article New Moon in Aquarius 2025: Renewal and Transformation
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Astrology & Omens

New Moon in Aquarius 2025: Renewal and Transformation

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Moon Omens

January 25, 2025

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On January 25, 07:13 AM —

On January 29, 07:35 AM EST, we experience a New Moon at 9º50’ of Aquarius: this is the first New Moon of 2025 and also the event that inaugurates the Lunar New Year, widely celebrated in many Asian cultures that follow the lunar calendar. 

While last year was the year of the Dragon, in 2025 we enter the year of the Snake according to the Chinese Zodiac. The Aquarius New Moon, coinciding with the beginning of the Year of the Snake, encourages us to welcome renewal and embrace the dance of transformation. Read our Lunar New Year article here..

The Aquarius New Moon is particularly significant for those born with placements in Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius). The individuals personally impacted by this event will feel its transformative energy more intensely in one or more areas of their lives: they are more likely to experience opportunities to make significant changes and break free from stagnation and inertia.

We invite you to watch our hour long video on our YouTube channel together with Nina where she walks us through the powerful energies of this New Moon in Aquarius.

New Moon in Aquarius: Envisioning a New Reality


New Moons mark the beginning of the lunar month and represent a time to start something new, plant seeds, and set intentions for the future. After slowly waning for the past two weeks, since the Full Moon took place, the Moon is still invisible from our perspective: we have an opportunity to turn inward and deepen our introspection before starting to move forward again. The Sun and the Moon are currently forming a 0º angle from our perspective on Earth, which in Astrology is technically known as a conjunction: when two planets are conjunct, their energies blend and express as one.

As the month of January comes to an end, the Sun and the Moon meet in the sign of the Water Bearer. The Aquarius New Moon begins a lunar cycle focused on envisioning a new reality, breaking free from old patterns, and releasing our attachment to the past. This event encourages us to welcome new possibilities, move toward the unknown and the unfamiliar, and create a reality aligned with our truth.

Aquarius, as the sign of innovation and collective progress, asks us to challenge conventions, think outside the box, and approach change with an open mind. This New Moon motivates us to question societal expectations, norms, and rules, and explore unconventional paths that might bring us closer to the truth of who we are.


New Moon conjunct Pluto: Renewal and Transformation


The Sun and the Moon in Aquarius are conjunct with both Pluto and Mercury, which emphasizes the theme of transformation during both the upcoming lunar cycle and the lunar year ahead. Pluto has a strong connection to the symbolism of the Snake, one of the animals associated with the sign of Scorpio: both Pluto and Scorpio correlate to transformational processes, shedding skin, and death and rebirth cycles.

The Snake is associated with the first evolutionary stage of Scorpio and precedes the Eagle and the Phoenix in the evolutionary trajectory of this sign. This symbolism emphasizes the focus on shedding skin and releasing what no longer serves us in order to renovate and transform our lives from the inside out.

Pluto’s activation, just a couple of months after his final ingress into Aquarius, brings the spotlight on our personal and collective evolutionary journeys. This New Moon conjunct with Pluto brings the spotlight on areas of our life that need to be radically transformed and shows us how and where we are being asked to evolve and grow. 

These days, unconscious content can emerge into our conscious awareness and we can have glimpses of deep, hidden truths that have been buried within us for some time. Pluto’s transformative energy illuminates shadows we don’t normally see and invites us to confront what we may have avoided or suppressed. Meanwhile, the prominence of Aquarian energy helps us witness whatever comes up with objectivity and a neutral, observational awareness.

Around this time, emotions, thoughts, desires, needs, and patterns that have been operating in the background may now come to light: we have an opportunity to let go of our attachment to the past and the familiar and gain awareness of what needs to be transformed.

New Moon in Aquarius 2025

New Moon conjunct Mercury and trine Jupiter


Mercury is also strongly involved in this New Moon: because of Mercury’s prominence, the insights we gain around this time can be more easily articulated and communicated. Mercury’s activation helps us understand, process, and integrate these new revelations into our daily lives. This configuration is an invitation to make significant shifts in how we think, speak, and act, transform our mindset and perceptions, and make decisions from a place of empowerment and sovereignty.

