article New Moon in Cancer: Coming Home to Ourselves
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Astrology & Omens

New Moon in Cancer: Coming Home to Ourselves

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Moon Omens

July 18, 2020

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On July 20 at 1:32 PM EST, we are witnessing the second New Moon in Cancer of 2020. This celestial event happens only a month after the Solar Eclipse in Cancer we had on the Solstice day.

Having two New Moons in the same sign is quite rare. Moreover, this is the very first New Moon after the Eclipse season ended. She closes the cycle that started with the Solar Eclipse in Cancer of June 21, marking the beginning of a brand new chapter in our collective evolution and personal growth.

Witnessing two New Moons in Cancer is a strong and clear indicator of the need to integrate more self-care, emotional awareness, softness, and nurturance into our lives during these difficult and confusing times.

We are encouraged to go back to the vision we had in May, before Eclipse season started, and acknowledge what has changed, both within and without.

How can we best adapt to a reality that is constantly shifting? How do we stay sane in the process? How to balance our inner needs with the requests of the outer world? These are some of the questions the Moon is asking us.


The Cancer-Capricorn polarity: Looking for the Middle Way


Sun and Moon at 28°26’ Cancer are exactly opposite to Saturn at 28°39’ of Capricorn on the same day of the New Moon. Meanwhile, we are still feeling the effects of the oppositions they recently formed with Jupiter and Pluto, also retrograde, at 21° and 23° Capricorn.

Throughout Eclipse Season there has been a lot of emphasis on balancing the Cancer-Capricorn polarity. Cancer is a place where we feel safe and protected. This archetype is correlated to home, family, and childhood, it represents both our inner child and our maternal instinct.

As the Sun and the Moon join forces there, they bring our attention to the vulnerability and the sensitivity we innately possess but we haven’t been able to integrate or acknowledge yet because we haven’t felt safe enough to do so.

new moon in cancer

Capricorn on the other hand is the sign related to our social function, our career, our interactions with authorities and laws. With Capricorn, we learn that our actions have consequences. This sign demands us to take into account our duties, responsibilities, and obligations as well as their relationship with power, prestige, and money. Capricorn encourages us to fully commit to what we take on and to take accountability for our mistakes and shortcomings.

To embody the best qualities of both signs, a lot of self-awareness is necessary. We need to find the middle way between being hard on ourselves and being too self-indulgent, we need to seek a balance between being too ambitious and being afraid of going out of our comfort zone.

The Cancer-Capricorn axis encourages us to take care of our personal life and emotional well-being without forgetting the demands of our social role and the outer world.


Sun opposite Saturn – Unrestricted Self Expression vs Norms and Regulations


Saturn has already been in Capricorn, the sign he rules, for two years and will stay there until December, when it moves into Aquarius for the next two and a half years. The planet of Time and Karma is asking us to review some of the lessons we have learned during this period, and reflect upon them from another level of awareness.

The seriousness of Saturn tends to limit the spontaneity and natural inventiveness of the Sun. During these days, we may feel drawn to think that there is only a pre-established way we can express ourselves, and find it hard or challenging to look beyond it.

Any opposition is asking us to find a balance between the two forces involved. This aspect may reflect a conflict between our individual will or creativity and the laws, regulations, and hierarchies that have been in place for centuries.

At this time, we may realize that what we are currently doing for a living is not aligned with our sense of purpose and decide to make a change, but encounter some difficulties as we try to establish ourselves in society in a new way.

The Sun-Saturn opposition emphasizes the necessity to link our individual need for self-expression to a socially relevant function. Saturn reminds us that it is not only about ourselves and what we enjoy doing. We need to find our place in a larger framework, and use our creativity to offer a service that other people can benefit from.


Moon opposite Saturn – Emotions vs Duties


Moon and Saturn could be considered polar opposites: the Moon is the natural ruler of Cancer while Saturn rules the opposite sign, Capricorn. Synchronistically, on this New Moon, they are both transiting the signs they rule. This is another indicator of the importance of balancing the Cancer-Capricorn axis both in our individual, daily lives, and on a collective scale.

The Moon represents our inner child, their needs and fears, their desire to be nurtured and taken care of. The Moon also represents our inner mother, our ability to mother ourselves and other people and to emotionally connect with them.

new moon in cancer

Saturn wants us to take full responsibility for the way we are spending our time, energy, and money, as well as for what we give back to the world. He encourages us to cultivate self-control and self-mastery, to be accountable for our actions and shortcomings.

With Moon Saturn contacts there’s a strong call to balance our own emotional needs with the needs of other people, of our professional life, and of society as a whole. With this aspect, it can be easy to prioritize our career commitments or ambitions at the expense of our emotional health and well-being.

If the relationship between the Moon and Saturn is unbalanced, our personal and family life tend to suffer. With this opposition, we typically take on too many societal obligations. A subconscious sense of guilt, shame, and a generalized feeling of depression or anxiety may be a result.

Aspects between the Moon and Saturn can be associated with deep unconscious emotional blockages. Their purpose is inviting us to consciously come into contact with our inner child and the emotions we suppressed in the past, in order to elaborate and integrate them in a safe space once we are adults.

To help you come back home to yourself and find a balance between these energies we have created a very powerful printable journal we call “Reparenting Our Inner Child” in which you will find a lot more insights about the energy of this New Moon and deep, profound questions. Together with journal you will receive our channeled guided meditation audio which will take you on the deep journey within. We invite you to get your New Moon Ritual Tools and join Moon Omens Soul Family. (Tap here or on the image below to find New Moon Ritual Tools)

new moon in cancer


New Moon in Cancer: Taking Our Feelings Seriously


Sun, Moon, and Saturn are inviting us to let go of the fear of not being accepted for who we are. They urge us to release any guilt or shame linked to not conforming to others’ expectations. They inspire us to redefine our relationship with judgment in a way that feels more empowering and positive and to worry less about what people think of us.

This New Moon in Cancer gives us full permission to walk away from those who need to belittle others to feel good about themselves. Distancing ourselves from environments or people that don’t make us feel safe, loved, or accepted for who we are is our right.

Cancer teaches us to take our emotions seriously. This sign reminds us of how crucial taking care of our inner health and well being is. The New Moon reminds us to follow our feelings, sensations, and intuition before listening to what people or society say we should do, or how we should feel in certain situations.

Taking time to care for ourselves and our emotional balance should be our top priority during these days. Yet, we should also be careful not to use this as an excuse to avoid addressing important issues or expressing our feelings clearly.


New Moon in Cancer: Coming Home to Ourselves


The ultimate lesson of Cancer is emotional maturity. This sign invites us to develop an ongoing relationship with our ever-changing inner state. The New Moon encourages us to listen to the clues our body is constantly sending us, even if they may seem irrational at first.

An essential part of this process is being able to express what we feel honestly and openly, without any fear of judgment or rejection. The presence of Mercury, still transiting through the sign of the Crab, is supporting us in the creation of a safe and respectful space of exchange and communication.

We are in a period where issues related to the past, to our family or our home are likely to come up, and many of us need to make important decisions in these areas of life. Interacting with others loving and kindly, from an open heart, becomes crucial for the integration and elaboration of any difficult feeling emerging.

Comment bellow with what resonated with you the most and please share this with others, because sharing is love and caring! Sending love and blessings your way..

P.S. We invite you to join our Global Live New Moon Meditation together with Moon Omens Soul Family. It is going to be powerful and transformative. Meditation time: July 20th, 21:45 PM EST. Meditation place:

Tap here or on the video link below to get directly to our scheduled live event.


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