article New Moon in Capricorn: the Last New Moon of 2024
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Astrology & Omens

New Moon in Capricorn: the Last New Moon of 2024

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Moon Omens

December 29, 2024

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On December 29, 07:37 AM —

On December 30, 5:26 PM EST, we experience the last New Moon of 2024, at 9º43’ of the sign of Capricorn. This event is a potent opportunity for us to reflect on the year that is coming to an end and everything that has taken place in the past twelve months, since the New Moon in Capricorn that took place on January 11, 2024.

The Capricorn New Moon is particularly relevant for those born with planets or angles in Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn). These individuals have an opportunity to reassess their priorities, get very clear about their intentions for the future, and align their actions with their long-term aspirations.

We invite you to watch our hour long video on our YouTube channel together with Nina where she walks us through the powerful energies of this New Moon in Capricorn.

The Last New Moon of 2024: Setting Intentions for 2025


New Moons mark the beginning of a new lunar month: these events invite us to plant new seeds, set intentions for the future, and get clear about where we are going. At this time of the month, the Moon crosses the Sun on the same degree of the same Zodiac sign while still being invisible from our perspective on Earth. From now on, the Moon gradually becomes visible again in the night sky, receiving more and more light for the upcoming two weeks, as the momentum increases and we move toward the Full Moon.

For the final New Moon of this calendar year, the luminaries meet in the sign of Capricorn, inviting us to set tangible, practical intentions for 2025 and beyond. This event is a powerful time to renovate our commitment to what is valuable, meaningful, and significant to us, and get clear about what we intend to build, manifest, and create.

It is an opportunity to reflect on how we invest our time and energy, renew our visions and aspirations, and restructure our lives according to how we have changed in the past months. It is an invitation to take some time for ourselves, to reflect on the lessons we have learned and how to apply them in the upcoming months.


New Moon in Capricorn: Personal, Emotional, and Spiritual Maturation


Capricorn is the sign associated with authority, mastery, and responsibility. The last Earth sign of the Zodiac wheel and the highest point of the horoscope, Capricorn correlates with the journey of learning to live from our inner authority and taking full responsibility for our lives, rather than searching for direction and guidance outwardly. This sign teaches us to cultivate self-trust and self-responsibility and challenges us to rely on our inner authority to guide us, rather than being overly influenced by past conditioning, external expectations, or societal pressures.

Through this sign, connected with karma and the law of cause and effect, we understand that our actions have consequences and we learn to be accountable for the decisions we make. This awareness inspires us to act with integrity, recognizing that every action shapes not only our own path but has an impact on the world around us.

The New Moon in Capricorn encourages us to get clear about the impact we aspire to make on the collective and reminds us to learn from both our successes and our mistakes, as they are all an essential part of our Soul’s growth. This event brings our attention to our personal, spiritual, and emotional maturation process, and offers us an invitation to create solid foundations for the future we aspire to build.

New Moon sextile Saturn: Materializing Our Dreams and Visions


The Sun and the Moon in Capricorn are forming a sextile with Saturn in Pisces, the planetary ruler of Capricorn. Sextiles are aspects of productive communication and connection between celestial bodies that travel signs of the same polarity (Yin or Yang) and compatible elements, in this case, Earth and Water. The alignments between the Sun, the New Moon, and Saturn support our efforts to ground our dreams in reality and remind us to be consistent, perseverant, and devoted when it comes to building and materializing what we envision.

This configuration reminds us not only of the power of our will and dedication but also of the importance of being receptive to Life’s whispers, of being attuned to where the flow is directing us. Since Saturn is in Pisces, we have an opportunity to explore how to blend self-discipline and commitment to our personal intentions and goals with the awareness of where the Universe is leading us, and what Life is asking of us. The activation of Saturn in Pisces is an opportunity to renovate our devotion to what is True, our connection to a higher sense of purpose, as well as our willingness to be of service to something greater than ourselves and our personal ambitions.


The Mars-Pluto Opposition: Exploring What Fuels Us


As the New Moon in Capricorn takes place, retrograde Mars in Leo and Pluto in Aquarius are opposing each other. The two planets have been facing one another for several weeks already: their first exact opposition took place on November 3 in the signs of Cancer and Capricorn and the second one is going to be exact on January 3, 2025.

Because of the Mars retrograde cycle, we have exceptionally been experiencing this aspect for weeks, and this tension will continue to color the upcoming lunar cycle. The Mars-Pluto opposition is revealing underlying power plays, hidden conflicts, and deep-seated control dynamics, bringing up anger and frustration we might have tried to bury for a long time. This alignment supports our determination, our willingness to act on our desires and make an effort for the causes and goals we are passionate about.

Mars-Pluto energy can be a powerful fuel that pushes us to move in the direction we envision with determination, courage, and grit. However, if we don’t relate to this energy intentionally and get carried away with it, Mars-Pluto energy can become a very toxic and destructive fuel that causes us to fight unnecessary battles and wreck everything on our path. Now that Mars is in retrograde motion, the invitation for us is to reflect on what drives us, what motivates us, and what fuels our actions, rather than blindly following our impulses and urges.


The Venus-Uranus square and the T-square of Mercury, Saturn, and Jupiter


As the Capricorn New Moon takes place, Venus in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus are squaring one another. This aspect emphasizes our need to explore new, unfamiliar relationship paradigms, unconventional ways of making an income, and alternatives to mainstream value systems. The Venus-Uranus square inspires us to break free from traditional norms and expectations, encourages experimentation, and challenges us to explore new ways of perceiving stability and security. Our desire for change, independence, and personal space is likely to increase around this time. During the upcoming lunar cycle, we will have chances to explore how to find a new way to honor both our need for freedom and our need for connection.

Meanwhile, we are experiencing a Mutable T-square between Mercury in Sagittarius, retrograde Jupiter in Gemini, and Saturn in Pisces. This configuration has been active for a while, as Saturn and retrograde Jupiter have been squaring each other for the entire month and Mercury has been retrograde and is now direct again, squaring Saturn and opposing Jupiter for the third time. The activation of Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn through this T-square points to where we may feel blocked in our learning processes and could offer us opportunities to understand what shifts need to happen in our mindset in order to keep moving forward and create the reality we envision.


New Moon in Capricorn: Creating New Structures


This Capricorn New Moon is an interesting time to go back to the intentions we set in January 2024 and notice how everything unfolded, changed, and evolved since the beginning of this calendar year. It is an opportunity to realistically assess our maturation and our evolution, celebrate our progress and growth, and notice what can be improved yet without being excessively hard on ourselves. Moreover, as the Capricorn New Moon takes place, Chiron is stationing direct in Aries, beginning another chapter of our healing journey and reminding us of the importance of being compassionate with both ourselves and others.

The New Moon in Capricorn is an opportunity to ground ourselves and focus on how we aspire to move forward, what we aspire to build, redefine success on our own terms, create a new structure for our lives, and renovate our relationship to responsibility, work, and authority. This is a time to focus on grounding our dreams in reality, embrace perseverance, fully commit to what we value, and step into the next chapter of our lives with clarity and confidence.


Dive into your deep cosmic guidance for 2025 with Moon Omens 2025 horoscopes.. available in audio & e-book formats.

Happy and abundant 2025!!!


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