article Mercury enters Scorpio and Sun trines Neptune
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Astrology & Omens

Mercury enters Scorpio and Sun trines Neptune

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Moon Omens

November 10, 2020

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On November 10, we experience two interesting Astrological events. At 12:11 AM, ET the Sun in Scorpio creates a trine to retrograde Neptune in Pisces. On the same day, at 04:56 PM ET, Mercury enters Scorpio for the second time.

Mercury started transiting Scorpio for the first time on September 27, stationed retrograde on October 13, went back to Libra on October 27. During the retrograde phase, we had the chance to internalize our mental energies and our focus: we were drawn to reflect, introspect, and we learned important lessons around relationships and intimacy.

Now, Mercury will bring us more clarity and more learning experiences around themes related to Scorpio, such as power, trust, emotional attachments, psychological transformation, and sexuality. While Mercury transits for the third and last time between 0° and 11° of Scorpio, we are encouraged to take action according to what we discovered and reflected upon during the retrograde phase.

In the meantime, the Sun-Neptune retrograde connection, exact today, offers us a wonderful chance to deepen our spiritual and inner life. We have been already experiencing the energy of this configuration for a few days, and we will feel its influence for the whole week.

This trine is a very harmonic aspect that highly supports our intuition and our creativity. The alignment between Sun in Scorpio and retrograde Neptune in Pisces increases our sensitivity and our empathy, as well as our fantasy: it may help us come up with interesting solutions to the issues and challenges we are experiencing.


Mercury Direct in Scorpio: Evolving Through Intimacy


As Mercury travels from Libra to Scorpio, our mental focus shifts once again from our everyday relationships with other people to our deepest intimate connections and our own psychological processes.

The transit of Mercury, now in direct motion, through Scorpio, is lasting until December 1 and it has the potential to help us understand ourselves and others more deeply. During the upcoming weeks, we have the chance to radically change our perspective of the world, our thought patterns, the way we communicate, and our perception of intimacy and sexuality.

People’s true colors will become clear: the real motives, desires, and shadow traits of those around us are likely to be exposed. The spotlight is on the deeper reason behind everything. Mercury direct in Scorpio intensifies our ability to focus: this transit offers us the possibility to take whatever we are doing to the next level and to understand what is the best way to move forward. 


Mercury Direct in Scorpio: Real Talk


During the journey of Mercury through Scorpio, we may have a tendency to get obsessed with what we think, what we say, what others think and say. We may constantly wonder what everything really means, as we are not satisfied with superficial explanations. The excessive information available can cause a sense of crisis and a state of confusion due to the excess of contradictory data and the ongoing stimulation we are surrounded by.

Mercury in Scorpio is continuously asking why: during the retrograde, our reflections have been mostly personal and introspective. Now it’s time to expose our doubts, fears, and insecurities and to ask difficult questions to the people closest to us.

Themes around power and control and lack of power and control are going to be emphasized: Mercury direct in Scorpio will strongly bring up the need to have honest conversations about difficult topics. Scorpio doesn’t like secrets or taboos: Mercury’s journey through the Underworld can bring up the need for uncensored talk around uncomfortable truths and issues of trust, betrayal, and loss. 

Moreover, Mercury already opposed Uranus in Taurus twice, and will oppose it for the last time on November 17. The purpose of this transit is to bring to light information and facts previously hidden: the disclosure often happens in a shocking and unexpected way, to force us to have real and open confrontations about difficult topics. 


Sun trine Neptune: Heightened Empathy & Compassion


The trine is a very supportive aspect that promotes an easy merging of the energies of two planets, transiting in signs of the same element. The Sun represents our conscious awareness, our essence, and the way we express ourselves. During its yearly transit through Scorpio, the Sun shines a light on our unconscious dynamics and invites us to consciously choose to evolve and transform. 

Neptune is the planet related to mysticism, spirituality, and transcendence, but also to addictions and escapism. The ruler of Pisces, now transiting through its home sign, operates outside linear time and space and does not follow the logic we are used to. Neptune is correlated to the collective emotional body, to all mass phenomena, to empathy, compassion, and psychic abilities.

Water energy is extremely powerful today. The more sensitive amongst us are likely to feel strong emotions coming up, maybe without even realizing where exactly they are coming from. Emotions are an integral part of the human experience: emotional displays should never be dismissed or condemned, especially during a time like this.

Mercury enters Scorpio

If you are feeling collective pain, you are definitely not alone. However, if you are psychically open and you tend to absorb other people’s emotions, you have to find ways to ground, center, and realign with your own energy.


Sun trine Neptune: Intuition, Trust, & Unconditional Love


The Sun in Scorpio in a trine to retrograde Neptune in Pisces is reminding us to connect with our creativity, with our true essence, and to let go of the need to control the outcome. This aspect encourages us to cultivate our relationship with something bigger than ourselves and to allow source energy to express itself through us. 

Neptune always invites surrender and forgiveness, and the trine to the Sun can help us become aware of where we need to surrender and forgive. The challenge is to be open and to trust, to let go of how we think our life should go, and to embrace what is showing up.

The harmonic aspect between Sun and Neptune is enhancing our intuition, our creativity, our capacity for empathy, compassion, and unconditional love. It is reminding us of our connection with both our higher self and the collective. This configuration can help us understand how all that is happening is supporting our growth and our alignment with our true purpose.

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