article Mercury enters Aries: Birthing New Ideas
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Astrology & Omens

Mercury enters Aries: Birthing New Ideas

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Moon Omens

April 6, 2021

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On April 3, 11:42 PM ET, Mercury leaves Pisces and enters Aries, where the Sun, Venus, and Chiron are already transiting. Mercury will be in Aries until April 19: during the upcoming weeks, we have an opportunity to practice healthy self-assertion and honest communication, and explore ways to speak our truth boldly, yet without being disrespectful or aggressive.

Mercury’s shift from Mutable Water to Cardinal Fire increases the forward momentum, and our need for action, adventure, and excitement. While Mercury in Pisces is associated with non-linearity and with the dissolution of outdated ways of thinking and perceiving reality, Mercury in Aries brings fresh energy into our minds: this transit is about birthing new ideas, possibilities, and ways of thinking.


Mercury in Aries: Being in the Moment


In Astrology, Mercury is the planet of thought, communication, logic, and theoretical learning: the ruler of Gemini and Virgo is associated with the left hemisphere of the brain. Mercury helps us make order out of chaos, make sense of the Universe through logic and rationality.

Mercury is also about critical thinking and self-analysis and reflects our capacity to discriminate between the information that is useful and relevant and the information that is not. Ultimately, this planet allows us to classify both our inner and outer environment and to communicate what’s going on in our inner world to others.

Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac, is about instinct, desire, action without forethought, and new beginnings. While Mercury, archetypally speaking, reflects a mental and analytical orientation to life, Aries learns through an experiential process of trial and error that happens in the present moment and does not involve pre-planning. The main tendency with Mercury in Aries is to relate to our surroundings in a curious, instinctual, and spontaneous way, on a moment-to-moment basis.


Mercury in Aries: Cultivating Spontaneity


Mercury’s transit through the sign of the Warrior represents an opportunity to release the need to overthink, over-analyze life, and plan excessively. Mercury in Aries invites us to live more spontaneously and speeds up our decision-making process: the natural orientation is to take instinctual action following our train of thoughts and our ideas. 

Mercury in Aries is direct and straightforward, innocently unfiltered, and brutally honest. During this transit, our mental energy increases and we tend to seek intellectual stimulation and challenges. We think and talk faster and we express ourselves more directly. Something to be mindful of while Mercury is in Aries are tendencies to be excessively loud, impatient, verbally aggressive, and impulsive: if we are not expressing this energy consciously, there is a risk of unwillingly hurting others.


Mercury conjunct Chiron: Healing Wounds around Communication


During its journey through Aries, Mercury will form a conjunction with Chiron, which will perfect on April 9. This aspect may reflect the activation of our wounds relative to learning, speaking, and self-assertion, such as feeling silenced or rejected when we communicate our needs and desires. Yet, it also gives us the possibility to heal them.

Mercury in Aries

Throughout these days, we may notice a feeling of being mentally isolated and lonely. A strong sense of vulnerability around all communication matters may arise, as well as a tendency to feel unworthy to have an opinion or share it. Nonetheless, the Mercury-Chiron conjunction offers us an opportunity to gain more self-awareness and begin processing fears around speaking up, standing up for our truth, sharing our thoughts and desires, being assertive and honest.


Mercury square Pluto: Deepening our Self-Awareness


During its journey through Aries, Mercury will also square Pluto in Capricorn. Their alignment, exact on April 17, may provide us with important information and deep insights of a psychological nature. The influence of Pluto in Capricorn may somehow block the spontaneous drive of Mercury in Aries: their square may reflect intellectual power struggles and a tendency to play mind games. During these days, we need to be careful not to be excessively harsh with both our words and our thoughts, as the effects can be more destructive than we expect. 

Mercury-Pluto contacts reflect a need to dive deeper, to understand life more thoroughly, to investigate, to seek the bottom line of everything: remaining on the surface is not an option. Their alignment is likely to inspire us to engage in deep introspection, which in turn has the potential to allow us to discover something new about ourselves and the world.


Mercury in Aries: Birthing New Ideas


During its journey through Aries, Mercury will form a series of harmonic sextiles with Saturn, Jupiter, the North Node, and Mars, which will help us navigate this transit and offer us opportunities to gain a more objective understanding of reality. These alignments, happening from April 10 to April 17, will support our capacity to make the most out of the increased mental energy, expand our current intellectual framework, think positively, and assert ourselves healthily.

While Mercury travels through Aries, our decision-making process tends to be quick and impulsive. We tend to get easily excited by our ideas and thoughts: we may feel in a hurry to act on them, to generate more excitement and changes in our external reality. Since Mars, ruler of Aries, will be in Gemini until April 23, we may notice some level of nervous restlessness and mental impatience.

Aries energy is about excitement and new beginnings: during the upcoming week, we will easily give birth to new ideas, yet we need to be careful of not neglecting or overlooking essential details. The transit of Mercury through Taurus, starting on April 19, will inspire us to consolidate what we have begun, helping us decide what we want to focus on and keep cultivating.

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To offer you more guidance we invite you to get our new April Horoscope which has it’s own dedicated journal, lots of practical exercises and healing tips to support you on your journey through the month of April. Blessings!


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