article Mercury in Sagittarius 2024: Speak Authentically
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Astrology & Omens

Mercury in Sagittarius 2024: Speak Authentically

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Moon Omens

November 2, 2024

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On November 2, 11:35 AM —

On November 2, 3:18 PM EST, Mercury leaves Scorpio and enters Sagittarius, offering us an invitation to speak authentically and pursue knowledge that can’t be found in books. Mercury is going to remain in the sign of the Centaur longer than usual, due to its upcoming retrograde, starting on November 25 and ending on December 15. On January 8, after completing its retrograde, Mercury is going to enter Capricorn.

Mercury’s transit through Sagittarius is especially relevant for the individuals born with planets or angles in Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces). Those personally impacted by Mercury’s shift of signs will feel a stronger pull to broaden their intellectual horizons, expand their knowledge, and question their existing beliefs and worldviews.

Mercury from Scorpio to Sagittarius


The ruler of Gemini and Virgo, Mercury in Astrology is associated with communication, the rational mind, and short-term and short-distance travel. Mercury has to do with how we think, gather data and information, select what is useful from what isn’t, and organize our daily lives and tasks. A quick-moving planet, Mercury usually travels for roughly three weeks in each sign and goes retrograde three to four times per year. Transits of Mercury inform us of collective trends and shifts in terms of thinking habits, communication patterns, and ways of perceiving and interfacing with our reality and immediate surroundings.

During its transit through Scorpio, Mercury guided us on a journey through darkness, offered us opportunities to deepen our understanding of our psychology and desires, and supported our ability to gain new insights into unresolved emotions and unconscious fears. This transit invited us to turn our attention inward and inspired us to focus on deepening our introspection.

Mercury’s ingress into Sagittarius encourages a more lighthearted way of thinking and perceiving reality. This combination of energies invites us not to take ourselves too seriously and reminds us of the power of humor and laughter. In Sagittarius, Mercury inspires us to broaden our intellectual horizons and ponder about the higher meaning of our experiences.


Mercury enters Sagittarius: Speak Authentically


Mercury’s journey through Sagittarius will inspire us to channel our mental energies into our search for truth, meaning, and purpose. This combination of energies will inspire us to ask existential questions to both ourselves and others and search for answers in new, unfamiliar places. During this time, we are reminded to be aware of the risk of mistaking a belief for a fact, and an ideology with the absolute truth.

Mercury’s journey through the sign of the Centaur is an invitation to speak our minds, speak authentically, and share our true ideas and thoughts with others. This transit reminds us of the value of being true to ourselves and walking our talk. Mercury’s journey through Sagittarius invites uncensored, spontaneous, and transparent communication. Nevertheless, during this transit, there can be a tendency toward blunt speech, arrogance, and dogmatism, potential unconscious expressions of this combination of energies. 

In Sagittarius, Mercury is traditionally considered to be in detriment, since it is at home in the opposite sign of Gemini. Mercury is all about details and facts, while Sagittarius is very connected to the big picture, as well as to our system of beliefs and to the ideologies we resonate with. For this reason, during this transit, there can be a general tendency to miss out on important information and details because of an excessive focus on the broader, larger picture.

Mercury in aspect to Jupiter & Saturn


During its journey through Sagittarius, Mercury is going to align with Jupiter and Saturn three times, due to its upcoming retrograde.

On November 12, December 6, and December 27, Mercury in Sagittarius squares Saturn in Pisces. The Mercury-Saturn square will offer us opportunities to pay attention to any tendencies to self-silence and self-censor, as well as feelings that the environment prevents us from learning, speaking our truth, and thinking freely. This aspect supports our ability to remember and organize information and inspires us to be mentally disciplined and align what we say with what we do.

Mercury in Sagittarius opposes retrograde Jupiter in Gemini on November 18, December 4, and December 26. The Mercury-Jupiter opposition is an opportunity to observe any tendencies to exaggerate, embellish, and misrepresent facts, information, ourselves, or our experiences. It can highlight tendencies toward dogmatism and arrogance, as well as the egoic desire to be right and prove to others that we are right. During these days, ideological confrontations can be more frequent and heated. The Mercury-Jupiter opposition will support our confidence in our ideas and our communication skills, as well as our desire to share and teach what we have learned, counterbalancing the insecurity brought by the Mercury-Saturn square. 

Mercury will activate and participate in the Jupiter-Saturn square, an alignment that has been active for most of the year and goes exact again on December 24. In this context, Mercury’s presence will highlight how our mindset and ways of thinking can either hold us back from or support us in materializing our visions, expanding in the way we aspire, and creating what we envision. This configuration will offer us opportunities to recognize how we need to mature and what responsibilities we need to take in order to be the students, teachers, or competent authority figures we aspire to be.


Mercury in Sagittarius: Trusting our Inner Knowing


While Mercury is in Sagittarius, and particularly while it is retrograde, the invitation for us is to pay attention to how our beliefs impact our experience of reality and explore new ways of making sense of our experiences and the world around us. This transit is an opportunity to observe how we are drawn to attributing meaning to our experiences and discern what is true for us versus what is not.

Mercury’s journey through Sagittarius will facilitate and support all learning processes based on an experiential, intuitive, and deductive approach. This transit will motivate us to keep searching for truth and meaning, inspire us to deepen our trust in our inner embodied knowing, and encourage us to pursue knowledge that can’t be learned through books.


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