article Neptune direct in Pisces: Trust Life’s Unfolding
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Astrology & Omens

Neptune direct in Pisces: Trust Life’s Unfolding

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Moon Omens

December 6, 2024

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On December 6, 02:17 PM —

On December 7, 6:43 PM EST, Neptune stations direct at 27º07’ of Pisces after being in retrograde motion since July 2, 2024. This shift offers us an invitation to trust Life’s unfolding and release the need for control, even when we don’t logically understand where the path is leading us. Neptune is going to be in direct motion until July 4, 2025, and make his first ingress into Aries on March 30, 2025.

Individuals born with placement in the late degrees of Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) will feel this event more intensely. The people personally impacted by Neptune’s shift of motion have an opportunity to strengthen their connection to their intuition and creativity, restore their trust in their inner guidance, and renew their commitment to living in alignment with Truth.

Neptune in Pisces: Dissolution of Boundaries


Since 2011, Neptune has been journeying through the waters of his domicile in Modern Astrology, the Mutable Water sign of Pisces. Pisces embodies supreme Yin energy: the final sign of the Zodiac teaches us to surrender our attachment to specific outcomes, harness the natural flow of life to our advantage, and trust that the Universe, or the Divine, will provide us with everything we need if we allow it. At this stage in our journey through the Zodiac, the separate sense of self we built during the previous eleven stages dissolves, and we become, again, one with everything in existence.

Neptune has to do with what is True in an absolute, universal way: this planet represents the ultimate essence of reality, timeless and non-dual. In Pisces, Neptune’s energy is magnified, exalted, and exponentially amplified. These archetypes strongly resonate with one another, and they bring us on a kaleidoscopic journey of exploration of spirituality, imagination, dreams, intuition, and extrasensory perceptions.

All boundaries are erased within the Piscean realms and with Neptune here we have a unique opportunity to connect with the mystical and the transcendental and experience the dissolution of the separation between the physical and the ethereal, the tangible and the intangible, the finite and the infinite. 


Neptune in Pisces: Gifts and Challenges


Neptune in Pisces transit has been supporting our ability to feel deeply, to attune to the pain of others as if it were our own, to access altered states of consciousness, and to strengthen our relationship to something greater than ourselves. This transit has been highlighting our connection with the collective emotional body and reminding us of how interconnected we all are, of how duality is ultimately an illusion.

This expansive, mystical, and dreamy combination of energies has been reminding us of the importance of discernment: for many of us, this lesson came with the pain of disillusionment. Neptune in Pisces reflects an increased tendency to mistake fact for fiction, truth for untruth, reality for illusion, and intuition for delusion. Staying grounded tends to be hard when Neptunian energy is so prominent, and it is something we must be very intentional about during this transit. 

Escapism and avoidance are other challenges that are more pronounced when Neptune is in Pisces. This transit offers us opportunities to notice our habitual defense mechanisms and avoidance patterns as well as how we tend to numb or retreat from reality when it feels uncomfortable or overwhelming.

We are experiencing the conclusion of Neptune’s journey through Pisces and the energy of dissolution and closure is stronger than ever: both the gifts and the challenges of this combination of energies are exacerbated. In March 2025, Neptune enters Aries for the first time. From September 2025 until 2026, Neptune returns to Pisces for the final months of this transit, offering us an opportunity to wrap up unfinished business, release our reliance on identities and ways of being that are no longer relevant, and let go, for good, of everything that doesn’t serve our growth.

Neptune direct in Pisces

Neptune stations direct in Pisces: Trust Life’s Unfolding


Neptune retrograde periods tend to be a time when the veil is lifted: truths that were hidden behind layers of illusions are revealed, and we have opportunities to turn inward and deepen our inner work, navigate any experiences of disenchantment with awareness, and release our attachment to what no longer serves us.

When planets are stationary, either retrograde or direct, they are closer to Earth and their energy is felt more intensely. Neptune stationing direct in his home sign of Pisces catalyzes a great increase in our psychic and emotional sensitivity. Spiritual experiences and flow states are more accessible around this time and there is a general sense of liminality, of being suspended in between worlds, of having one foot into this reality and one foot into another.

Neptune stationing direct is an opportunity to integrate what took place during the retrograde period and weave the lessons we have learned into our everyday lives. Neptune’s shift of motion reminds us that the Universe works in mysterious ways and encourages us to keep our hearts open and trust Life’s unfolding even when we don’t logically understand where we are heading or what is going on.


Preparing for the Upcoming Neptune-North Node Conjunction in Pisces


Neptune is stationing direct in Pisces while approaching a conjunction to the North Node of the Moon, currently in the early degrees of Aries. The Lunar Nodes move in retrograde motion for most of the time and the North Node is going to enter Pisces in January 2025. Neptune and the North Node are conjunct for the rest of this calendar year and the first couple of months of the year ahead. 

The North Node and Neptune, as well as Venus, are going to meet at 28º of Pisces in the early days of February 2025. The exact Neptune-North Node alignment is on February 7, however, we will feel Neptunian energy very powerfully and intensely for days, weeks, and even months before and after that date.

The upcoming conjunction of Neptune and the North Node in Neptune’s home sign of Pisces is a potent, clear invitation to release control and surrender to what Life is asking of us. Rather than trying to control outcomes, get overly fixated on goals, or be excessively rigid with our routines, the invitation for us is to soften and anchor ourselves in faith, trusting that everything is aligning and working out as it is meant to.


We are happy to announce that our highly anticipated 2025 horoscopes are now available and ready for you! This creation is truly special for our team, as it was a long journey creating and bringing this 2025 guidance to life. Thank you for your support, we ❤ you!


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