mania, delusion, or psychosis, which are some of the shadows of Piscean energy. Lay down with a stone on your third eye to help you clear through the clouds of conditioning, illusion, and limiting beliefs, and see more clearly what your path is ahead.

It’s also one of the best stones to help you through times of transition. It’ll lift you up and out of the chaos and heaviness whenever you need it. Its energy feels floaty, free, playful, and full of spirit, reminding you of your connection with the magic of the Universe, and restoring your faith in yourself, in your intuition, and in the wisdom of divine consciousness, all the best lessons Piscean energy has to offer.


Unlock the secrets of 2024 with your horoscope: guidance, opportunities, and clarity for your personal journey ahead.

Leave a comment below with what resonated with you the most and tap on the heart if you liked this article.. Happy New Moon in Pisces!


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Tell us what you think


  • This explains so much of what I have been feeling! There has been a very heavy, dark energy of sadness looming over me the past couple of weeks, getting stronger until this morning it feels a bit lighter. Lots of uncertainty about where my life is going and what I need to do to feel fulfilled. It’s been hard to just sit an allow the energy to flow, even knowing it will pass.

  • Looking forward to this new moon month, full of synchronicities, eternal wisdom, and love for ourself! Thank you Moon Omens for tapping in to the energies and teaching us what to channel our energies on! Much love, always.


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