article Neptune Direct: Truth Uncovered & Mysteries Revealed
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Astrology & Omens

Neptune Direct: Truth Uncovered & Mysteries Revealed

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Moon Omens

November 30, 2021

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On December 1, 08:22 AM ET, Neptune stations direct at 20°24’ of Pisces after spending six months in an apparent backward motion from our perspective on Earth. Neptune is connected with the absolute Truth, with the immortal, the eternal, the unity of everything in existence: when this planet is stationary, it is a time when truth may be uncovered and mysteries revealed.

Neptune will remain direct until June 28, 2022, and complete its post-shadow phase on March 21, when it will reach 23°11’ of the sign, the degree where the retrograde started. Those of us who have personal planets or angles around these degrees of the Mutable signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces will feel this shift more strongly than others, and it will affect us more closely. 


Neptune in Pisces: Remembering Oneness


Neptune is an outer, transpersonal planet that moves very slowly: its transits indicate generational trends and collective dynamics. The modern ruler of Pisces is associated with spirituality, transcendence, unconditional and Divine love. Within Neptune, there are no boundaries, no limits, and no conditions: we are navigating the realms of fantasy, imagination, and unlimited possibilities.

Neptune Direct

As its energy is subtle, difficult to convey, and understand within the context of the 3D reality, Neptune is also associated with confusion, illusions, delusions, and disillusionment. While on the one hand, our fantasy can trick us into believing something that isn’t real, on the other, experiences of the intangible and the spiritual can easily overwhelm us or leave us wondering if what took place was real, or if we imagined it. Adapting to new levels of consciousness while remaining grounded in the material reality is a delicate process that can’t be rushed.

Neptune’s journey through its home sign Pisces started in 2012 and will last until 2025. This transit magnifies the sensitivity associated with these archetypes and increases our attunement to other dimensions and realms. By making us more vulnerable and more aware of our vulnerability, Neptune in Pisces enhances the need and the importance of discernment, setting boundaries, and taking good care of what we allow into our energetic field.


Neptune Transits: Invitation to Surrender 


Neptune transits always invite us to surrender, to let go of the need to control life and shape it through our will. These experiences are deeply humbling and they have the potential to help us develop a new relationship with Source, with Spirit, with the Divine. Our growth during this time is proportional to our acceptance of what shows up and our devotion to living in alignment with Truth.

When Neptune is very prominent in the skies, we often experience a sense of lethargy, confusion, brain fog, and a general slowing down of our habitual pace of life. These are meant to shift our focus inward so that we can begin to pay attention to something we normally wouldn’t pay attention to. Transits of Neptune can also correspond with experiences of disillusionment. Disenchantment has the purpose of bringing us closer to Truth: after acknowledging that we were caught up in fantasy or illusion, we have a chance to understand what’s behind that and confront something we needed to gain awareness of.


Neptune stationary: Coming to a Standstill


The expression of planets in direct motion, compared to that of planets in retrograde motion, is more external, more obvious, easier to recognize. Nonetheless, the effects of Neptune transits are always difficult to understand or spot with clarity. 

Stationary planets are coming to a standstill before changing direction: at this time, we may have a feeling that time is stopping and everything is proceeding extremely slowly. When celestial bodies are stationary, they are closer to Earth and the archetypal themes associated with them become more relevant. The post-shadow phase that takes place afterward represents a time to implement and take action on the insights and the knowledge we gained while the planet was retrograde. We begin integrating these lessons into our lives, walk our talk, and start moving forward again.

neptune direct

During these days, we could notice an increase in our creativity, imagination, sensitivity, and tendency to fantasize and daydream. Neptune is associated with melatonin production and our sleep cycles: our dreams are likely to be particularly vivid and full of symbolism at this time. Keeping a dream journal next to our bed and writing down what we remember as soon as we wake up is likely to help us decipher and remember messages from our unconscious mind.


Neptune direct: Releasing Attachment to Illusions


When Neptune is stationary, the illusions we relied upon may be uncovered. Ultimately, Neptune is about Truth, and its transits can show us our willingness to deal with it. As dealing with Truth often requires deep personal work and uncomfortable levels of honesty, escapism and avoidance may be tempting: these are shadows of the Neptune archetype that could emerge around this time.

The strong activation of Neptune could intensify the feelings of confusion and uncertainty that emerge during times of transition when the old is fading away and the new hasn’t manifested yet, when we are moving from one level of awareness to the next one. 

Even if we don’t understand the meaning and purpose of what we are going through, we still have the option to navigate it with faith. Surrendering to the reality we meet and accepting the consequences of the revelations we experience around this time has the potential to help us connect to a deeper level of trust in Life, its timing, and its plans for us.

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