Jupiter in Gemini is forming a trine aspect to the Sun and the Moon in Aquarius. Trines are aspects of flow and ease that indicate a supportive connection between planets. Jupiter’s activation enhances our ability to see the bigger picture, think optimistically, and explore new possibilities with curiosity and confidence. This alignment encourages intellectual growth, supports the expansion of knowledge, and invites us to embrace change with courage, faith, and open-mindedness. 

Saturn, the traditional ruler of Aquarius, is in Pisces and is still squaring Jupiter. The influence of Saturn grounds the expansive and optimistic energy of Jupiter, reminding us to make sure we take practical and committed action to manifest our dreams, visions, and aspirations. This combination of visionary and realistic energies offers us a powerful opportunity to set intentions that are both ambitious and achievable.


Venus conjunct Neptune, trine Mars, and sextile Uranus


As the New Moon in Aquarius takes place, Venus is approaching a conjunction with Neptune and the North Node in Pisces. After perfecting her conjunction with Saturn on January 18, an alignment emphasizing themes of responsibility, maturation, and commitment, Venus moving toward Neptune and away from Saturn brings a very different vibe. The energy is now mystical, glamorous, and dreamy: the final Venus-Neptune conjunction in the sign of Venus’ traditional exaltation and Neptune’s modern domicile is an invitation to attune to the frequency of divine, unconditional Love.

Since Venus has not crossed Neptune yet, this energy represents the final phase of a journey, the completion of a cycle. We have an opportunity to release illusions we hold about love and relationships and let go of everything that prevents us from moving through life with a fully open heart. This is a time for forgiving ourselves and others and letting go of what prevents us from having faith in ourselves, in Life, and in Divine Timing.

Retrograde Mars in Cancer is forming a trine to the Venus-Neptune conjunction. This alignment is very beneficial for all relationship matters as it helps find ways to honor both our needs and desires and those of others while intuiting what needs to be addressed and taken care of before we move forward and take action.

Meanwhile, Uranus, the modern ruler of Aquarius, is about to station direct in Taurus and is forming a sextile to retrograde Mars in Cancer and Venus and Neptune in Pisces. Uranus’ activation supports our ability to stay open to change, be flexible, be versatile, and make necessary adjustments and changes to move forward in new ways. The prominence of Uranus underlines the revolutionary energy that this New Moon brings, while supporting our ability to innovate, tap into the future, break habitual patterns, and do things differently.

New Moon in Aquarius: Creating a New Future


The Aquarius New Moon invites us to reflect on what role we aspire to have within the collective, within the changing social paradigm, and within our local communities. This event is an invitation to get clear about the direction we are moving toward and make sure we are making choices in alignment with our own values and aspirations.

The Aquarius New Moon encourages us to question the systems and structures we participate in and consider how we can contribute to shaping a reality that aligns with our visions and ideals. These days, we are being asked to take responsibility for our vision of the future and plant seeds that nourish and nurture it: this is a powerful time to begin new projects, relationships, and collaborations rooted in a shared purpose.

As we move through this upcoming lunar cycle, we will feel a strong pull to break free from the grip of the past and from any limitations, both internal and external, that have been holding us back. The energy of this New Moon encourages us to release any fear of standing out from the crowd or going against the grain. This event invites us to trust ourselves, recognize the value of the changes that we have the power to bring forward, and acknowledge how we need to transform internally in order to create the reality we envision.


Dive into your deep cosmic guidance for 2025 with Moon Omens 2025 horoscopes.. available in audio & e-book formats.

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Tell us what you think


  • I have a triple Sun in Scorpio, Rising in Leo, and Moon in Aquarius. Would it be more impactful than a single sign?

  • Thank you for the wisdom, detailed knowledge and support. All the guidance and support shared is priceless and on point. I have read a lot of horoscopes and even yearly books with all of the astrological information… Moon Omens will always be my family for support and knowledge. I am so grateful for all you do to support us in our daily/monthly/yearly guidance 🙏🏻 💛 Blessings 🙏🏻✨


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