Mercury from Scorpio to Sagittarius: Exploring New Intellectual Horizons
In Astrology, Mercury is the planet associated with our thinking habits, communication style, and way of perceiving and making sense of our reality. Correlated with the left hemisphere of the brain, logical processing, and inductive reasoning, Mercury has also to do with our style of problem solving, learning, and discerning what is useful and relevant and what is not.
Transits of Mercury inform us of changes in our perception and orientation relative to logically making sense of our reality and communicating to others and reflect shifts in mindset and perspective.
While Mercury was in the Fixed Water sign of Scorpio, we had opportunities to deepen our self-exploration and access a more profound understanding of ourselves, others, and our reality. This transit inspired us to unveil mystery, reveal taboos, name the unspoken, and read into the undercurrents of every situation.
As Sagittarius is a Mutable Fire sign, Mercury’s transit here supports our willingness to adapt to change and stay open to new perspectives and experiences. Mercury in Sagittarius reflects an increase in our desire to learn and explore new intellectual horizons. This transit invites us to embrace an expansive and optimistic outlook on life and stimulates our curiosity and our desire to learn more about the world around us, the Universe, and the higher meaning of existence.
Mercury in Sagittarius: On a Quest for Meaning
Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the biggest planet in the Solar System, and is well known for its buoyancy, positivity, and desire to expand. Mercury’s ingress in the sign colors our thought processes with more upbeat and optimistic energy and inspires us to spend more time exploring the meaning of life and the higher purpose of our experiences.
During the upcoming days and weeks, we are likely to feel a desire to invest more energy and effort into studying, teaching, or sharing knowledge we are passionate about, explore unfamiliar cultures and traditions, and dive into topics of philosophical, cosmological, religious, or metaphysical nature. Mercury in Sagittarius inspires us to see our daily experiences as opportunities to learn and grow in self-awareness, and offers us an invitation to stay open to receive knowledge from unexpected sources.
Mercury square Saturn & Neptune in Pisces, Mercury conjunct Mars
During its journey through Sagittarius, Mercury is going to square Saturn and Neptune in Pisces. The Mercury-Saturn square goes exact as soon as Mercury enters Sagittarius, November 10. This alignment is an opportunity for us to observe in what instances we are drawn to self-censor or silence ourselves or feel we have no authority to express our opinions and explore what could be at the root of that. Simultaneously, it could be also useful to notice if we feel an urge to police others’ language or silence them, and ask ourselves what is behind it.
The Mercury-Neptune square is going to be exact on November 27 and again on December 27 and January 9, when Mercury goes back to Sagittarius due to its retrograde period. The Mercury-Neptune square tends to correspond to a period of confusion, brain fog, and uncertainty during which we are drawn to doubt our own perceptions. Some of us could also, on the contrary, get really invested into defending ideas and ideals, almost in a fanatic way, as Neptune can also correspond to a state of being extremely ungrounded and blinded by fantasy.
This Mercury-Neptune alignment ultimately invites us to acknowledge the difference between belief and Truth, between what is subjectively true for us and what we believe to be true, and what is True in an absolute, higher sense.
Mercury is going to cross Mars in the late degrees of Sagittarius on December 28, while in retrograde motion. This conjunction is an opportunity for us to observe how we are used to asserting ourselves, our beliefs, and our ideas, notice if we are drawn to arrogance or dogmatism, and establish adjustments in our communication and style of self-assertion.